FLIGHT 370 Advanced Astrology Analysis


My conclusion is on the bottom, under "Conclusion." NOTICE TO ASHTAR READERS AND POSTERS REGARDING DIEGO GARCIA AND FLIGHT 370:

the viral story of Flight 370 being diverted to Diego Garcia has its sources from one Sorcha Faal, WHO IS A KNOWN DISINFORMATIONIST AND FRAUDULENT WRITER OF CONSPIRACY STORIES FROM A SITE CALLED ATS ("Above Top Secret.").

Here's the link for this bullsh!t Diego Garcia story connected with Flight 370 that went viral:  http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1754.htm


US President Orders Military To Begin Jailing All Civilian Protestors To War 

Putin Orders Russian Military Forces To Attack US Forces During Iran Invasion????

Russia, China Order Forces To Highest Alert As US Forces Mass On Iranian Border 

Pravda: Imus Fired After He Threatened to Reveal 9/11 secrets 

Massive ULF 'Blast' Detected In US Bridge Collapse Catastrophe 

US 'Shoot on Site' Order Issued For Escaping Americans 

Australia To Imprison All Muslims In Concentration Camps 

American Spy Satellite Downed In Peru 

‘Ship of Giants’ Said Attacked By Israel in Strike on Syria 

The above is a sliver of the threads available on ATS.

There is a common element to these "reports," the "author" Sorcha Faal. Who is "Sorcha Faal" and what is "her" agenda? 

Here is some insight: 

Reader Asks - 'Who Is Sorcha Faal?' 

Sorcha Faal 

FreedomCrowsNest Forum Index :: Out In The Cosmos :: Who is Sorcha Faal 

Who is ‘Sorcha Faal? A Posterboy for Mental Health 

Our own inquiry: 

Sorcha Faal: What's her story?  

And my favorite disclaimer regarding Sorcha Faal being used by a website:

Note:. There is no such person as “Sorcha Faal, Russian academic” “Sorcha Faal” is actually David Booth, an American computer programmer “Sorcha” is alleged to be a Russian academic but there is absolutely no record of anyone with such a name in Russian academia. These periodic eruptions have absolutely no basis in any kind of fact or reality and are typical of the nonsense bespangling the internet. These reports, however, have a good deal of entertainment value. This idiocy is almost as funny as the Scientology cult babblings. Ed. 

Catastrophic Atmospheric Blast in Southern Hemisphere Continues Global Weather Chaos as North American Plate Instability Increases and US President Orders Massive Troop Withdrawal from New Madrid Fault Zone Region 

So why does David Booth/Sorcha Faal perpetrate this fraud? Apparently it is an excellent way to solicit money, and to promote his/her/its book: 

'Pick Your Doomsday Scenario Here!" An Analysis of the David Booth Affair

THE DAVID BOOTH AFFAIR - Psyop Extraordinaire!! 

David Booth 

Sorcha Faal Strikes Again! 

David Booth - Plagiarist?

And he should be dead now: 

But he's not... He's still coming up with hoax after hoax... Most likely using the "Sorcha Faal" moniker because his name has been tied to hoax's, plagiarism and other unsavory undertakings. Why feed David Booth's need to yank on the collective internet user's chain? Why do people drink the Kool-aid and hang on to a particular story's veracity? Is it because it reflects their personal world view, or beliefs? I'm not sure... But I am sure that every time I see a Sorcha Faal article referenced the possibility of "Deny Ignorance" has been greatly reduced regarding that particular topic. 

I hope this helps some of the members and guests of ATS understand the true nature of the Sorcha Faal/David Booth viral hoax campaign...


Here are the facts regarding Flight 370:

(1) The ADS-B transponder ("black box") that transmits the location of the jet was turned off at 1:21 AM Malaysian time, March 8, 2014, near the Gulf of Thailand.  The last longitude and latitude degrees transmitted were 06North55'15" and 103East34'43" per transponder. This will be the data used to construct the horoscope, as this is accurate information in regards to when the actual sabotage probably took place.

(2) The airline pilot (Zaharie Ahmad Shah) had no military experience that could be found, so he was not trained in flying jets by means to divert and avoid radar.

(3) The two Iranians with stolen passports had no backgrounds or connections to terrorist organizations or with the Iranian government.

(4) If the plane was hijacked, it would not have "vanished."  Furthermore if the jet was flown higher than 43,000 feet to avoid radar, there would be a huge risk of destructive breakup of the jet (since it is not designed for flying with such high changes in altitude) as a result of compression to decompression with descending from such high altitudes. 

