Fate is a force or agent of happenings appearing predetermined and unavoidable, a power ordering events and courses of unfolding being.
We often do not accept our fate thus causing struggle, uproar, anger and depression.
A friend of mine is a horse whisperer, like Robert Redford in the movie. It is unbelievable, really amazing. He is strong resisting wildne, and generally very gentle and silent.
You must know and listen, he said. There is no room for rage and anger, only silent and determined patience. You are the master, and the horse must know it by time.
His example was a great help understanding many things in life.
For instance the ego case. Instead of simply beating, fighting and even killing the ego, I rather prefer being an ego whisperer.
And so with the fate thing. It makes no sense fighting or struggeling against fate. I rather aknowledge fate coming from the Ground of Being in a way as it supposed to come. All happens as it is supposed to happen, at the right place in right time.
I am not able to prove that properly, but I know it, because all thet is and can be comes from the Ground of Being. Some call it God of All-Conscience or Big Spirit.
Being a fate whisperer is dealing with it not via struggle or fight, but gently and silent by latting go and letting happen.
The deep truth is:
All, that came into being from the Ground of Being is unfolding in the law of ever-changing, while appearing and diappearing. But nothing can ever get lost and forgotten.
It is like a drop or a wave of the big ocean - it appears and disappears and is forever part of the ocean.
Thus fate is only a temporal appearance of the moving All-Being coming from the love of the Ground of Being.
And fate whisperers simply take the ride on that moving wave - coming and going and changing...
I chose choice over fate. Control is an illusion, choice is the defining aspect of action.
That is good way to put it my friiend ego whisperers. :)))
Love and light.