“St. Germaine” and “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell

“Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco


(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on November 20, 2016)


“St. Germain”

I am “St. Germain”. I am here now to continue this process that has begun long ago. We are now together at this moment, at this time, like a moment in history. Just prior to the moment in history that changes everything.


We know in your discussion today you spoke of this. You spoke of these changes coming. You spoke of how everything is about to shift. Or that you want it to shift.


I tell you, as “St. Germain” along with all of my brothers and sisters out there, you are all saying that the time is now. As you look out at all that is occurring, all that is happening in the “what you call” the external world, that everything that is happening in the external world is first happening within you in internal fashion.


We are creating this entire new planet, this new Golden Age, we are creating this together. You hear of those things called the revaluation. You hear of NESARA. You hear of many changes that have already begun. The advent of what has been known as Brexit. The advent of your recent elections.


There are so many things happening yet behind the scenes, much of this. Much of it is also coming out into the understanding, into the forefront. So that you can see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears.  These changes are swiftly coming upon you now.


Up until this point it has been a trickle but as our “One Who Serves” brother said, the floodgates will be opening. You will begin to see more and more truth come forward. More and more understanding that you have been the ones, all along, that brought this about. You, the Lightworkers. You the ones who share the light. And those you share it with are all a part of this great undertaking.


NESARA will be announced. Disclosure of the Galactic presence will be announced. The financial situation you know right now will not be much longer. It will go through a transition such as each of you is going through a transition. You are transitioning into a new level of understanding within yourselves. An understanding that you once had and as understanding that is coming back to you as who you are.


As has been spoken, you and your Higher Selves are one. That is certainly true. We are all one with everyone, with everything. We are one with Prime Creator, Himself and Herself. We are all the same energy, the same love energy. There has never been a disconnect from this energy. We have always been one. We will always be one.


Together, you and I and all the others who mentor to you will lift this planet up to a higher state of knowing and understanding of itself, as the Collective Consciousness of man becomes all that it can be and all that it is meant to be. The darkness that you have come to know and understand will be no more. For darkness cannot exist within the light. Even the smallest ember of light can illuminate a dark room.


I am “St. Germain”. I will be with you shortly in what you call your Advance. We will be very much with you at that time.


All my peace and love be with all of you.


“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you. “One Who Serves” here with you as you know. You certainly know who we are. You hear this funny Tibetan voice come and you think, that’s the “One Who Serves”.


We do not necessarily have a message to follow “St. Germain” but know that everything is happening just as it needs to be. No disconnect here. Everything is wonderful. We wish for you to see that more and more and to feel that more and more. Everything is wonderful within your world. You are exactly where you need to be when you exactly need to be there.


There is no concern that things are not happening the way they are meant to. Please understand that everything is happening exactly the way it needs to be. Everything is being orchestrated as we say many times. Sit back and enjoy the show because this is an amazing show that will be put on before you. You are going to be a part of. You will be participating in this show. You have already been participating in this and now it is about to really begin. OK?


We are ready now for questions. “Ashira” is standing by.


Q: I am interested in our Higher Self. I am connected with her and I was wondering if she will be my light body when I come out of a healing chamber or what? What happens in the end?


“One Who Serves”

First, there is no end. You say when we get to the end of all of this. There is no end. It is all eternal. So it will continue on and on, ad infinitum here.


Secondly, there is no she or her. That is putting it outside of yourself. You are saying “I am going to be with her or she with me” which means you are not her. She or he, not. So please understand there is no disconnect here. Only in your mind.


You and your Higher Self have always been one. And all of the multidimensional selves are also all one. You see? So when you go into the healing chamber as you are saying, you are moving in at the same time with your Higher Self. You are going to be in there together. You will emerge from that much more feeling connected at that time then you feel now. OK?



You hit the dot. We would say that when you come out of the healing chamber that you will feel very different and feel much more connected in your conscious mind at that pointy it time.


“One Who Serves”

We are also going to say here, since the crystal chamber has come up here that when we do this process at the next Advance you will experience a beginning part of this. You will more into the chamber in your astral form. You will feel the energies rising in you and bringing about complete healing to those who are ready for this. This is for those who are ready for this and have prepared for this. You will understand more when we are there.


And know that is not only for those in person but for those who participate by phone. There is no time or space. All can participate.  


Q: I understand that we are multidimensional beings having other existences in other dimensions and universes. I heard that about 35% of our being is here. ‘What happens when we go into the light chambers? Do we all merge together?