(5) The last "ping" from Flight 370 was at 8:11 AM, between Thailand and Kazakhstan near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. THIS IS NOWHERE NEAR DIEGO GARCIA. LOOK AT THE BAY OF BENGAL LOCATION BELOW AND THAT BAY RELATIVE TO THE DIEGO GARCIA MAP BELOW:

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

map of British Indian Ocean Territory

B.I.O.T. is "British Indian Ocean Territory."

locator map of British Indian Ocean Territory

The most unique astrological points to consider are the Midheaven and Ascendant, as these points are the most rapidly changing points of the zodiac and thus the most unique with the horoscope relative to the time of probable sabotage or disappearance of the Malaysian jet.


The Midheaven 0f 18Virgo15' is right in-between the stars of Mizar and Denebola. This is what my notes say about these two stars: 


Connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities; Vasishta, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major

15° Vir 50


ζ (Zeta) Ursæ Majoris
A2 (white) Mg.2.4

Denebola *

Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honours,undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes

21° Vir 46


β (Beta) Leonis
A4 (bluish-white) Mg.2.2

And here is my Midheaven tree of the breakdown of midpoints that bisect the Midheaven. MY INTERPRETATION IS BELOW IT:


"The reputation will be known as a depressing time relative to the event that took place. A murder took place in the environment, and this murder took place while travel was going on."

Now onto the Ascendant. The Ascendant is "the environment," or activities or persons involved with or taking place in the vicinity of the event. AGAIN, MY INTERPRETATION IS BELOW THE MIDPOINT TREE:


"The environment featured a congregation of research involved in communications and/or travel.  There were connections with advanced technology that involved propaganda, as well as a corporation or organization involved with very advanced technology that may be computer related and/or artificial intelligence related." 

Now onto Zero Degrees Aries.  This is the contact with the Earth itself relative to the event taking place. INTERPRETATION IS BELOW THE MIDPOINT TREE:


"The event had an impact on the Earth with an advanced technology from an important corporation and/or group of people with a known reputation for success.  The event resulted in intense ideas or propaganda being communicated and resulted in deceptive actions that ended international commerce or peace in some way."

Now the key midpoint: TRAVEL. This is the midpoint of Mercury/Saturn.  Note that the horoscope placement of Mercury (which rules travel over short distance) is in the Flight 370 horoscope third house (which rules travel)  while Saturn (which rules restrictions and limitations) is in the Flight 370 horoscope twelfth house (which rules disappointments, service, and deception).  There is a weak to strong 90 degree square between these two planets, and square aspect angles are  considered to be sharp conflicts.  HENCE, from a basic astrology viewpoint, a conflict with travel was probable relative to this location.  MY INTERPRETATION IS BELOW THE MIDPOINT TREE:


"Travel was met with important technology from government sources.  A separation from the environment took place and there was murder committed from a source with a successful reputation.  Worldwide disgust and confusion with the calamity was present, along with deception of the event."

WHAT ABOUT TIME OR DIMENSIONAL PORTALS?  This has been discussed with some of the various UFO discussion blogs as a reason for the "disappearance" of Flight 370.  The probable midpoint formula for this "disappearance" is Uranus/Neptune.  AGAIN, MY INTERPRETATION IS BELOW THE MIDPOINT TREE:


"Transition into the beyond or disappearance took place via technology from an important organization.  A great display of force of a most intense and deadly type resulted in confusion/deception and a removal or absence of important technology."

EXTRATERRESTRIAL INVOLVEMENT?? We are talking about the planetoid Chiron. But note that Chiron can also define very advanced technology, or another higher stage in evolution relative to a craft, trade, study, or practice.  INTERPRETATION IS BELOW THE MIDPOINT TREE:


"An advancement in a certain exotic technology was activated and resulted in the deaths and separations of men and women organized for a special purpose.  A high level criminal or a criminal government was responsible for giving orders for the murder." 

HENCE WE SEE INVOLVEMENT OF "a high level criminal or a criminal government" with Flight 370.  Let's look at the formula for "a high level criminal or a criminal government," which is Hades/Kronos.  INTERPRETATION IS BELOW THE MIDPOINT TREE:


"A high level criminal or criminal government had success with a scientific research team/organization.  The research team/organization was involved with a murder that could not be noticed or seen by external sources."

Now onto Terrorism.  Terrorism is Uranus/Hades; I am aware it could also be Mars/Hades.  Uranus/Hades was defined by Gary Christen as "a very mean act," as well as murder.  This seems to fit the terrorism definition better, but Mars /Hades could probably work as well.  For now I'll stick with Uranus/Hades.  The interpretation is below Midpoint tree.


"A criminal organization with an ingenious idea or application affected powerful travel and/or communication.  The actions involved powerful and advanced technology."

I am sorry to say that as was the case with the John F. Kennedy assassination, the mafia doesn't have the knowledge or resources for this kind of thing.  A very serious criminal organization would, and such an organization would have to have important powerful government connections to make the type of impact featured with Flight 370.

