Multidimensional food for thought...
“Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.” ~Shakespeare
The bad thing about all the devil’s being here is that we’re surrounded by goddamned devils. The good thing about all the devil’s being here is that we have something to fight against, something to overcome. We have something to be stronger than, healthier than, more flexible than. We have a rigid fragility to shatter over our flexible antifragility. We have a cowardice to match our courage against. We have an excuse to “rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light!” In short: we have an enemy.
But the enemy isn’t people, necessarily. Get that out of your head. That kind of thinking is for outdated warmongers. No. This enemy is an abstraction of people. It’s an unhealthy disease that has taken root inside people. It’s a cancerous way of seeing the world that has made people blind to truth and open to deception.
The truth is that people are psychosocial sponges. They are easily manipulated. They are easy to trick. They are easy to convince. This is because most people don’t question things. They don’t question themselves. They don’t question their religions. They don’t question the law. They don’t question authority. They don’t question the government. They don’t question the “profoundly sick society” they grew up in.
And it’s precisely because they don’t question things that these tiny deceptions take root and eventually grow into giant devils that eat away at reasoning, twist logic, and leave people “convinced” of things that, when weighed against universal laws, simply are not healthy.
So, why don’t they question things? The simple answer is: fear. Most people are afraid of the answers they’ll come up with. What if the answers are scary? What if the answers prove that your job is immoral? What if the answers reveal that you’ve devoted your life to a folly? What if the answers expose your government for war crimes? What if the answers make you so uncomfortable that you must reevaluate your core values? What if the answers reveal that you never had healthy, authentic values to begin with? What if they were nothing more than hand-me-down, outdated nonsense reeking of parochial ignorance? What then?
The trick (after questioning everything) is to find something to fight for, not against. To find something worth defending. To find something worthy of your courage. To discover a healthy cause and then defend it. As William James said, “We are all ready to be savage in some cause. The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of the cause.”
So, we’ve come to a crossroads. Ask yourself: What’s a worthier cause? War or freedom? What’s healthier? Defending freedom or fighting a war? What’s more moral (or less immoral)? Killing someone in self-defense or killing someone because it was an order?
The key is not to be overreaching with your cause. Don’t be offensive with your cause, only defensive. In other words: don’t violently force your cause onto others, but also don’t allow others to violently force their cause onto you. Don’t be overreaching. Allow for freedom. Allow others to take your values into consideration and move on if they don’t consent. Don’t hinder the freedom of others because you think you know what’s best for them. Just be an example of what’s best, of what’s healthy, and hope that they choose healthy values over unhealthy ones.
If they get it, they won’t hinder your freedom. They won’t bludgeon you with their values, or overreach with their power, or force you to do things without your consent. If they don’t get it, then you’ll have to defend yourself against their tyranny. You’ll have to defend yourself against their overreach of power and their attempt at forcing you without your consent. As Gandhi controversially stated, “When there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.”
Here’s the thing, down and dirty: If your values are based upon violence being the solution to problems, then your values are immoral and unhealthy. If your values are based upon hindering the freedom of others, then your values are immoral and unhealthy. If your values are based upon coercing people to give you money even if they haven’t consented, then your values are immoral and unhealthy. Bottom line: if your values are based upon violating the non-aggression principle, the golden rule, or the universal laws of healthy survival, then your values are immoral and unhealthy.
It really is that simple. What makes it complicated is cultural conditioning. What makes it complicated is people not questioning their petty indoctrinations: religion, politics, nationalism. What makes it complicated is that most people have been brainwashed into thinking that their shitty, unhealthy, nonaggression-principle-violating, golden-rule-violating, universal-law-violating values are good. What makes it complicated is fear.
The enemy of freedom is fear. It always has been. But it’s a particular flavor of fear that ignorantly consumes people. It’s the kind of fear that keeps people entrenched, that keeps them locked into tiny comfort zones and cowardly clinging to overreaching security measures. So perhaps the more precise phrase is this: the enemy of freedom is the fearful. Ask yourself: what’s scarier? Fear or the fearful?
