Source and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell


These messages were given during our quarterly mountains "Advance" (formerly called retreat) in Payson, AZ on April 22, 2017



Note: Recording begins part way through this guided meditation (attended by 14 members in person and 40+ over the phone) by OWS:

And you are finding yourself now in front of this Temple of Wisdom (in an Etheric City)  and your guides, various guides, have joined you, masters, guides, angels, whatever it might be for you. But also notice that there are many that are gathering here beyond just this group. There are many that are gathering. There are angels floating in, many angels. The archangels are here. Everyone is here to witness what is about to occur here. Now as you have your guide, your master, your teacher, whatever it might be for you begin now to move in. You can walk in or you can float and it does not matter. But find yourself in the temple now. Go through the big doors that open up for you and move into this Temple.


The first thing you will see is a pillar of fire, the Eternal Flame. The Eternal Flame is burning on the stone with no fuel, nothing to give it fuel. It does not need it. It is eternal. It burns forever. It is a cleansing flame. And yes we are already seeing some of you have already answered it. You are already moving into this flame and you are going to become purged by this flame. This is where the Violet Flame comes from.


Find yourself moving into this flame. Do not worry about crowding your neighbor here. Everyone can come in at once. It is as you move in the flame grows and grows. And it burns away all the old memories; the old memories that are no longer needed in your life. They were needed for a time but they are gone now. The ones that have given you pain, the ones that need to be released now are being released. Also your patterns various patterns that you came in to this lifetime with can also be released now as well. Know this as you move into this flame that there is a release that is happening. If there are maladies that you are dealing with, sickness, illness of any kind it is purged within this flame. It is gone. You must believe.


Everyone move into the flame. Feel it moving around your entire body burning away all the old dross and everything that is no longer needed and from the flame from the fire you are born again anew. A new body, new memories, new life.


Now once you are through with this you can move out of the flame and continue on up the steps that are there. Continue up for the way here and move up to the top of the steps. Here is where we will ask now and if you can if it is possible to open up the phone lines here we would like to have input as to what you are witnessing, seeing, feeling, all of this, for this is an interactive process.


Now would anyone here in the room want to start. Would anyone here care to share what they are experiencing, feeling, seeing at this point?


Everything is okay. There is no right or wrong here. Go with your wildest imagination if that is what is needed. (Full of the love) that is what you are feeling. (Bliss. Freedom. Purity). Great (joy), yes. Joy. Yes!


(Lightness. Release). Anyone care to say what they are seeing? (Marble halls), (Golden white light coming from everywhere) yes wonderful. Now you're getting it good. (Iridescent orbs). Good iridescent orbs please explain that further. (As the light everywhere in the hall, it's like bubbles iridescent colors). Yes, very good. (Does this iridescent have something to do with the light, it seems like it's coming from the light?) (Flowers in the temple growing from the ceiling). (Golden trees and golden mountains). Golden mountains? Outside of the building we hope! (I see a lot of fountains, small fountains). Yes, yes wonderful. Keep going there is a reason for this exercise. (Standing in the purple flame was like being in an upside down waterfall). Very good. (Moving through rainbows). (I see the flame like Lotus and I see us all in that). (Our hands are like dancing). (And I have a pony with me who has been my guide). (I have a crown a beautiful crown of all these diamonds, it's like petals on the head). (It feels like were kind of all dancing to a similar rhythm together). Dancing to the same tune? Is that what you said here? (yes like in harmony and movement). Wonderful. (I was in white robes). There are  the great White brotherhood are certainly here. They are here enmasse. (It feels like a family reunion, like we know everybody so well). Wonderful! (The room seems really full). (I see doors beyond that were not visible before but they are visible now because we made them visible by our intending and our wishes and our joy and our happiness. They’re welcoming us to enter. That's what I see). Wonderful! (I feel like we’re all singing the same song). I see a Crystal word and it has maybe a candelabra or something, there's lots of  gold pillars going round this word and its spinning very slow,it's really beautiful like an iridescent blue, pearlescent).