“One Who Serves”

When you have moved through this entire Ascension Process, when you have so-called Ascended, at that point you will have the merging of all of you. Up until that point it will be a process along the way. Different parts of you will be coming together. Parts of your physical, your astral and etheric body as well.


For up until this time, those who Ascended have not brought their physical body with them. This is the difference here. You are going to bring your physical body into these higher dimensional realities. You will have this body in a sense. It will be lighter. It will be more full of light. It will be somewhat different because it will not be as dense as it has been.


The more you move into fifth dimension and higher you lose the sense of the physical body. It will replaced with a knowing connection with your entire multidimensional self. These are your multidimensional bodies becoming all as one. You will not need to worry about your multidimensional selves/bodies because they are in their own state at this time. At some time, some frequency in the future, there will be a complete merging of all of them.



We find it interesting that you have a concern about all of these other lives. They are all coming together. It is not something that you can imagine at this point in time. It is a different way of looking at things but as you continue to move forward in this Ascension Process you will see in times coming an ability to see these different lives and it is not available to you just now. But it will be.


“One Who Serves”

Please understand that most of these things we are speaking of, we are preparing you of what is coming. In your present 3D illusion world you are still in though you cannot see though the veil here.  You cannot see the forest through the trees. You see? But it is still there.  The forest is completely there and as you move through it you will have these experiences we have been speaking of.


Q: Will we be with our Twin Flames before or after our healing chambers?


“One Who Serves”

That is on an individual basis here. We cannot say for anyone specifically when that will be. That is very particular to the individual.



You did not answer very much.


We will agree though that each couple has their experiences and it depends on what has been written for them. Keep an eye out!


Q: Once we move through the third dimensional stuff and on to fifth dimension, do we not have male and female?


Not initially. That come much late at a much higher dimensional frequency. We cannot tell you what dimension that will occur at this time because it is not meant for you to know this. We don’t want to spoil the surprise for you.


Comment: The reason I ask is that we talk about Twi Flames I terms of male and female counterparts, it seems. I think it might change into one, not divided, it seems.


“One Who Serves”

Can we change the idea to energy? Into vibration and knowing the other vibration. This is more of what it is.  Whether it is male, female or whatever it might be. That is not important here. But know that your Twin Flame, that energy, that vibration is you. That counterpart of you is waiting there.



We would say that at this point in time on your planet there is a growing awareness of sexual differences. More awareness. More acceptance of all the varieties of sexual identities out there including those who state they are neither sex, not a sexual variety of any kind.


As this acceptance continues to move forward you, as a species, are coming to realize that there is a vast difference in the various “genders” that you have on this planet. As you move forward you will see that becomes more and more fluid.


The decisions to make will be about the variety of energies of each being. As you have that to depend upon as opposed to boy/girl, it will be very different for you to experience this. This will become more and more an opening to understanding on this planet as you move through this Ascension Process. OK?


“One Who Serves”

Again, it is all about vibration. You will know your Twin Soul by their vibration because it is your vibration.


Q: I had an experience a few nights back where I was taken though portals and two beings told me they were there to help me. Who are they and how can I continue this?



Congratulations! This is part of the opening of the veil for you, part of the experience that individuals are having, having a wide variety of experiences.


We would say this was a spoon feeding to you in terms of an experience. This gets your curiosity up and has you looking for these ones again who came to work with you, to share with you. As you move along you will see that there is a time when you are ready that they will take you more and show you more.


That is what is most important about your experience at this point in time. Again, we congratulate you.


“One Who Serves”

Yes, and as we always say here, be prepared to watch the show. We are not only speaking of the show that is going on outside of yourself, but of the show that is within. That is shifting within yourself as you regularly go through this transition. Within and out. So within and so without.


Q: Can you tell me who it is that is assisting me?



No, I am not going to do this. This is something you will have in conversation with them. Know that they are good and you do not have to worry about this taking a turn. You are in good hands.


Q:  I feel that my Twin Flame is with me all the time. Is that not so?


“One Who Serves”

She gets the prize here for coming to this understanding. For certainly yes, you and your Higher Self are always one and you are also one with your Twin Soul. There has never been a disconnect there as well.


Again this is only in the mind, in the programming where this has happened.


Q: You called it a Twin Soul, not a Twin Flame. So is the soul that merges?


“One Who Serves”

Yes, one in the same.


