Im having alot of trouble trying to find friends my age. Im a 17 year old senior in high school. im into spirituality and extraterrestrials. It very unsettling for me. I was wondering if anyone on this forums has networking opportunities or experience opportunities they would be willing to share.
The friends i currently have are into cigarettes, hard metal bands, and alot of negative energy. One of them are one of my best friends and hes part of the reason im here today with out him i would not have been able to experience meditation ect. I cant forcefully change him for i believe in free will. Its jeust hard being around him when he emits so much negative energy. He just refuses to listen to my suggestions and thinks im have crazy talking about of the kinds of solutions i try to inform him on. For example, cutting the bad music out of his life, choose better friends, and stop abusing substances. Hes a good kid, i dont want to loose him to 'darkness' so to speak.
I ask some of you please, for suggestions or even pray for him. Hes having a long time and needs help.
Thanks for everything in advanced! :)
Thanks everyone for your wonderful input! :D I really just hope he gets better and come to realization of what is purpose in life is.
You might recommend him to switch to electronic cigarettes instead - as they do not nearly as much damage as smoking.
Let them be and don't try to force change into them. The person being negative here is you, so accept them for who they are and if you can't handle it, leave. Don't complain.
Well, whenever you look at somebody, try to remember, every perspective is valid (based on what that person has experienced).
As said before, you'll find a lot of people here who understand what you're saying. I'm 14, so I have.. LESS experience than you do.
Hey seth.
I hope for you and your friend the best. As I am also a 17 year old senior in high school. I'd mainly have to agree with Reiz,
I'm young so I don't have great wisdom as others on this site, but I just wanted to say you can find friends you relate to on this site. Best of luck man
P.S Just wanted to let you know your not alone!
His music he listens to has hate violence sex drugs and satanic subliminal messages. The things he listens to are swaying him into a depression. He is completely confused. He has seen a psychic/friend and she says the same thing im saying.... I just worry for his well being. He seems to be completely oblivious to how his family and some of his friends feel. Its deeply saddening :(