Feel like I could burst in tears!

I do not find eny other suitable place for this topic...I feel so unbelivebly down today that I could burst in tears...today morning I felt awfully anxious that i could almost have threw myselfe out of the balcony. I begged Michael for comfort, not long after i could feel my axoity disapear no more descusting feeling like ants are crawling all over your body...But still I feel so incredibly down....


Now, let me tell you about something. In December 2011 i had a nice dream or vision as I would call it! I and 2 other girls. One girl wanted to swim and she wanted to swim in a lake that was in the forest. We started walking there and to a V turn! Instead of turning right I just stopped! Right infront of me I could see a feald and a space craft that was standing in the feald...My curiosity took over since I am curious by nature! I went to the field and to the ship. I saw the space ships door open and natturaly I went inside...

When I was inside the ship I was going to investigate but did not get far before I heard a woice and turned around! There stood 3 humanoids, 3 handsome humanoid men. One smiled and said to me " I see we have a visitor. Perhaps you would like a small tour around the ship?" I said "Thank you that would bee fun". He started to show me around the ship, The ship was extremly high tec and when i mean high tec I truly mean extremly high tec. Laboratories,halls,high tec computer rooms etc. He told me that their mothership was even much much more bigger than this ship and could hold much more people than the ship i was in. When we came back to the enter exit door, the man asked me if I wanted to come for a spin to outer space, to see mars and other planets. I somehow at that point did not feel that comfortable with that idea...so I said " No, not this time" He gave me a warm and understanding smile and said " That is ok, I understand! My offer will allways bee open for you if you change your mind" I said "Thank you! I promice to let you know if I change my mind" He smiled a loving warm smile and I got out from the ship where the other two girls stood and waited for me...I woke up shortly after....That morning i woke upp with a smile and felt kind of happy actually...


In middle of January 2012 I started to get visited by a man in my dream. Same man came into my dreams a whoul week. He had black long hair and a muscular atletic built body and heavenly gordeous brown eyes witch was filled with love,sypathy and comfort! I felt so incredible good to bee in his arms. So incredible loved. I Have never felt this kind of intence love from an earth man ever that this man gave! I could have bursted in tears of happiness just to bee in his comfortable loving arms. His kisses was soft and filld with love and his lipps where soft and nice! And the way he looked at me with his gordeous brown eyes...Could make the hardest off ice melt....Just to look at his warm loving eyes made me feel like... I can´t explain other that it was amazingly wonderfull to look deeply in his eyes. And his smile was warm and filled with love and compassion...I was affraid to ask his name for some reson...but who cares as long as I can bee with this magnificent man I thought to myselfe....

This man came into my dream daily for 8 days. And we just came eachother just closer and closer till 5th  night (in a dream) it got to the point when our love got so tence that we ended up making love! I have never in my whoul life had such good sex that i had with him! The sex was absolutely heavenly and he knew exactly how to please me! I came meny times in a row. Something no man has ever been able to give me. Thous men I have had relationship to that is.

After that dream I could even some time during the day feel intence loving kisses on my neck and that that someone was holding me tight while he was caressing me! I felt so loved and just that touch made me want him even more...Naturaly I did not see him but I could feel his sensual kisses on my neck and his caress while he held me tight...

I was with him as I said everyday in 8 days when he came in my dream. The 8th day when i was in train Icould feel him touch my face and kiss me... It felt great but I told him that " Please not now! I off to visit my parents. I get vack after 6 days". It stopped. During the 6 days i missed him extremly a lot and when I sat on the train to het back home all I could think of was this man that has wisited my dreams daily in 8 days...Few days passed without nothing. I started to bee very sad and wondered if I had hurted his feelings...One evening I looked out the window to look at the stars for a while. I closed my eyes and asked...who is this man that has wiseted in my dreams....

2 days later a name popped upp for no parent reson. It was strange it just popped up out of no where...The name was Xzion..that name followed me everywhere it did not want to go away....

