Salutations, Fellow Lightworkers :)  I wanted to share with you all some research I have been doing on the Spiral/Vortex events that have been taking place all over the world in the last few decades. In the last few weeks there have been two notable ones in New Zealand and Germany, and the article I saw on Germany was of concern to me as they are perpetuating war and fear, which is wrong and needs to be addressed. Yes, I did post a similar blog not long ago, but this article convinced me that more could be done to investigate, and though it is long, I hope the scholars amongst you will appreciate my efforts. Of course, any questions or contributions will be gladly accepted.

This is the article that is wrong and fear mongering: It has the stench of Sorcha Faal, same tone to the “voice”, She/It proposes to be a real news site but it’s doubtful that it’s honest. I looked everywhere for info to back up the reports of death and injury… nothing. Since it is the same phenomena as the Christchurch NZ spiral which had no “hurling nearly 100 vehicles into total chaos killing 8 people and wounding over 41 more.”… I place this article in the nonsense category, however the event DID happen.

Russia orders missile alert after mysterious ‘vortex’ slams into Germany: report
A shocking ‘top-secret’ report prepared Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) on their meeting this past week with Prime Minister Putin, in Novgorod region, warns that our planet Earth is ‘under attack’ by an as yet unnamed ‘extraterrestrial entity’ to which President Medvedev has responded by ordering a second regiment of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft missile system to protect Moscow from low-Earth orbiting ‘targets’.
According to this report, the extraordinary gamma-ray explosion first observed in deep space on March 28 by NASA’s Swift satellite, and that has so far lasted an unprecedented 12 days, appears to be ‘communicating’ with the massive Asteroid 2010 SO16 , the largest space rock ever discovered so close to Earth, and Asteroid 2005 YU55, a round mini-world that is about 400 meters (1,300 feet) in diameter and which in early November will approach our planet within a scant 0.85 lunar distances.
Though Russian scientists have as yet been unable to identify what these ‘communications’ mean, this report continues, the effects upon our planet are being widely observed due to these two Asteroid’s shooting of ‘blue beams’ into our Earth’s upper atmosphere that have been captured on video in Russia, New Zealand and by the International Space Station.
This EMERCOM report further states that one of these ‘blue beams’ created a massive ‘vortex’ that opened over northern Germany this Friday past hurling nearly 100 vehicles into total chaos killing 8 people and wounding over 41 more.
Even more alarming is this report stating that as these two massive Asteroid’s have moved closer to our Earth over the past two-decades, the winds on our planet have been mysteriously increasing too, a shock finding further confirmed by Vice-Chancellor Ian Young, of the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, who has found that our world has gotten stormier the past 20 years, winds have picked up around 5 percent on average, and extremely strong winds caused by storms have increased even faster, jumping 10%.
Equally alarming is this report stating that our Earth’s ozone layer has suffered a record loss this spring over the Arctic due to these ‘blue beams’ disrupting our planet’s magnetic shielding, a finding further confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization who report that observations from the ground, balloons and satellites show that this region has suffered an ozone column loss of about 40% from the beginning of the winter to late March. This EMERCOM report, also, reports that these two massive Asteroids are responsible for the many reports around the world of two suns appearing in the sky, such as in China this past month where one such episode was aired on their national news programme.
Important to note in this report, too, is it stating that another danger to our Earth from the presence of these massive Asteroids is their gravitational fields directing towards our planet fireballs every Spring season, such as the one that exploded in the skies this past week over the US State of Tennessee, but which Bill Cooke, of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Center, in a statement said “For reasons we don’t fully understand, the rate of bright meteors climbs during the weeks around the vernal (Spring) equinox.”
To what, and/or whom, lies behind these shocking assaults upon our planet Earth we were given a ‘clue’ this past week when the United States domestic spying agency called the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released to the public one of their most top-secret memos confirming that aliens had landed in the US in what is now referred to as the Roswell UFO Incident.
According to this FBI document, a memo titled ‘Flying Saucers’ to the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover from Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950, stated “three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico” by the US Military in 1947 that he described as being “circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture and with each body bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots”.
To the reason(s) behind the FBI releasing this top-secret document at a time when our entire world is continuing to be pushed towards the abyss, and admitting what the US Military and past American regimes have spent hundreds of millions trying to hide from their own people; it is not in our knowing.
What is in our knowing, at least as far as the Americans are concerned, is their CNN News Service reporting this past week that the sales of bomb/survival-shelters in the US have risen an astounding 4,000% this past year showing a growing fear among these people of what is soon to come, and which many believe is related to the ancient Hopi Indian prophecies relating to the ending of this present age.
In our March 1 report ‘Russian Warning Issued Over “Controlled” Comet Headed Towards Earth’ we further documented that the Americans aren’t alone in their fears as Russia is building an additional 5,000 bomb shelters by 2012 too, but unlike the US will protect ordinary peoples and not just the elite classes whose wealth has been gained by wholesale theft.
Though many in the West continue to shun the ancient prophecies related to these times, and which the Sorcha Faal has well documented in her seminal works “The Masks Of The Dark Gods: The Coming Destruction Of Planet Earth” and “Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors”, it is well worth noting, that with each passing day, the headlines of world’s most mainstream newspapers, more and more are beginning to resemble titles to reports we could have very well written ourselves.
After all, there is truly nothing new under the Sun, what has happened before will happen again, as it is now as our world blindly stumbles to its end of this age. (EU Times)