It is fearful cowards clinging to comfort, security, and safety that make excuses for dropping bombs. It’s fearful cowards who choose fighting wars over defending freedom. It’s fearful cowards who think it’s more moral or less immoral to kill someone because it was an order over killing someone in self-defense. It’s fearful cowards who would rather be secure and comfortable but at war than insecure and uncomfortable defending freedom. It’s fearful cowards who think that state violence against free humans is a solution to problems. It’s fearful cowards who think it’s okay to hinder the freedom (immigration) of others. It’s fearful cowards who violate the non-aggression principle, the golden rule, and the universal laws of healthy survival.
So, here’s some healthy advice that doesn’t violate the nonaggression principle, the golden rule, or the universal laws that govern healthy survival: Moderate comfort and focus on courage. Moderate weaponry and focus on livingry. Moderate violence and focus on non-violent self-defense. Moderate security and focus on freedom. And, finally, moderate power over others and focus on cooperation. As Arundhati Roy profoundly stated, “the only thing worth globalizing is dissent.”
The 10 Primary Directives of Mainstream Media
by Sigmund Fraud
The circus never stops, and no matter who cries fake news against whom, the fact remains that we have entered the post-truth, post-credibility, post-sanity, post-free speech world. While censorship is coming out into the open, the major corporate news organizations still have tremendous reach into the hollows of public consciousness, giving them power to direct and deflect public attention onto or away from whatever they choose.
The news industry parrots scripted narratives and talking points that are written for them by corporate, financial and political interests. This massive public relations and propaganda effort targets the intelligence, common sense and emotional stability of the body politic. It’s part of the endgame of order out of chaos.
Once you wake up to this game, though, it’s easy to see the framework in which they operate, and when you do, the talking heads and recycled government experts are a joke, albeit a dangerous one. Their tactics become more and more obvious, and their intent is easy recognized for its duplicity, subterfuge and hypocrisy.
They want to cram your mind into well-crafted box. It doesn’t matter if you end up in the right side or the left side of the box, as long as you don’t leave and so long as you stay focused on the flickering lights of the flat screen, ignoring anything that is not directly in front of you.
Corporate media has become a weapon of war, and they follow a certain missive. Consider the following directives that drive nearly everything you seen in mainstream news.
1. Be Afraid, Not Empowered
2. Omit and Forget
3. Self-Destruction is Cool, Self-Awareness is a Crime
4. You are a Victim, The State is Your Savior
5. Overreact, Don’t Over Think
6. Enrage Don’t Engage
7. Indulge, Don’t Conserve
8. Stoke Conflict, Ridicule Peace
9. Permanent War is Normal and Expected
10. Panic, Don’t Prepare
Now that we’ve entered the age of open government-backed corporate censorship of the internet, the mainstream media is actively seeking to shut down independent and dissident voices. In order to do so, they must engage in treachery of every form. If you believe that you have a right to the truth, a right to speak out, and a right to demand genuine peace and justice, then you’d better be paying attention.
The 5 Most Dangerous Demands of Fear
by Dylan Charles
It seems the fear is taking over. After all, it’s been such an integral part of our lives for such a long a time now that, sadly, life just wouldn’t feel normal without it.
They used to say that if it bleeds it leads, implying that fear-pimping was somehow an acceptable part of economic growth. But, we know there’s more to the story. We know that fear is a tool used for social control. It’s a weapon of mass destruction and mass deterioration of mental health. It’s a technique used to entrap us into lower consciousness, to keep us humming along in a dense vibration. It keeps the reptilian brain in the driver’s seat, and used to create conflict and chaos.
Most importantly, though, fear, whether real or perceived, keeps us focused on survival and security, forgetting that abundance and cooperation are both possible and far more enjoyable.