So my friend told me to google it, but i could not make eny sence out of it...One night before I went to sleep I decided to meditate and see if I could contact Quezla (Pleiadian guy) and see if he knew enything about who or what Xzion was. I had not seen this man that had visited my dreans for almost 2 weeks and not even felt his tounch. The same day when I before I went to meditate and sleep I was cleaning the kichen when something strange happend. I heard a voice say to me " Put your clothes and wear warm clothes and come out" I got in some sort of trance cause I do not remember much of it other than when I came out of trance i stood on the other side of the road and infrpnt of me was  a wheat field. The voice also said when I stood there looking at the field trying to figure out why it had led me there..."Come here when the sky is clear, now go home and rest, you are runing out of energy". I went directly back home in half trance state. All i remember was that i feelt totaly exhosted and woke up in bed. That was the same day before I started meditating asking Quezla qhi Xzion was.

That same night I got some sort of vision cause it was like someone snapped with a finger and picture came upp and snapped again and it was gone.


In the first vission I stood what looked to me like a nother planet, looked somehow similar to earth but still not realy. I was close to a gordeous watherfall. The wather was magnificently clear, the air i was breathing was amaxingly fresh and clear and the forest around me and that watherfall was absolutely beautify..Suddenly I saw a man standing with his back turned to me. He had long black hair, was muscular built and athletic. His ass was muscular and gordeous. He had some sort of black tight pants that looked like lycra,but still it was not lycra. He had a gold coloured belt also. I could feel my heart beat fast, he looked familiar somehow I thought,but I was not realy sure...Sudenly the dream dissapears like in a snapp and a new dream came. Suddenly I stood in a hallway...that reminded me of some sort off research facility or university. I could not figure out witch, I started to walk till I came to a hall with tables and chairs. The chairs looked very comfortable in design. Suddenly I see a man standing near the wall. I looked at him for a while! He had black long hair and muscular athletic built body and black tight pants and gold coloured belt! I could feel my heart start beating fast..I started moving towards him. He looked upp and a scream and joy came all over my body! I was close to burst in tears of tears when I saw who it was...it was HIM...the man who had come in my dreams daily for 8 days and the man wich touch and kisses I felt during the time I was awake...Our eyes met and he gave me a warm loving smile! I started to run towards him while I shouted out his name of joy "XZION!!!!" he opened his arms and looked deeply in my eyes with pure love! I putted my head on his chest while I still was holding him tight. He had one arm around my weist while his other hand was on my head caressing my head while he gavee me a loving kiss on my head....I felt so happy and secure in his arms, so peacefull and so loved. I looked at him and met his warm loving brown eyes..Sudenly I could hear myselfe asking him " Are you goth?" He started laughing and O could see his perfect teeth. His laugh was warm and loving. I felt a shamed that I have asked him that...but deep inside of me I knew,he was not got, he just simply liked black like pants....I putted my head in his chest while i still was holding him tight and I smiled....Suddenly the dream disapeared like in a snap again and a new dream came upp... Now I was standing in a building that looked similar to the second dream. I was trying to get used to the place when I found a door with a warning sign...it said WARNING! Prohibited to enter without confirmation from the personel... And with my curious nature I decided to investigate! I saw a man that came out from that room. I started to spy on him. Later I saw him go back to that room. Now my curiosity was to high! I runt to that room and opened the door! The man was gon! Like the room had swollowed him upp..I closed the door and tryed to figure out an answer! I started to feel nausea and a bit dissy! It felt like some sort of magnetic field was in that room...Like some sort of star portal, that was about to bee activated. I started to feel so dissy and nausea that I left the room. Stright after I left the room and closed the door the dream wanished again like someone snapped a finger...

I have not seen Xzion in my dream för a while and I can not help wonder if something has haapend to him...I feel so sad when he is not around me! I have come to this conclusion that Xzion is probably an alien. I am sure he is not spirit or even angel like michael...but a flesh and blood alien...I do not know why that is,,,perhaps because i do not bealive angels and spirits comes and have sex with you...specially not spirits...and when it comes to angels...well i was learned from little that they where holy and did not come and had sex with you...so for me an alien  makes more sence...