Wonderful. (Unicorns. Unicorns are there). (I don't occurrence yes. I'm not in a human body at all). That's fine that your body though is not the human body, now you are in an etheric body. Does it have human form or is it something else? (It is a quadruped). Very good. Wonderful. (I perceive all these entities around us floating. It has like a little bubble of gold it's kind of white or translucent but I know there are other things they don't have the body like us they just float around and they're very joyful and happy to see us). Wonderful. (I feel like we’re all in the side to side rhythm kind of like water in the ocean back and forth). Very good. (I'm seeing this cloud floating above us and their like pearls flowing, there is so much golden iridescence). Yes.


Now we are going to conclude this part of this but the reason for doing this is to show you your imagination and how powerful it is. Because in this realm this is what creates. You create with your visualizations so everything that you just created here will remain here for some time. You have just created a new tapestry you might say here in this very temple for those that are here to enjoy. It was your imagination, it was your visualization that created this. And this is what it is going to be like for you when you move into the fifth dimension, into those higher vibrations through the ascension process. All of this. You are going to be able to create with your visualization skills which you are practicing now. You are toning them now getting them ready for this because it is going to be very important for you to build a new world from your imagination.


Now we want you to think about this for just a moment. What would it be like in those higher vibrations and to have a blank area like a field or something of this nature and begin to visualize a building a stream and lake ocean if you wish whatever it is to appear immediately and it will. And you will be creating your very own world.


And then all of you creating your very own worlds are going to come together as a collective world. You see? It is exactly the same thing you do here in this three-dimensional illusion then it just takes more time. But it is exactly. How many of you have visualize something here that you wanted and you crystallized that vision as much as you could, focused it, and it came to pass? Maybe a day later may be a week later maybe a month later maybe even a year later, but it came. This is what you are doing here. This is this part of it now. Now we are ready to move to the next step here.


We talked to you before about it was in the schedule here that we gave to the James that there would be a group initiation. And now this is what you're here for so if you continue on, notice there are new steps that just appeared here. They were not there before. Continue on up the steps to the top of the temple.


As you come to the top there in front of you is a great table on a stage, a large stage if you will. You are all going to now gather around this table. You do not need to hurry there is a seat for everyone. Just as you are ready to sit down a seat will appear. If you do not want us that you can stand that is up to you.


Everyone, around the table -- Just out of curiosity did anyone notice what type of table this is? A roundtable yes! We purposely did not say what type of table this was so you would see this. It is a roundtable. King Arthur and the Roundtable. You are all the knights here.


[Audio disturbance]

It's very important now for you to keep the noise down. It will break the image it will break the continuity here. Be very, very quiet. It is like the rabbit, no? The Bugs Bunny? This is what we are finding within the James here, the memories there.


Now you’re all around the table and all of your guides your masters your teachers have all gathered behind you. They are standing behind you. If there is one, both hands are on your shoulders or whatever it might be if they are not hands. If there are two, one is on one shoulder the other one has their hand on the other shoulder. If there are three their hand goes on your head.


Now, in comes Sananda. Sananda is always a part of these initiations. He has entered the room. Notice the majesty of Sananda, the light around Sananda as he walks in. White robe … his golden white robe. Somebody said yes. People are seeing this before we are even saying it. This is wonderful people. This is wonderful people. They are getting it. Very good.


