okay i found this woman a month or two ago and she seems to be quite sincere in what she says about the draconian and the illuminati and the federation

Her name is Colleen Thomas. She claims to be a pleiadian contactee and according to her these ships we think are coming October 13 may just be Vril Society Nazis pretending to be benevolent Nordics

She says these guys are being forced out by the vibrational level of the planet as well as by the Federation and want to take as many people as they can over to that planet they recently told everyone they found

Not sure it'll happen but just to be sure maybe you shouldn't get on any ships for at least a little while

She also goes into some other stuff I've never heard before and overall its quite informative

check it out

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  • Here is an interesting link I found I thought I'd share

    • excellent! thanks for posting Krhys, i've heard of that introduction protocol before from Alex Collier

      his was worded a little differently and he said you are to stand, look directly at them, whether you are scared or not, and it is the custom to bow (never taking your eyes off them) and say, " it is the manner and custom, when entering my space that permission be asked." Apparently, no matter who they are we are supposed to address them that way

      but i feel its more or less about getting across to them you are sovereign and an equal
      • I have been looking at the Eisenhower UFO incident 1954 and various other related YouTube clips and then I came upon this one. Though I basically already know this, but I found it very disturbing and I am not so convinced we will be able to know who is who...I truly hope we do.

        • ...follow the money trail..and u will know who is who...
          ...the ones who are interested in the money... are the "who"... and the rest are the other "who".. ;)
          ...and im not talking about the average Joe, who wishes to win the lotto for to be a millionaire...
          • ......absolutely.... :).. their nests can be difficult to unearth...;)..
  • V ery Interesting,keeping open to All,found this link had much food for thought as well
    • What about what you believe? Many believe that we are puppets to the so-called "Federation of Light."

      Anyone could be wrong and anyone could be right...

      I think the point is not to avoid messages of "darkness," but to not lend them our fear, so the "darkness" has nothing to feed off of, whether it is there or not.

      Not looking at the darkness doesn't do anything-- the darkness will still be there. But if you aren't afraid of the darkness, you may look at it and learn from it, and the darkness can't grow with your fear.
    • I hate being the bearer of bad news, but steven greer, head of the disclosure project, is either working for the reptilian agenda or is a reptilian shapeshift himself.
      • I think he is a Human who incarnated (star seeded) here from Orion. Many messages being sent in that way.
      • He does have a false feel to him. He's also got an MKUltra physique for a busy Science Doctor with many hats.
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