You probably would think I am a fucked upp crazy woman. But all I Know is that my body is screaming after Xzion and after the day I can put my hands around him and feel him in flesh....So far I have mixed feelings and I feel very sad....I know from the bottom of my heart and soul Xzion is my soulmate. But to not bee able to hold your soulmate in flesh cause he is so far away is realt difficult! My heart is screaming out his name every night! I am probably the only person in the whoul planet that has experiences this! I do not know if it was so smart to bring this upp, but I needed to lighten my burdon and chare my intergalactical experience! All i want is that Xzion is coming down to earth...so I can bee with him. That is all i want!!!!! :(

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  • Well I think it's a danger zone, to be relying on anyone, no matter who they are, and feeling sad and lonely when they're not there. I think that's what happens when you're not truly in touch with self, and you need other people to make you feel whole. I mean clearly that's how it is. And it's not based on love, it's based on fear and lack of self love.

    And I know romance and love is important, but....to me, it's not a necessity. I don't need it lol It's nice to have it, and I'm pretty romantic, but it's better to give than receive lol I don't need to receive it, I rather give it. I'm already too full of myself anyways, so I don't need to look for a sense of self from others lol

    I understand though, that we can't always be alone...or we will ultimately start feeling lonely...we do need others to interact and share with...but as far as needing romantic love....naaahh lol It's nice but I think true love comes from within and is something you share with others, not something others give you to make you feel loved.

    • you would not be here today if you did not rely on people

      you relied on your parents and teachers and farmers and a million other people to be able to live, even now you rely on others for food clothing and energy.  unless you built everything you use and all the power for those things yourself, you are RELYING on others

      have a nice day,

      also you say its bad to be alone but we need others, that is called a contradiction like most of your beliefs

      • Look Jimmy Haze, I'm getting tired of you following me around just to contradict everything I say and try to put me down. I mean, what's the matter with you lol If you're unhappy with yourself, well I feel bad for that, but you don't have to try and tear other people down just to make yourself feel better. Connect with yourself, and find your happiness within....

  • Thank you everyone! I am so glad to bee here around people that understands you, what you are going trough! I could have a whould loads of story to tell... I have ever since child been different from others and cause of that I have experienced mental abuse you could say from others! I have mostly liked to bee by myselfe because of that...It was in my teens i discovered my unusual gift...that for christian people would have been devilish...Well you know how they feel about paranormal stuff...

    It started when i was young! I was a sleep in my dream my mom got sick she started to vomit,ended up in hospital and the drs could not find the reson of her illness.. so they called dissy illness. One week later my dream became real and it happend exactly as I saw in my dream.

    I also saw a car bomb in a nother dream. bodyparts flying all over! I woke upp in coldsweat. Guess what? Two days later it happend exactly like in the dream.

    I also saw Estonias disater in a dream, a week later it was on the news...


    Over the years I Have noticed that it is thous dreams that you could almost smell and thouch that seem to bee visions and not "dreams"

    Normal dreams are not that clear and you can not feel or smell it and there is allways something wierd that is going, like a troll popping upp and meny other wierd stuff...When i have visions I can pretty much both feel and smell, like it is so real that I could truly touch it...also the dream is much clearer like you could not see the defference in reality and a dream...