He walks up – there is no end to the table so he walks up somewhere in the middle of all of you and stands there and waits. On the other side who knows who comes in next? Lady Nada. Yes wonderful. The two together. Very important here. And now comes the majesty Sanat Kumara riding in on his white horse. Majestic! He stands there on his horse overseeing all of this for this was his purpose. He came here from Venus as one of the Kumaras and agreed to stay with all of us to weather this through. He was not going to be one that would send us all to the planet as the volunteers, as the 144,000 and then abandon us. He agreed to stay. To stay the course throughout all and he is done so. Just as Sananda has also done so; Lady Nada and Archangel Michael and so on and so on. But Sanat Kumara is the Lord of This World. He is the one initiator. Whenever there is a major initiation that occurs Sanat Kumara makes his presence known. Not often though as fully as he is presenting himself here. Now he is stepping down from his horse and what is he carrying? Let us just say that he is carrying a sword, a great golden sword. A sword that is blazing with light. As he raises the sword above him and the light from the sword shines down on all at the table all in the room and as a whole, as a group, similar to what has occurred in the past with the knighting, he knights all of us, all of you here at the table as a group as one.


And as he lowers the sword the light goes to each and every one of you bathing you in this light. And it begins to swirl around in a vortex of energy around the table. Light swirling around you. Do you feel it? Do you see it?


Now he is going to do one more thing. We were not sure that he would follow through with this but the agreement has come and he is going to now do this. He is going to move to each and every one here at the table and one by one he is going to set his sword down on each shoulder, one at a time, starting with the right and going to the left and in a sense is knighting you, knighting you as a warrior, as a light warrior. Preparing you for the battle that is still yet ahead. Not a battle though as is here on this three-dimensional world. Not that type of battle, but a battle of light and love. A battle of surrender. Surrendering to your Higher God Self. Surrendering the ego, surrendering all.


So as he moves through each and every one touching first the right shoulder and then the left with his golden sword he is saying something to each one of you. You may remember it right away, it may come to you later. But whatever it is that he says to you now do not tell anyone. You must keep it to yourself. This is part of the initiation process. Everyone is receiving a personal initiation now as well as a group initiation.


There is a moment here for you each to receive this and receive the words that he whispers to you.


He's just about around the table now getting the last ones.


There. It is finished. Now he is moving away from the table back into upon to this stage that he came from and once again he raises his sword, golden blazing sword of light, and send the light once again over the group this time it is followed by a thunderous war, a thunderous sound.


That sound penetrates into you, moving into you forming a protection to hold you to your course. A protection that will take you through the rest of the journey here until you have completed your mission.


Now he once again steps up onto his horse and begins to move away until he is no longer in sight. Know that you will see him directly, in your body at a later time. And once you see him he will be here for a short time and then he will be gone, possibly forever.


Sananda, though, will remain for yet some time as will St. Germain, Lady Nada, the archangels, many will remain. Ashtar will be here. These cities of light that you are in now will open up to the world. And if you can imagine this each city of light will have the Eternal Flame. As you move into each city of light, twelve will be lowered, if you can look at it this way but you will be more likely raised up to it. You will be able to go into the cities and experience this great Eternal Flame.


The Ishtal maxime (Eternal Flame) has been kept from the times of Lemuria and into Atlantis and then was taken away so it would not be lost.


Now you can begin to move back away from the table. Remember though what he told you. If you do not remember it now you may have already forgotten it. That is okay for it will come back to you when it is needed. There is a trigger for it. It will return. Move away from the table now back out of the temple. Back from the city of light. Back into your astral body. Back down the levels of the astral plane, back to your physical bodies. As you move back into your physical body, that sound, that reverberation that came from Sanat Kumara, bring that back into your body. And feel the shivers as you move back into your body and this sound, this echo, this resonance moves through your body further bringing healing to it; to all areas of the body. All the aches and pains are gone. Breathing problems are gone. If you had difficulty with sight, your sight is returning. Any maladies at all that you have even if it is as simple as a cough or sore throat whatever it might be is gone. It is gone forever if you believe.


As Yeshua said, “It is your faith that has healed you.” It is a knowing and a belief of who you are. This is what is so important: who you are! Not who we are. Not what we do with you, but who you are and what you do with you.


Allow yourselves now to come back into a complete state of consciousness and circulation fully revitalized and refreshed.





One Who Serves 


Oh my goodness what lights we have here! Look at all the lights! And our eyes (James' eyes) are closed and we see lights everywhere. You are each one has a light above you similar to when Yeshua knighted the Twelve Disciples. [Initiates softly crying]  Yes. Feel it.