“Fear begins and ends with the desire to be secure; inward and outward security, with the desire to be certain, to have permanency. The continuity of permanence is sought in every direction, in virtue, in relationship, in action, in experience, in knowledge, in outward and inward things. To find security and be secure is the everlasting cry. It is this insistent demand that breeds fear.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti
Those in positions of power in government and in the media know this all too well. They use fear to influence the behavior of the masses. They front it as an offer we can’t refuse, telling us it’s okay to be afraid, because, we have them to protect us. They use it as justification for the ever-expanding military industrial complex and the Orwellian Permanent War. They use it to manufacture human consent. and to manufacture tolerance of the ever-incessant attacks on privacy and liberty.
And here’s the catch-22: The more we give in to the tyranny of fear, the less secure we are. Fear is a trap, and here are five tricks it uses to enslave you.
1.) The Fear Tells You to Indulge in Anger & Hate
This one is widely understood, but worth repeating. If you’re unable to overcome fear, then you’re open to anger and hate, of which we see so much of in our world today. What is rarely discussed, however, is that fear is what fuels the anger and hate, and that fear that drives the unrest and chaos we see in our world.
Yoda, of course, said it best: “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” ~Yoda
2.) The Fear Expects You to Abandon Rationality
There’s a stark difference between fear and caution. Caution is a functional process that occurs in the present moment to keep us out of immediate danger. The fear in question here, on the other hand, is more like an art form, a type of refined capacity of human imagination. And imagination doesn’t need rationality.
Fear tells us to ignore facts, statistics and direct experience, and focus instead on hype, sensationalism and comforting lies. It draws our attention to the worst case scenarios, no matter how ludicrous they may be. From this perspective, sensible solutions to problems are practically invisible, and options are thin.
3.) The Fear Wants You to Try to Control Things Which are Beyond Your Control
“We think we are running things. But unless we reconcile what our unconscious and subconscious fears and motivations are, we are just a child on a bus with a toy steering wheel making ‘vroom’ sounds with our mouth. We aren’t in control of shit.” ~Aubrey Marcus
As individuals, there is only one thing in this world that we control: Ourselves. We have absolutely no say in the thoughts and judgements of other people, we have no control over the actions of others, and we have no control over the development or course of world events. We only have the ability to control our own thoughts, actions and reactions, although, fear would have us believe otherwise.
4.) The Fear Instructs to Take Sides & Mob Up
Divide and Conquer works as a political strategy because it capitalizes on fear to push people into groups and mobs in attempt to find security. We see this in big ways in society today, and as hearts harden and the war of rhetoric heats up, people will find it more and more comforting to join a group and participate in mob action. Fear is driving us toward a new feudalism, into a new divide.
“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.” ~Hans F, Hansen
Do you have the courage to stand alone?
5.) The Fear Orders You to Close Up Your Heart
Heart-centered being is anything but a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it is the most courageous way of being, for it requires you to be vulnerable, a feat which is only possible when you totally abandon fear. But fear orders you to keep the heart closed. It tells you to lock up love in a safe place and guard it with the ferociousness of a caged lion.
When fear subjugates love, humans become wild animals, incapable of accessing empathy or of exhibiting compassion.
“Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” ~Paulo Coelho
Final Thoughts
Fear certainly can be a dangerous master, but what exactly is it? Can you touch it? Can you see it? What color is it? Is it even real, or is it really just a lapse in discipline of the mind?
Spiritual growth stops until fear is confronted and overcome, but, on the path to self-mastery, fear is the first thing to go. It’s the first unneeded part of yourself that gets ferreted out of the psyche and dragged into light from the dark hollows of the subconscious mind. It doesn’t serve you well, and your spirit knows this. Do you hear it?
"How do you reconcile your subconscious? Get still enough to hear it whisper to you, and then bring it into awareness. How do you get still? Meditation, floating, yoga, breath, ecstatic dance, plant medicine, time in nature… many ways up the mountain.” ~Aubrey Marcus