    1998 when i was going to go get some fast food I walked on the side way close by the graveyard and the church... on the other side was the park. I do not know why but i stoped walking and turned around. It was then i saw it! A HUGE cirklelike light that covered a huge area.. The light was even little more brighter than it is on the day time in the sun. You could not even see the street lights light cause of that bright circle! I am pretty certain it was a UFO! I am of very curious nature so I wanted to go and investifate! I took my first step towards it when my legs freezed. I could´t move my legs no mather how much I wanted to! Then I hear this manly voys! "STOP! Do not come here" The brigt circle was there for some time till it disapeared like a flash of light in the sky! It was very strange...I was 18 year of age at that point! After it disapeard my legs came back and i started my jurney to get the fast food! I remember feeling happy at that point somehow also! Strange, I can describe why! But it was when i was 30 years of age when i excperienced some extremly paranormal stuff

    Like when i sat in the bathroom I could hear the lightswitch go on and of and the light went on and off! The light switch was on the other side the closed toilet door! I could smell smoke like someone was smoking a tobaco infront off me...Once a book came flying with a force right on the floor from the bookselfe when i sat in the sofa! I calmly said, yeah i know you are here stop throw my things! In that apartment i lived in then was this very depressing energy... I later found out from the next door neighbour that the young man that used to live there took suicide by jumping off the balcony. He died instantly! He also told me that this young man was a smoker! That maked sence to me since I often could smell smoke, like someone was smoking, someone I could not see...

    Meny who have lived there has moved out fast...I remember when I was going to visist my old next door neighbor, he is an alcoholic and I feel pitty for him. He is a good soul othervice! He just could not handle his death of his dad and he took to the bottle..Well enyway I was going to pay him a visit and walked troung my old apartment! I saw the new person that was renting it! His face was filled of fear! I could see he was scared and uncomfortable... I felt sorry for him...It did not took long before he moved out! That apartment is pretty much allways empty....

    I could have loads to tell...but it would bee so much to read then...


    Something happend few minutes ago! I was looking out trough the window when I suddenly felt his wonderfull kisses again, his intence loving touch! My whoul body was creaming of joy and desire after him! "Xzion I calmly said" While i enjoyed every single minute of it! Suddenly a wave of anxoity came trough my body, i started to feel very dissy! I felt awfully uncomfortable started to walk restlessly... It just got worce and I could feel my legs could not carry me eny more! I was forced to lie down on the floor! It just got worce, I got extremly scared my whould body was chaking like I was stroke by lightning...It was awfull.. I screamed out " MICHAEL HELP!" While i started to cry while my body was chaking like i lightning was constant coming down on my body. I could feel myselfe fighting against it... I could suddenly feel a nice precense with me....two manly voices said " Let is go light_diva, let it go". Not long after I gave upp fighting it, it became weaker and suddenly it disapearde.... I was totaly exhosted after wards.... After that experience I started feeling like I was freezing...I was forsed to put my shirt on. Did not take to long when that feeling disapeard and I could take my shirt off...

    Well that is the experience I just had few minutes back...This ordeal can bee fraky at times! That i can truly tell you!

  • Believe it or not, your story is not uncommon amongst the lightworkers.  I know a few people with soul mates in the other dimensions... sounds very exciting and wonderful, so happy for you to experience unconditional love.  I know it's very hard to wait to be with your love, haha , trust me, I've learned all sorts of patience waiting to be with mine :)  It's like looking in the window at the sweet shop when you are really hungry and not being allowed to have any. 

    I can just share that you were allowed to experience and remember it for a reason, so that you aren't afraid when you do meet him in the flesh.  Your experience is very special and not many people can remember their lovers, please keep your hopes alive, he DOES exist and is closer than you think.  Keep calling his name before you go to sleep and ask to remember..... good luck, bless you on your journey :)

  • Well I can't say I don't know how it feels to have your heart ripped into a million peices since I do. However there's lots of things that we can see in our dreams that are in fact just as real as we are. If you feel he may be a certain origion then he might but anthing with sexual organs can have sex with something else that does too if they are both consenting to it. Sometimes even when their not and that includes angels. Sorry but it does, if it didin't there wouldn't be the current race of humans running around populating the entire world with that same dna that we picked up from it. I feel for you and I truly hope it gets better. I have no soulmate, and I never will. At least you got to experience something most people have to die countless times to glimpse at. *Hugs* it'll be okay. It just takes time.

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