SOURCE (we did not at first know the identity but all said after, this was Source)





Some call it the Holy Spirit. Others just call it energy. You do not need to have a name given to it. It is a power.


It is a power that is now with you which will help you, continue to help you, in the coming days as you continue on with your missions. As you meet obstacles along the way the power will be there. It will be there in the spoken word, it will be there in the actions that you take. But it will be there if you trust, if you allow the power to move through you.


It is the God Source within you that is now, has been reactivated. It has always been there and it has been reactivated in each and every one of you as the power, the power to speak forth the truth wherever you find yourself. For there will be those who will speak out and you will need to quiet them; you will need to quiet them with the power of love, the power of light.


We want you each to say each and every day now very simply:

I Am That I Am.

I AM the Power.

I AM the Oneness.

I AM One with God and the Universe.

If you want you can even say:             I AM the Universe. I AM God.


Bring this power forward.


It is time my brothers and sisters, it is time. It is time to take your sword in hand and your shield and begin to wage battle against the dark which you have all come here for. Not one of you is left out of this and many more will be drawn now. Many more will come calling. Many more will say I received a message in my dream, I received a whisper in my ear to come and be a part of this. I do not know why but it is calling to me. It is calling to me as the old souls coming back together again. You are those old souls.


We are so proud of you, so very proud. Proud to call you our brothers. Proud to call you our sisters. You do not know yet all that has occurred here, all that is yet to occur, all that is coming. But you will now have the ability, the power to stand up and fight those dragons within you and those dragons that come up against you.


It was not by happenstance that the one here -- the new one here in this room -- was here for this, that spoke of the dragon because you are all going to be fighting this, battling this, and winning over this.



Now is the time. Speak it out. Speak forth. Speak out your Power.


For the Power is Love and Love is the Power.

You are the power.



I will leave you now. I am not the One Who Serves. I AM another; another that cannot yet give my identity. It will come to you. In your dreams I will be there with you. In your waking state I will be there with you. In your visions I will be there with you for I have always been there with you and always will be there with you.


Feel my power. Feel your power.


We are one together. Believe … Believe … Believe. Be at oneness now. Be at peace.









Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!


Oh my goodness! We did not see that coming! We did not know that that ONE was going to be here. But if HE steps in we step out. There is no interruption here. We are going to make way.


It will come to you who this was. As you find yourselves in the next days and weeks it will come to you who this was and what this was. If not, in a few weeks here we will share with you what that was all about.


Are you ready to have a good time?! Are you ready to have fun?! Are you ready to go up and slay those dragons … those dragons that have been in front of you for a very long time?! They just stared at you and you just moved away in fear.


Well no longer! You are going to stand up to those dragons. You are going to stand up to those shadows within you. You are going to stand up to all of those that come upon you. You have that power now. It is within you and has always been within you. Oh my! Get ready because ascension is on its’ way.



You have question here now for One Who Serves? By the way, Marilou, how you feel? [I feel great!] Yes! Yes. Wonderful. [inaudible] Believe it!


How about the rest of you? Do you all feel great? [Enthusiastic Yes. So awesome.] Great. You are all awesome. That is a great word by the way. Great English word you have: awesome. Awe-some! We love it. Sometimes your English language is very strange but some of the words are awesome! [Laughter]




Q & A




Q:  You said we should fight the dragons. I want to ride the dragons.


OWS:  You can do that after you make it subdued.



Q:  From the Diana Cooper ascension stuff from Archangel Michael the dragons are our friends and beloved.


OWS:  We’re talking about the dragon that is within each and every one. It has been called many names. Some call it Dweller At The Threshhold. This is very similar here. And it is within everyone. It is that shadow side of self. It is that side that tells you, ‘Go ahead do it, nobody will care. Nobody will see you do it. Go ahead and take that thing from the store here. Nobody will see it.’  You see? It is that side of self … [The angry side] It can be angry. Yes, sometimes it can be angry. It does not like to be ignored.

