OK-Conclusive it was a hijacking to Pakistan based on satellite equipment on board was tampered with during the flight-only problem is there's no plane, no demands by hijackers, no passengers.

A security guard stands at a main gate of the missing Shah's house in Shah Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur

Investigators say the missing Malaysia Airlines jet was hijacked, steered off-course and could have reached Pakistan.

A Malaysian government official said people with significant flying experience could have turned off the flight's communication devices. 

The representative said that hijacking theory was now 'conclusive', and, as a result, police have raided the luxury homes of both the captain and the co-pilot. 

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The last known position of MH370 was pinpointed as it headed east over Peninsular Malaysia. Radar pings then suggest the plane could have then taken two paths along 'corridors' which are currently being searched, which are a fixed distance from the radar station in the Indian Ocean (left)

The last known position of MH370 was pinpointed as it headed east over Peninsular Malaysia. Radar pings then suggest the plane could have then taken two paths along 'corridors' which are currently being searched, which are a fixed distance from the radar station in the Indian Ocean (left)

Entrance: The gates outside the home of co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid which has been searched by police

Entrance: The gates outside the home of co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid which has been searched by police

Journalists gathered outside Hamid's home in Shah Alam as police turned their attention to those on board as part of the wide-ranging probe

Journalists gathered outside Hamid's home in Shah Alam as police turned their attention to those on board as part of the wide-ranging probe

Probe: Police in Kuala Lumpur searched the home of Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, after news the plane was hijacked
Police have also raided the home of Fariq Abdul Hamid

Investigators have now raided the homes of both Capt. Zahari Ahmad Shah (left) and Fariq Abdul Hamid in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur 

Zahari Ahmad Shah, 53, the pilot, and Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, are now being investigated as police in Kuala Lumpur search for signs of foul play.



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2581488/It-WAS-hijacked-Malaysian-official-says-CONCLUSIVE-jet-carrying-239-hijacked-35-000-ft-individual-group-significant-flying-experience.html#ixzz2w8o9Zkao 
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  • Where is The Malaysian Airliner?

    I wonder if REMOTE VIEWERS have been used to try and locate this missing plane? I know that they have had success locating downed planes in the past.

    Did you realize that some amazing Info has even been obtained by several Remote Viewers who have actually viewed aliens! There’s a book out there detailing some of these remote viewers interactions with aliens.

    Now, using the same procedures used by the military to spy on enemy targets, with a very high success rate, some of these military remote viewers have actually spied on aliens! Not only on or near our planet, but also some more distant locations!

    Check out this website to see how it works:

    • All that site seems to wanna do is to sell me things. Tell me, where can I read about how it works without having to use a credit card first?

    • there was a post here with some remote viewing results but there was really no answer

  • Drekx:  Yes, I know you're right, but I like to believe in the MYSTERIOUS!

    • Actually, there is more data coming in on this which suggests that the mystery and coverup are beyond a single madman, as we are beginning to see a conspiritorial event that could have been controlled by the US Navy, diverting a biological package on board the plane, to a remote US military installation on the Indian ocean island of Diego Garcia....The plane may be intact and the passengers and crew in quarantine...Time will tell, but the US is not owning up to anything, as yet...and have apparently abducted this flight.....for an unknown duration.

  • lol

  • There ya go, this photographic evidence clinches it...The plane was abducted by a giant Buddha statue... ;-)

    • Drekx:  LOL.

  • Drekx:  But isn't LIFE stranger than fiction?  Only time will tell.

  • It was taken by ASHTAR ship to Hollow Earth- soon the people will come forward to tell there story this is all part of UFO DISCLOSURE......

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