FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994

In the wake of hundreds of dietary supplements recently being outlawed across the EU, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has quietly unleashed a regulatory scheme that, if fully implemented, could ban virtually all dietary supplements in the USA that were formulated after 1994.

That means nearly all superfoods, multivitamins, detox supplements, and medicinal herbal products we have all come to depend on to prevent disease and boost our immune health could soon be stripped from store shelves and outlawed across the nation. I call it the “End Game” of the FDA’s war against humanity: Phase one was the enforcement of nutritional ignorance by threatening and raiding companies that dared to make truthful health claims on their own websites. Phase two involves “nuking” the entire dietary supplements industry by simply denying the use of nearly all the ingredients presently used in supplement products.

On the front lines of health freedom

The discovery of this new End Game strategy by the FDA to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements comes to us from the Alliance for Natural Health, the leading health freedom non-profit group in America, and the group that consistently reports fact-based information on how the FDA and FTC are squashing health freedom in America. Their most recent announcement, entitled FDA’s New Sneak Attack on Supplements (http://www.anh-usa.org/fda-new-snea…) explains how this new assault on your freedom is being engineered by the FDA.

Here’s the brief story of where this comes from and how the FDA is now waging a new war on our vitamins, herbs and supplements:

In 1994, after years of armed raids, oppression and censorship by the FDA, Congress passed a law known as DSHEA. This is the law that essentially forced the FDA to stop regulating dietary supplements out of existence, and groups such as the Life Extension Foundation were instrumental in helping get this law passed in 1994.

But one of the little-known sections of the law required dietary supplement manufacturers to “notify” the FDA any time they used a new ingredient in their formulations. However, the details on how supplement companies were supposed to abide by these notification guidelines (called “NDI” or New Dietary Ingredient rules) were never published by the FDA, and since 1994, this entire section of DSHEA has remained essentially unenforced (or selectively enforced).

Now, suddenly, the FDA has decided it wants to enforce NDI, and its enforcement of this technicality would essentially amount to the FDA denying permission to use nearly all dietary supplement ingredients introduced since 1994. So last Friday, the FDA proposed its new rules on NDI — on the Friday before a long weekend, no less, which is a common tactic government uses when it wants to do something that nobody notices — and these new rules run the risk of being adopted as active regulations, threatening virtually the entire dietary supplement industry with an eventual shutdown.

Why did the FDA wait 17 years to take action on NDI rules? Believe it or not, this was mandated under the new Food Safety Bill (S.510 remember?) that Congress passed into law late last year without even reading the bill (http://www.naturalnews.com/030789_F…). So now, the FDA has been forced into issuing these new guidelines, and it obviously is going to take every opportunity it can to destroy the nutritional supplements industry (and thereby protect the profits of Big Pharma).

FDA goes Fukushima on dietary supplements

Importantly, nearly all vitamin and supplement ingredients could soon be banned under the FDA’s new NDI rules because very few supplement ingredients can be conclusively shown to have been widely used BEFORE 1994. As the ANH points out, the FDA recently banned a common form of vitamin B6 by claiming the vitamin was a “drug” that was never “approved” for use in supplements (http://www.anh-usa.org/when-is-a-vi…).

The upshot of all this is that by issuing new guidelines on the NDI requirements, the FDA can now essentially disallow the use of virtually all supplement ingredients that exist in the market today. As ANH warns:

“We fear that they will use this power to ban any supplement innovation unless the supplement is turned into a drug and brought through the drug approval process. Since nobody can afford to pay for the new drug approval process if the substance is not patented, and supplements generally already exist in nature and cannot therefore be patented, to require full new drug approval is to ensure that there will be no new supplements. This should suit the drug industry very well and, based on past behavior, the FDA as well.”

Supplement companies would need to seek FDA approval for all their formulations

Through this clever trick with NDI rules, the FDA can now position itself as the gatekeeper for all supplement approvals. Far from merely being a requirement to “notify” the FDA of the use of new ingredients, NDI rules essentially subject supplements to approval from the FDA.

As the FDA has proven time and time again, it can simply refuse to approve anything used in natural products. Even today, the FDA refuses to approve walnuts for preventing heart disease, or vitamin C preventing scurvy. The FDA won’t even admit that vitamin D can prevent rickets! Imagine the difficulty of trying to get the FDA to approve cherry extracts, or Chinese medicine herbs, or glucosamine for that matter. Nearly all the top supplements you’ve come to enjoy and value over the last two and a half decades are now threatened with being utterly outlawed and stripped off the shelves.

But synthetic drugs need no notification approval!

Amazingly (or maybe not, if you know the FDA), the new NDI rules state that synthetic copies of natural molecules are exempted from any new reporting requirements. Thus, drug companies that commit biopiracy and steal molecules from nature then turn them into chemical drugs are exempted from this whole thing. But natural product companies offering safe, effective and full-spectrum nutrients made by Mother Nature are suddenly put out of business.

“In these proposed rules, the FDA has effectively created a de facto pre-market approval system” for nutritional supplements, says the ANH. And the FDA will, of course, routinely deny virtually all supplement ingredients from ever being approved. Because the FDA is already on the record with its position that there is no such thing as any vitamin, nutrient, herb or food that has any biological effect whatsoever that could prevent, cure or reverse any disease or health condition.

That’s the FDA’s official position! With that kind of distortion, it is impossible for this agency to ever recognize the innate ability of any natural ingredient to actually produce a health benefit.

If these new FDA regulations go into effect, your access to dietary supplements could simply disappear before the end of this year, turning vitamin sellers into “criminal dealers” and “smugglers” (much like raw milk retailers today). Armed FDA raids would be conducted on vitamin and supplement companies, and the founders of those companies would be rounded up and sent to prison for their “crimes” of selling unapproved ingredients.

This is the FDA’s end game. Even if the FDA only partially enforces this new rule, it would still place a heavy compliance burden on small nutritional supplement companies. As the ANH says, “The bottom line is that when new and unreasonable burdens are placed on supplement manufacturers, it immediately becomes a financial increase for consumers. And if the pressure becomes too great, the nutritional supplements on which you rely may simply become unavailable.”

That’s exactly what the FDA wants, of course: To put dietary supplement companies out of business, leaving the field open only to those pharma-chemical vitamin companies largely owned by the drug companies themselves. They use synthetic chemicals which are NOT subjected to these new FDA rules. Many of those synthetic vitamins are, in essence, poisons. Isn’t it interesting that the FDA says companies need no approval to use poisons in their formulations, but they need FDA permission to use natural substances that actually prevent disease?

Learn more at the ANH: http://www.anh-usa.org/fda-new-snea…

Read the FDA recommended regulations yourself

You can view them at:


Full article


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  • I guess some of these individuals that have more than enough money than they will ever need find the next addiction to fulfill...Power.
  • Why does this not surprise me..There will be a lot of last ditch efforts before all the dark kingpins let go of trying to oppress we the people.
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