[The dark inclination.]


We are also talking about the ego self here, an aspect of your ego, not your full ego. Because as was said here earlier – yes, we were eavesdropping on your discussions earlier -- each one of you has an ego and that ego has different parts of itself. There are the good parts and there are the bad parts. And you are working toward diminishing those bad parts and adding to the good parts.


You are not – and I repeat you are not going to let go of your ego. You are not going to leave it behind.  Your ego is a part of you but you are going to raise the ego up and take those good parts with you. See? It is important. It is part of your personality. Do you want to let go of your personality? Do you want to leave that behind or become a robot? No! You’ll take your personality and therefore the ego with you. [Awesome] Awesome! Yes!



Q:  Is the ego like our inner child?


OWS:  We would not like to say it that way because that is putting label on it and then you begin to say ‘oh it is my inner child that is acting up.’ And this is simply labels that have been put on by those people that need to write books and all of these things and make their money. They come up with the sayings, different ways to say the same things. You see? So the inner child, the older child, the parent, the id, the ego, the super ego, the super consciousness, the consciousness, all of this they’re all the same thing! All parts of the same. You see?



Q:  A couple of things occurred to me when we're traveling with our astral body.  When we leave the astral body behind and go to the etheric body, is the body we leave behind dormant or does it live on the astral plane?


OWS:  There are different bodies in all of the areas. You might say they are parked. Just as we have said before, park your merkaba outside of yourself.


Q:  So they’re not animated until …


OWS:  Until you move in to them. Yes, that is correct.



Q:  Who created Earth, Gaia herself?


OWS:  She created her. We want you to think about that. She created herself. How is that possible? Did not you create yourself?


Q:  That’s why I was asking. So when we were in the temple and you were saying that our imagination was creating what was there, so apparently if we follow that principle, we’re all creating everything.


OWS:  Yes! This is what we are trying to tell you. We’ve been telling you in all different many thousands of different ways hoping that one of these times you’ll get it!




Q:  I am you creating me creating you creating me. It’s an exercise.


OWS:  There is a Prime Creator. There is a Prime Creative Source, but there is so much more than this. And at the three-dimensional consciousness level you cannot begin to understand this. At the level we are at we have difficulty even understanding this at times. You cannot fully understand this until you have come back and merged fully into Source once again. And when you have done that you will completely understand. But until that you will go along and you will continue to move up in understanding, move up in consciousness, and everything will begin more and more to become crystal clear to you but it will take until you have completely merged back with Source to fully understand everything.



Q:  Okay so I want to verify something. So the principle is that we are one with the Creator but we create ourselves because we are one with that which creates us.


OWS:  Yes. You are the creative source. You are that.


Q:  So we’re one with that.


OWS:  You are one with that creative source yet you are separate from that creative source as a separate being, a separate soul but at the same time you are one. This is the dichotomy that is here. The conundrum … conoondrum … how do you say that? This is very difficult to fathom, to grasp.



Q:  Isn’t it more about individuality that we are unique individual expressions rather than separated from Source anymore as we move higher?  There’s no longer separation.


OWS:  You have to understand that the forces of darkness, the cabal, all of this have created this separation. They have moved you to become an individual, more as separate from the God Source, from the creative Source. But their plan was to bring you in to a group soul you might say where you would all become a part of the one that they were in control of now. In a sense becoming as a hive where you all have the same thoughts. You all have the same personalities. Though they sought to separate you then they sought to bring you back together but under their control now. And of course you know that that has been completely ended here. Their nefarious plans have been stopped.


It is an illusion of separation. You have never been separated. Never once.


This is what Yeshua came to understand in his sojourn, his journey, his oneness with the Father. How often did he say, “I and my Father are one.”  He knew this. And as the oneness he was able to utilize the God Source that was flowing through him and be able to send it out to others as a healing process.



