Here are the two blackwitnesses:
Click for interview with Ferguson shooting eyewitness Michael Brady.
Click for interview with Ferguson shooting eyewitness Tiffany Mitchell.
Here are the two white witnesses:
Click for St. Louis Post Dispatch interview with two eyewitness white construction workers.
All accounts sound very, very similar to each other. I say the cop is dirty.
I haven't delved too deeply into this Ferguson thing, but the fact that they left the body there for FOUR HOURS sounds like some sort of set-up to me. Remember: They WANT race riots.
Another thing that gets me is they left Brown's body laying in the street for over 4 hours and the cops refused to let EMT's near it. I believe most of the Ferguson PD is corrupt.
WOW! go to 2:31 of this video: as a St. Louis hacker recorded the police radio channel at time of Ferguson shooting. The Ferguson police never called in the shooting or reported it; the St. Louis police heard about the Ferguson shooting incident from the local news (AND FERGUSON'S POLICE DEPARTMENT STILL DIDN'T REPORT ON THE SHOOTING AT THE TIME THE NEWS REPORTED ON THE INCIDENT!)