In the Library of Sophia (Philo Sophia), is a book that contains letters in the form of symbols / glyphs / key codes. These have been created from light - black fire on white fire to create ‘fire letters’.
This book has within it pages of equal small squares and in each, a perfectly placed symbol – all different. Very neat and very precise. These are used to create ‘words that build’. The letters are structured from symbols that represent sacred geometry and many that show the rudimentary shapes of all ancient languages - Berber / Arabic Abjad is very close to this. The lines, symbols and shapes when combined and overlaid each other create a unique ‘glyph’ that has the power to build or create the object they represent. The glyph has meaning in that it becomes a blueprint or tool to build the form of matter – it is an electro-magnetic key word. The word is transportable – it can be moved and placed in any time, any space, in any universe and in any dimension. The word can be passed from one to another – it can be understood and reproduced. They are unlimited in their use and potential. They allow all who understand their power to create from choice – of free will. The letters form the Absolute Universal Creator’s language.
Words created from the language are multi-dimensional, created across many dimensions, differing vibrations of electro-magnetic energy. They can only be created and evoked by a creator being that has mastered all the relevant dimensions and frequency range of vibrations. Knowledge of the fire letters can create pyramids and crumble mountains. Each word composed from the language cannot be misinterpreted. They have the same concept everywhere in the universe. They cannot be used or thought of in any other way than they are. The language is immutable, it remains permanent and constant. This is the language of Spiritual and Physical Laws and Creation. It is the language that creates gravity and forces, that holds together atoms, that makes stars burn and planets spin. This is the language of DNA – the set of language codes that describe the whole blueprint from the first atom to the last fingerprint. It is the universal language that creates and holds together every part of consciousness – it is the equations of form and of matter itself.
Mandela’s, geometry, alchemy, crop circles all contain elements of the fire letters combined into words. We each have within every cell of our bodies, the ability to unlock the fire letters. Our senses understand the words and translate them – they do not need to be spoken or written, they can be seen, they can be heard, they can be tasted, be felt and brought to conscious awareness. They can generate feelings, emotions and memories which are universal – they speak to every being in the universe in one language – they are each of a vibration that can be understood by all.
If we still our minds, our higher self will talk to us using this language.
The language creates form itself – we are the spoken word, created by the Breath of Intelligence and the Particles of Matter, Alpha and Omega. God is the created Word – I AM. All matter is the Word of God.
It is the natural language, the Universal language – the Language of Light.
Language of Light - DNA Activation