Q:  Can you clarify for me the difference of all the Yeshuas/Jesus’/Sanandas especially because my twin flame occurs as Sananda. Is he not the same Sananda as the one who came to the table? I'm really confused.


OWS:  Sananda is a higher aspect of Yeshua. As Sananda he put down a portion of himself, an aspect of himself which was Yeshua. And Sananda already had the Christ Consciousness and he was able to simply give that off to Yeshua so that Yeshua could also become the Christ. And Yeshua and Jesus of course are one and the same.


Q:  So who is this one with me who calls himself Sananda?


OWS:  An aspect of Sananda. Another aspect.


Q:  I mean it appears like we were there together at least for some of the Jesus occurrences. I have memories of that.


OWS:  Yes. You see there are many Sanandas. There are many Yeshuas. There are many Lady Nadas. Other aspects. You are a multidimensional being. Myriad numbers of dimensions, not just one.


This is what they wanted you to believe. You are here you were born you live through your life you die and go to either heaven or hell and that is that. That's the end. End of story. What a boring story that would be! Who would want to read that story?! Who would want to live it! Yes.



Q:  Are we living lives on other dimensions?


OWS:  Yes. Other aspects of yourself, yes.


Q:  But then how do we leave our astral body behind or our etheric body behind when we travel?


OWS:  Because there are so many dimensions you have no idea! No idea at all. You are beginning to grasp this little by little, but it is not necessary to completely understand this yet because when you go through the ascension process it will all come into you and you will have a knowing. Your mind will expand beyond your imagination. Beyond your wildest dreams your consciousness will expand. Beyond Einstein, way beyond this. And that could give you a beginning to understand here what we speak of. Far beyond this.



Q:  [Jokingly] It means that my wife could be cheating on me with Jesus!


OWS:  That is a funny picture you are giving us here.  [Laughter] But no, that cannot be possible not that [inaudible]. Because you have to understand that these certain personalities such as Yeshua is a purified personality for he has ascended, just as Sananda has ascended, as Lady Nada ascended, as Mary Magdalene ascended, as St. Germain, etcetera, etc. You see?



Q:  Can you tell us the truth about Isis and Osiris? They seem to be conveyed as dark and I never have felt that of them.


OWS:  There is aspects again here. There is dark and there is light in all. There is that shadow self in all. Were those particular ones would be doing something at one time of the light another time they have done something of the dark. For all have experienced duality at one time or another, all have. For if you do not experience the dark you could not understand light.



Q:  You said that they were a pure soul because they ascended and I took that to mean there was no sexuality although I did hear that in the ascension there is sexuality. What's the situation with that?


OWS:  If you want it yes. Certainly for a time there will be. Parts of the transition you are going through. If you do not want it you won't have it, if you do you will. It will be that simple. For how could something that was very joyful to you be held back from you and this be good?



Q:  I would think in the way he said it “cheating,” that would be different than an experience of love between beings. That's not the sexual experience.


OWS:  That is correct. Just so you know there will be no cheating at the higher levels. There is no cheating at the higher vibrations because how would you be able to cheat on a spouse or anything of this nature if you know everyone's thoughts?



Q:  Isn't there also a lot less ownership of a soul in a higher dimension? Like this is my woman, this is my man? Isn't there a lot less of that?


OWS:  People have already said it here in the room. There is none! There is no ownership. It's not even a concept.


Q:  But you can't cheat on someone anyway because there's no ownership.


OWS:  There will be no cheating no ownership no lying no stealing no killing. Nothing. These will all be gone. In the new Golden Age it will be a Golden Age. You will have none of these things.



Q:  I've always thought of the ascension as when you die you go to heaven because that’s what I’ve been taught. Tell me how it's different because I'm not ready to die yet.


OWS:  We are going to shatter the myth here. We are going to shatter what you have been taught. It will be up to you to decide if you want to accept this or not. As you have been taught by the various religions and such, there is no heaven, there is no hell.   … Ah! Now we have silence there!


