The following was transcribed verbatim from:
With ability to travel outside of the time construct, we can partner with these Earth changes in much deeper intimacy for the greater shifts to occur within the entire holographic field overlay...
As Gaia has shifted into a higher frequential oscillation, we too have been quickened in our molecular spin ratios. With so many lightworkers now accelerating as a unified harmonic, the collective "ring passeth not" has finally lifted, gifting us big opening into the fields of multi-dimension. Many of us are more easily perceiving and consciously experiencing alternate realities and timelines which is essential to our planetary service work.
With ability to travel outside of the time construct, we can partner with these Earth changes in much deeper intimacy for the greater shifts to occur within the entire holographic field overlay and even PRIOR TO some of these events actually happening. Working outside of the time-space continuum is the greatest influencing factor to shift mass consciousness, prophecy and other potentials that carry destructive, apocalyptic outcomes.
This perception from a "no time" reality also has tremendous impact upon our efforts to assist with consciousness repolarization and energy stabilization.
Understanding Non Linear Logic and Time
(simply put!)
Lower dimensions operate under the concepts of linear logic and linear time, which result in the experiences of duality. Higher dimensions operate under the concepts of non-linear logic and non-linear time, which result in the experience of oneness AND separateness at the same moment.
According to the linear logic, only one of the following statements is true at any given moment:
A > B
A < B
A = B
According to the non-linear logic all the above statements are true at the same moment, always. Hence, in the unification of matter, there is no good or bad, right or wrong. All just is.
According to the principle of linear time, time moves from the past to present to future at the same rate and you can only experience only one reality at any given moment. The concept of linear time results in the experiences of fear, disease, death, scarcity.
According to the principle of non-linear time, time moves in both directions at varying rates based on one's choice. We can experience multiple realities at the same moment! The concept of non-linear time results in the experiences of radiant youthful body, immortality, abundance and infinite realities.
In order to transition into higher dimension and to affect greater change upon our transitioning Earth plane, may we begin to operate more from the principles of non-linear logic and non-linear time. We create our future by dreaming it and manifesting that experience in the present moment, just by the willing.
In other words, we collapse time by experiencing our future in the present moment. Every moment that we collapse time, the resulting energy disrupts the co-created linear reality around us.
Imagine how effortlessly the current dense earth reality can dissolve and the new reality simultaneously emerge, when thousands of us operate in this way and are constantly collapsing time by experiencing future golden realities NOW.
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