Q: How can I tell if my veil is dropping? Or am I seeing things that are happening through my Third Eye?


“One Who Serves”

You have just answered your own question. The experiences you have had you are already experiencing the lifting of the veil at different points, at different times within different vibrations. You see?


Q: How can I ease the vibrations in my body after I have my experiences?


“One Who Serves”

It is based on perspective. So as you are experiencing these various symptoms that we have been talking about for a very long time here as Ascension Symptoms, if your perspective is of ill, a malady of some type that is what it will appear to you to be.


But if you know this is a process you are going through and a wonderful experience as you go through it, it changes everything. This is a way to look at it. Not that you don’t feel dizzy, disoriented, stomachaches and more aren’t something you want to experience but if you look at it as something wonderful, there is a difference there. 



Taking a walk in bare feet on Mother Earth for twenty minutes or so will help to balance out your energies tremendously, More than meditating. Take the time to go outside for ten to twenty minutes to walk on Mother Earth and bless her.


“One Who Serves”

You can also utilize the black stone, obsidian, as a grounding agent. This can be helpful as well.


Q: It seems as though things are hung up. Are we holding it up?


 “One Who Serves”

That is in your mind.



You are exactly where you need to be. Everyone in this room is exactly where they need to be. Everyone in the entire Collective Consciousness is exactly where they need to be.


You are not expected to be rushing to the front of the line to be one of the early Ascension people. That is not necessary. You are going with your family. We have always talked about this that there will be those who are a little ahead and a big bunch in the middle and a few at the end.


You are on the beginning edge but you are on your perfect time. You are doing your perfect thing and everything is in Divine Order.


Q: That’s great. So I don’t have to feel frustrated or like I am blocking my good? Am I wasting energy?


“One Who Serves”

There is no waste of energy. It just is. There is nothing to be concerned about here because it is just a process here.


Please understand that you have all Ascended before. This is not your first go around here. This is the first time that you are taking the physical body with you, yes. It is not the first time you have Ascended and then come down in dimensional level, from that understanding here.


You have all created worlds. You have all been at the highest epitome wherever you have come from. You have volunteered to descend, if you wish to look at it this way. To come down in vibration. And to assist the population on this planet as the Lightworkers, the Light Sharers. This is what you are here for.


As you go through the Ascension Process, as you come closer to it, after the Crystal Chambers, certainly, you will find yourselves as remembering who you are. A full and complete understanding of who you are. You see?


No one judges you but you.


 Q: I have only had a couple of experiences of visiting with Spirit. It seems that the group has a lot more experiences. What can I do?



Would you believe that those in this room talk with their spirit guides out loud, all the time? If you do not have those conversations going on already, that is one thing that will assist you greatly.


That and having time to be quiet during the day, ten to fifteen minutes during the day, however long you have. This is time for mediation, quiet time to hear answers and guidance. And look at all the ways you are helped by your spirit guides, by those who are working with you and walking with you on this path. How they help you find things you are looking for. How they help you find a person you were looking for and did not know it.


They are working with you all the time. Open the line of communication. Talk to them and you will have answers.


“One Who Serves”

Believe it and you will see it. That is all you need to have here. The more you believe it, the more it will come. The more you speak out expecting an answer, the more you will receive an answer. Stay quiet, don’t acknowledge you have guides and what do you get? Nothing. Nothing that comes to your conscious knowing self.


If you throw it out there say, “I know you are there. I hear you.” If you acknowledge this, they will be more able to communicate with you. When we speak of they, we don’t necessarily speak of those outside yourself. But we also speak of your Higher Self communicating directly with you.


We release channel. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.



I am “Ashira”.


What a wonderful day today! Wonderful conversations before. Wonderful questions. Wonderful interaction. It is a wonderful world.


Believe it and you shall see it. Go about your day in your life in expectation of wonderful things happening. Know that every day your life is blessed and opens more and more on the Ascension Process.


Know that more and more in your world there are things happening that could affect you but from where you are seeing things you are observers. You are an observer of life watching it play out before you as watching a movie in a theater. No more attachment than that.


This is a world that is in great change. This is a group that is having a great tie analyzing these changes on a weekly basis. This is a group that we are very proud of. We are glad to be part of it. We are glad to be visiting each of you during the week. Whether you call on us or we stop in and visit, it is out pleasure. We hold each of you close to our hearts.


We give you our love and our blessings. Namaste.



Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

"Believing is seeing!"








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