Finally, lets look at some type-three planetary picture formulas and the midpoint formula for "sudden intrusion of government/authorities," which is Uranus/Kronos (on the very bottom).  Interpretations are within the formulas below:




Because of the current growing rifts and "saber rattling" taking place between Russia, the United States, and China, I suspect that Flight 370 was a cold-blooded murder via a new type and demonstration of technology from one of these three nations.  All of these nations are currently run by mentally ill people who have absolutely no problem with murdering innocent people who they will never have known; the objective is to make a point via the showing off a new type of weapon at the behest of their money addicted sponsors.  Flight 370 may be a new "Los Alamos test" of a certain type of a top secret weapon (except real people were used in the test, and not mannequins).

I am aware of the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence, but most ET's usually don't hurt anyone SPECIFICALLY unless it's really warranted (note that the tall white aliens reportedly will kill any life-form that hurts their children). And unlike the Bermuda Triangle, the strait of water between Malaysia and Vietnam doesn't have a reputation for disappearance of aircraft.    

The astrology points to murder, with possible government and high level criminal elements of government involved with this murder, along with use of advanced technology.

Just as humans were experimented with syphilis at Tuskegee without their informed consent or knowledge, humans may have been experimented upon with the tragedy of Flight 370. I hope I am wrong and that the passengers are alive, but the astrology is unfortunately strongly immersed with definitions of murder and advanced technology in their vicinity.  And I hope I'm wrong.

Love to all, Malcolm

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  • Yeah, but that was the last satellite "handshake" with flight 370 at that particular time (8:11 AM; the flight left Malaysia at 12:41 AM). So where did it go?  Did it refuel someplace?  This has high level foul play all over it, and I don't think a standard airline pilot with no military or intelligence credentials could pull something like this off with so many professional investigators scratching their heads.

    It's a real "where's Waldo?"

    If it did go to Diego Garcia, we probably would have heard about it by now due to some media attention on that base because of some concerned media inquiries with Diego Garcia.  It's a real mystery.  I still suspect the crew was murdered, and the jet may be somewhere in south Asia.     

  • I couldn't find any reports of U.S. Navy involvement in the Bay of Bengal area, unless it's super classified. Unless the jet was refueled in some way, there is no way the jet could make it to Diego Garcia since it carried eight hours of fuel and had its last "ping" via satellite "handshake" 7 1/2  hours later in the Bay of Bengal.

    Vietnam certified that Flight 370 never entered their air space, which it would have to do if it were to go to China. It's possible that it may have landed somewhere in the South Asia mountains, but you would need a pilot who was really good to do this.  I still think there is a cover-up, and that Flight 370 was an experiment with some type of new military or advanced espionage application was used and the crew was murdered to keep the experiment a secret.

    Here's the latest possible flight path scenario per the government of Vietnam:


  • The airline officials stated that the jet had enough fuel for eight hours. Since the last "ping" was in the Bay of Bengal location at 7 1/2 hours after takeoff (at 8:11 AM), the answer is NO, YOUR ROUTE ISN'T POSSIBLE. 

    Unless the jet was refueled in mid air, of which 777's are not designed for.  Or refueled at another location.

    • Last satellite calculated "ping" location at 8:41 AM:

      Andaman and Nicobar Islands

  • Thanks, and thank you for the cool "PEACE" graphic. Feather Winger is good with those graphics also.  One of these days I'll learn how to post such.

    ONE THING I MISSED.  From a basic astrology perspective, check out the Moon in Gemini ("people involved in travel and/or communications") and its location near the Descendant.  Robert Hand called the Descendant "the area of open enemies," and the Moon in Gemini passed over this point after takeoff.  "People involved in travel and/or communications" (i.e. airline passengers, traffic control, pilots, etc.) may have encountered an "open enemy."  The Moon was near the star of Hyades at time of takeoff.  Here are what my notes say about this star:

    Hyades *

      Scandal, violence, disgrace, imprisonment; bringer of   rain.   Weapons of the Gods.   A nebulous cluster of 7 stars in the face of the Bull

    5° Gem 53


      Saturn/ Mercury
    Group of 7 stars in face of Bull

    γ (Gamma) Tauri
    G9 (yellow) Mg.3.9

    Also note that the description of the star is Saturn/Mercury, which rules travel!  I wish I noticed this placement earlier.

    Peace out, Malcolm

  • The Russians just announced that they suspect the plane was possibly hijacked by the U.S. to remove important cargo. CHECK OUT MY URANUS/NEPTUNE INTERPRETATION OF "transition into the unknown beyond or other dimension." This fits the Russian interpretation, if that was what actually happened.

    I still suspect that some type of new weapon was showcased among the saber rattling going on, much like the Hiroshima nuclear bomb was showcased by the U.S. to the Soviet Union (despite Japan willing to surrender before the Hiroshima bombing took place).  The use of a hijacking to grab a top secret cargo would attract a lot of attention, especially since this incident took place in the neighborhood of both the Russians and the Chinese.

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