Focus, Lightworkers! Tectonic Plates,Oceans & the Heart of Mother Earth Meditation by Lord Ashtar
Tectonic Plates and Oceans Heart of Mother Earth Meditation
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Today, Every Day for the Next Seven Days, At Least ***15*** Minutes Per Day
channeled by Rev. Janisel -- janisel(((@)))
Greetings, Ashtar back with you again! We will be asking YOU quite regularly to focus on eliminating the Fear within the Human Grid, but for the next meditation you are asked to focus on three of your planetary grids. As Gaia continues to shudder and shake as she makes her way into a higher frequency, there is need to bring a balance that will prevent a wobble of the planet. Thus YOU are asked to do the following meditation during your coming week.
To begin, we remind you to perform the Protocol [Ground, Center, and Intend for your energies to join those of Sananda's Eagles] you have been given, and to then send the Energy of Love to the following grids, five minutes each, please.
First, to what you term the tectonic plates of the Earth.
Secondly, to the oceans of the Earth.
Thirdly, to the Heart of your beloved Mother Earth.
Lastly, We of the Higher Realms would like to remind all of you how powerful you are as Co-Creators with us. We are amazed by your tenacity and perseverance as we watch you overcome one obstacle after another. Job well done, my brothers and sisters! I Am Ashtar, sending you my heartfelt love and gratitude for your service.
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Thank you! <3 Blessings! <3