What?! Blasphemy! How can you say this?! There is no heaven. There is no hell.


It is all in consciousness, states of being if you want to call it that. Yes. Now there is places you might say in consciousness that Yeshua called heaven. He called them ‘saving a place for those who were coming to his table.’ See?


He spoke of heaven, yes but not in the way that you have heard. Not in the way that you have been taught. Because how could there be a heaven for some and a hell for others by the judgment of another being? The only one that judges you is you. Always. There is no judgment. There is no God that is sitting up in the clouds -- a man, a woman, whatever you want to call it -- and sitting up there ready to judge you?


Now there is, what has been determined or shared for some time, when you go through the death process if you believe that you are going to come to the gates of heaven and that St. Peter is going to be there ready to judge you and say, ‘well you did not have a very good life, you did not do things for others as much as you could have but maybe will give you another chance.’ Instead of letting you into the gates of heaven they're going to send you back. Or you come up there and St. Peter says they ‘don't even know why you are here. Why are you even bothering, you're going straight down!’ [Laughter]




Have we shattered your reality yet?  [Still processing it.] If we had shattered your reality, good! That is the intention. It is time to shatter these realities of the illusion that you have been brought up under.



Q:  But it’s what you already taught us. You taught us that you cannot have love and judgment at the same time. They’re polar opposites. [OWS: Yes! Of course.]  Therefore you cannot have love of our Father and judgment at the same time. It’s not possible.


OWS:  You cannot. But what is the God Source? Love. That's it. Nothing else. That is all there is.



Q:  Well also the idea or concept that we create our own reality doesn't end if you're in another dimension. [OWS: It does not.] So if you decide that you're going to heaven or you're going to hell you are creating that reality.


OWS:  That is correct. Perfect example we are finding this within the James. We believe it has been spoken of previously but you had a Robin Williams movie, "What Dreams May Come". Perfect example of much of what we speak of here of what occurs when someone passes over at the death process. It is very real even to the point of seeing people flying and things like this for what were they doing? If you remember, for those of you that have seen this movie, they were creating their reality there. If they wanted a tree planted there they planted it with their thoughts, with their imagination.


This is what you are going to be doing in the new Golden Age. You are going to be creating your entire new world. You see? But it is going to be an instantaneous creation. Another example we are finding here, another movie "Tomorrowland". Those of you who saw it, what did they create? They created an oasis, a perfect world … until the darkness crept in, until greed took over. Took the illusion over to them as well.


My we are giving you a great deal of lessons here.



Q:  When we are in the fifth dimension we do not have time (no-time) and we do not have space (no-space). We can think of something and create it instantaneously because we won't have any time and we can be there immediately where we think we want to be because there is no space. Is that how it works because here you have to wait for your creation to manifest because you’re in time and you can't just move to where you want by thinking it because we have space here. Is that correct?


OWS:  Yes. Have you heard of a thing called a veil? It’s a thing that has been pulled over your eyes here as in this illusionary process and it has set up a buffer zone.


In many ways it is purposeful though. In many ways it is helpful because fear and imagination do not belong together. If you have fear and you have instantaneous imagination creation what would you create? A monster over here, a flood coming from over there, a volcano blowing over here, earthquakes! You see? That is why you are going to go through a training process as you move through this transition, as you move through this ascension process, you are going through this training process preparing you for when you step over, step beyond the veil and move into the higher vibration, into the higher dimensional frequencies so that you are ready to be able to then create without all of those lower vibrational illusionary properties, all of the programming that you have become accustomed to that you are letting go of now.


Many of you are letting go of this programming. We’re watching you people. We watch you often. Now don’t start thinking, ‘oh they’re peeping on me.’ A peeping Tom here or a peeping OWS. [Laughter] We do not want you to think that we are doing this. We are not peeking in on you when you’re doing … you know … well … anyway … [Much laughter] Your imaginations can take over here. But we are aware of you. That is a better word here, not “watching.” We are aware of you. We are aware of your spiritual progress at all times.


