Might not be the best place to throw this in-to.
My wife lost her interest for me...not love ...at least that is what she says.
She mentioned the word divorce to.
30 years we have A conection and now this...
Problem is i was pointed in her direction to help her by...a higher source.
Seems i lost track of what i was suposed to do, and am now devestated by this news.
Yes we have talked ...yes i have heard her...still she has no clue why this happened.
She asks me for help but then turns it down...
So here i am wondering what to do next.
Mind you that i am not talking about the mere marriage Ego world thing...at least not me.
I am shure i should just let it go...still i have this strange feeling i need to stick around untill
what i was suposed to do ...is done.
Still there seems to be a part of me that knows and keeps going without these ups and downs.
I know people might think i am in denial, but i know i am not.
One can not keep on doing the same things over and over again this is not natural.
Once a person has gone through grieve and pain and sorrow, the lesson is learned .
No need to go this deep again to get the point.
It is the same with love, once one knows it, one does not need to seek it al the time...lesson is learned.
The same with the anger and hate fase...i have been there and done that a long time ago...no need to bring it up again...and i have tried now to do so...it is not there anymore...:))
But like i mentioned before the information is avalable to use as one pleases if one is to play the Ego game and keep on going in the dark al the time.
Katt...time is relative with me, it seems to have lost effect, one moment is not the other.
Sometimes one needs to take action in predicting things in the near future. Even if it was just a hinch from another place.
Nice to see so manny people here with lots of wisdom, it makes me happy, even in the midlle of a storm...:))
My wife is al Ego now, and me i keep doing my thing like a avatar once said..." be in this world but not of this world"...
The most incredibel thing is that we have powers that we could use to change things but we don't use them...untill we are on the same level. It is weird how we do not give power to the Ego once we know.
I could use every trick in the book to make her change...still i wait untill it happens naturaly.
The voice in me tels me to just point her into a direction and let her help herself...so that is what i will do.
After my kundalini experience i have changed a lot in the way i see things, i have no personal gain anymore doing things.
Things seem to be more universal, me being just a instrument for greater good. And i even enjoy it, things seem to flow through me. It is just a pitty that manny people think i still function on Ego level. So they work against me, they get into endless stupid arguments that just leads them to where they took of.
Now about my relationschip with my wife, this will be the last one if it turns out to go wrong.
I have a feeling inside that is the way it should be.
With this is a feeling of time to leave this planet. I will think about it, i have this strange inside law that does not allow me to leave anybody behind.
I will have to look into this a bit more.
It seems we kept contact on a astral level for years ...actualy 28 years. Untill one day we met again on internet through a bunch of conecting e-mails from friends and family.
We recognised eachother on al the stuf i had written down from my astral travels.
It is funny that in my last relationship i had to help her to let me go.
Now this marriage is a bit diff, in the way that the connection is more on a spiritual level than anything else.
We were making great progress untill she changed, now only work and things like her I-phone are important.
I am shure i have already moved on...my mind always seems to drag behind.
But still it is a pitty when someone this evolved falls into mondain traps, that puts one way behind from where they were before.
And then comes the fact that i knew this was going to happen before we moved to PR.
Still i went on with it because there seemed to be no other way, that same voice that told me to take care of her
told me to go there even if it ment going through hardship and pain.
Now i can just watch how thing unfold wether i like it personaly or not.
The pain has lost it's power years ago, not by pushing it inside but letting it show itself and then letting it go.
What is funny is the Ego or mind still thinks it can play the game and i see it jumping up and down and twist around. While my inner self is just as calm as always.
It also does not help that my inner child does not stop teasing my whole self into these ridiculous toughts.
She told me the other day that she does not love herself and it keeps her from loving me.
I can see it in her, that she has lost the joy in her eyes and something came up on her.
I have seen it in other people to manny times.
i can relate to this because before my kundalini experience i used to have the same problem.
Thing is, last time i tried to help someone witht his problem i ended up in hospital totaly sucked drie of my energy.
I know even if it doe snot seem obvious that i am here to help her with this, not for my own gain but because she is going into the wrong direction right now and there is still time to help her see it.
What her decisions will be after that is out of my hands.
Why do i have this urge to help i do not know, it has been with me sinds i can remember.
Anyways thanks for the encouraging words i get here, to work with the invisible powers is not eazy but something inside me can't help it.
I think there are alot of energies in the universe re-positioning themselves right now, and this may be a result of your paths needing to take a different direction. You are a special person, and I'm sure you have shared some great experiences in the time that you have had together....
Try and keep the bond of friendship with her if that can work for both of you, if you remain freinds then maybe you can help each other through this in a good way.
Don't let this experience ruin your trust in knowing that there are many beings in the universe who love you - and of coarse we are here for you as well :-)
How to trust when all changes every billion second?
I am way over hate and love things...
Still a part of me could just...this pain in the b-Ego thing always around the corner.
It does get one tired at the end...i really have no clue how people managed to live up to 800 years...
I am just in my 40's and i had enough already with al this Ego crap...
Since I've been there, done that, I would just encourage you to stay True to yourself and let go and detach as much as you possibly can from the circumstances. Do your best to think of this as a hidden blessing. There may be some growth you each need to do seperately; there may be another partner for each or one of you that would be more appropriate and more fulfilling.
I have no doubt that you are a highly evolved Soul, so, I can't see anything for you but a very bright future. Just don't take this personally. 'K?
Much Love to you.