Fear is an emotion that is inside of you. Any thing that you view in reality that causes you fear or you believe to be fear related, could also be viewed as unfearful to someone else. My point is that the fear is inside YOU and not in the words or reality you view. If fear rises up in you regarding something that you are reading or perceive, then in reality that shows YOU that YOU still have some fear inside of YOU. I hear this excuse time and time again from light workers that this is fear based or that is fear based. However, that fear is the emotion that YOU feel. However, reality just IS. Information just is. If you claim to be a light worker (light is information) then why not practice shedding light on the subject you feel is fear. A light worker expels darkness. I never seen so many light workers run from the dark. I never seen so many light workers fail to shine their light. We live in a Dark (3d) world. We are surrounded by darkness. Yet these so-called light workers could not even light the inside of a closet because they have so much fear inside themselves that as soon as something in reality appears dark, they run back to the "safety zone". What is the purpose of being in 3D if you are not here to deal with fear? What purpose does a light worker serve if it is not to expel the dark? Great character comes from doing light work, not claiming to be a light worker, then when something in reality appears to be fear based you escape to the light. Um, holdup, your supposed to be shedding light not running from the emotion of fear which is clearly inside of yourself.


"..As we remind you often, there is another team out here on the field. It is not only us, we have an opponent. They stand across the field from us, they wear black uniforms, they are very well organized and well-funded, devious and crafty..."

-channeled by Greg Giles

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  • I just came from outside... and experienced something like what you describe, after arriving at the station I see a woman uncosciouss liying in the ground, and a friend of her screaming and crying at her to wake up, no one was helping them (bystander effect?) for an split of a second I didn't knew what to do, even tempted to walk away but I made the decision to stay and help. I also feeled more fear when I didn't felt any pulse but I stayed with them ( oh and by the way, the ambulence never came because she drinked, and here they don't usually send ambulances for people who had something due to alcohol) untill she came back.

    I may had gone a bit out of topic sorry, I just had to share it with someone... I know I did a good thing, but I also felt fear sometimes, but I knew that that wouldn't help, and I think I controlled it.

    • Wow thats amazing!! .You did not let fear overtake you!

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    • Okay Misa I appreciate your response...How can fear be created by outside factors if one has no fear inside of them, Do you think Jesus was fearful?

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        • Im speechles You'sa..:-)

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            • LOL

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  • fear is an emotion it has to be inside, then projected outward. I dont know what fear based manipulation is. this is why I posted the discussion. What is fear based? when so much of reality can be considered fear. It seems to be all up to the one discerning if they are going to label something fear based or not. Its all just a matter of perception, If you perceive something as loving, that is because you have love inside, love is an emotion the same goes for fear, in order to label something as fear, you have to have it inside of you, in order to recognize it as such

    • Agreed. Fear and all emotions come from within. I believe fear is based on belief systems, usually subconscious. We create our own realities through thought and emotion. Everything on the outside is a reflection of the inside. Individually and collectively. Clearing old belief systems and patterns that do not serve, is one of my ultimate goals. We are living an illusion... Spiritual evolution 101, so to speak. "They", "Light workers" you refer to in this post are your creation, your version of them and visa versa. We, at aSoul level, are all in contract with each other for spiritual learning and progression. Fear plays it's roll in our evolution.
      • Wow!..I feel that!

  • they are afraid to use the light at their disposal, the information they have. they are good a labeling something as fear based but no good and dealing with it. Since you mention the dark cabal, how do we overcome if we refuse to discuss them, learn about them, engage them. If you want to find the dark cabal then come out of your circle of lightworkers and engage them. Spread light, they will show up! Hard to find the cabal when all one does is hang out at ashtar command. its like having a fully charged battery but you never use it. just keep charging and charging and charging, but not dispensing any energy.

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