You may or may not know this but there is a statue of each and every one of you in the monasteries in Tibet. [Whaaat?!] Yes! How about that! Surprise! There is a statue of each and every one of you because each of you are students here. You are students of this process. And as students, your teachers have this statue of you. And this statue, though, is not an inanimate object as you would think of a statue. It shows your feelings. It shows your emotions. It shows your spiritual progress at any one time. So all your master teacher needs to do is go and look at that and it knows exactly what is occurring in your life at that time. It does not let them see your inner thoughts, unless you allow that, but overall your progress.


When each of you were at the conclave that has been spoken of, when you were all there at various points – not all of you together at one time but you were all there and you are all here because of this – at that time you were each assigned a master teacher; someone who would follow you throughout all of your lifetime always being the overseer. There were other guides that would be the ones that would be the ones directly involved; there would be angels that would save you from a particular catastrophe, if needed, that was beyond the contract that you set up. But they were always there, always there overseeing the process.


And now each of you has this master teacher that is no longer simply overseeing, he or she is now with you directly. You may have even felt this come over you in the last weeks and months here. Many of you felt the shift in consciousness, a consciousness shift that occurred when another one or that one that has been there with you has come and taken the place of the guides that have been with you. The guides have left. Those familiars have left because you are in the transition now and this transition requires one who really knows you: the master, the teacher. You didn't know you were that important did you? Oh boy we can see your eye egos going sky high. [We’re all important.] Yes you are.


But it is not to be boastful, not to stroke your ego or anything of this nature. Not to do that. It is for you to come to understand and realize the power within you as the ‘you’ that you are. We will just use the James here, but James is not the James as he knows it here and now. He is much more than this. As he found today that he was meant to be a leader coming in here, and at a certain point which would be this lifetime was to step forward. He did not know that before.


Many of you did not know that you sat at that table long ago. Many of you do not know that you are destined to sit at the tables again, tables of 12, to be a part of the councils that are going to be forming, because you have been there and done that before. There are some of you now that still wonder, ‘little old me? How can I do that? How can I be a leader? I can't even get control of myself.‘ Yes you can. And you will if you choose this.



Q:  You talked about not having the concept of “my” man or “my” woman. What is the relationship with a twin flame because that is kind of the myth that we always had presented to us with the twin flames. Twin flames have been presented as my other half my man or my woman. How does that fit into the no ownership thing.


OWS:  There is no ownership but there is a twin flame. You each have a twin soul that is correct. And that at certain points certain times certain frequency when the moment comes you will be reunited with your twin flame.


Q:  So can you call that an integration of energy?


OWS:  It is an integration of energies, yes. It is the two halves coming together as the whole but that is not to say that you are already not a whole because you are. But it is the energies, the integrating of the energies as they once were long, long, long, long ago.



Q:  Would it be safe to say that you may have a male/female or a sexual attraction and even interaction but there is no attachment inside of that like I’m the only one. This is you and I and that’s it and nothing else, like that's the thing that's not there. It may be very special between those two and very poignant powerful and beautiful but not like there is that ownership. Would that be a fair assessment?


OWS:  Again, there is no ownership and when that time comes your twin flame is so aware of you in everything you are going through, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, everything. And when that time comes, if you are still in a relationship with another, your twin flame will step aside, will not interfere, unless a decision is made to allow for that. So there is no ownership whatsoever. There is simply allowing the integration process to occur if it is right for it to do so.




We are needing to release channel here now. We will be back here tomorrow as we find it for your regular Sunday group. And this Sunday group, just so you know, is going to take on more and more importance here. Just as you have found in this weekend you are going to begin to move in steps that are going to be predetermined orchestrated by us, with your permission, but we are going to continue to take you on this journey here if you are all ready for it. We believe now because of what occurred last night and again tonight that you are all ready for this. It is time. It is time to take your power back. It is time to become that power within you again.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.





Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated

"Believing is seeing!"





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