Here is the spiral from New Zealand…. As you may have heard- NO ONE DIED FROM IT.
High Strangeness: Blue Spiral Vortex Photographed Over Christchurch, New Zealand
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 13:21 CDT

"My Mum took these photos at about 5am on 29th March from her balcony on Scarborough Hill in Sumner Christchurch. The city lights you can see is New Brighton area. She said this thing stayed visible well into the day"-Rudy P.
29 March 2011(date of occurrence)

NASA Telescopes Join Forces to Observe Unprecedented Explosion
Released: 4/7/2011 9:00 AM EDT
Source: Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
NASA's Swift satellite, Hubble Space Telescope, and Chandra X-ray Observatory have teamed up to study one of the most puzzling cosmic blasts ever observed.
More than a week later, high-energy radiation continues to brighten and fade from its location.
Astronomers say they have never seen such a bright, variable, high-energy, long-lasting burst before. Usually, gamma-ray bursts mark the destruction of a massive star, and flaring emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours.
Although research is ongoing, astronomers feel that the unusual blast likely arose when a star wandered too close to its galaxy's central black hole. Intense tidal forces tore the star apart, and the infalling gas continues to stream
toward the hole. According to this model, the spinning black hole formed an outflowing jet along its rotational axis. A powerful blast of X-rays and gamma rays is seen when this jet is pointed in our direction.
On March 28, 2011 Swift's Burst Alert Telescope discovered the source in the constellation Draco when it erupted with the first in a series of powerful blasts.
"We know of objects in our own galaxy that can produce repeated bursts, but they are thousands to millions of times less powerful than the bursts we are seeing now. This is truly extraordinary," said Andrew Fruchter at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.
Swift determined a position for the explosion, which is now cataloged as gamma-ray burst (GRB) 110328A, and informed astronomers worldwide.
As dozens of telescopes turned to the spot, astronomers quickly noticed a small, distant galaxy very near the Swift position. A deep image taken by Hubble on Monday, April 4, pinpointed the source of the explosion at the center of this galaxy, which lies 3.8 billion light-years away from Earth. That same day, astronomers used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to make a four-hour-long exposure of the puzzling source. The image, which locates the X-ray object 10 times more precisely than Swift, shows it lies at the center of the galaxy Hubble imaged.
"We have been eagerly awaiting the Hubble observation," said Neil Gehrels, the lead scientist for Swift at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "The fact that the explosion occurred in the center of a galaxy tells us it is most likely associated with a massive black hole. This solves a key question about the mysterious event."
Most galaxies, including our own, contain central black holes with millions of times the Sun's mass; those in the largest galaxies can be a thousand times larger. The disrupted star probably succumbed to a black hole less massive than the Milky Way's, which has a mass four million times that of our Sun.
Astronomers previously have detected stars disrupted by super massive black holes, but none have shown the X-ray brightness and variability seen in GRB 110328A. The source has undergone numerous flares. Since April 3, for example, the source has brightened by more than five times.
Scientists think that the X-rays may be coming from matter moving near the speed of light in a particle jet that forms along the rotation axis of the spinning black hole as the star's gas falls into a disk around the black hole.
"The best explanation at the moment is that we happen to be looking down the barrel of this jet," said Andrew Levan of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, who led the Chandra observations. "When we look straight down these jets, a brightness boost lets us view details we might otherwise miss."
This brightness increase, which is called relativistic beaming, occurs when matter moving close to the speed of light is viewed nearly head on. Astronomers plan additional Hubble observations to see if the galaxy's core changes brightness.
Goddard manages Swift and Hubble. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages Chandra. Hubble was built and is operated in partnership with the European Space Agency. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Md., conducts Hubble science operations. Science operations for all three missions include contributions from many national and international partners. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
For more information and images associated with this release, please visit:
I must thank Sorcha Faal for pointing me in the right direction for investigation into the spiral effect lol. I did not connect the mysterious black hole in the Draco constellation until she/it went on and on about the event “which has baffled scientists” ha ha ha.

Now, I’ve already discussed in a previous blog the proliferation of spirals and my theories on the Shekinah/Mother energy that was beamed to earth on March 20, the Spring Equinox. Drekx Omega has already confirmed that it is benign and NOT the work of HAARP or Bluebeam or evil intent. In fact, he revealed that the spirals are helpful for our atmosphere, cleansing pollution and negative energies.

With the new information in regards to the mysterious black hole in the Draco constellation, I did some searching and found what DRACO really means, the link is attached for those interested enough to check my sources. Draco is quite fascinating… “There are many myths behind Draco, due to its resemblance to a dragon. Dragon symbology represents human DNA. “Quote from (awesome site for research). Draco is tied to the Kundalini which is likened to a sleeping dragon, curled up in the base of your spine… Yoga is reputed to help “awaken” the sleeping dragon.

Now, to take this one step further let’s look at SHEKINAH. Another quote “Shakina is the Indian Shakti, translated as “Cosmic Energy.” The term is used in the Talmud and Midrash in place of Word (Memra, Life Force Energy, Christ). “

… And another quote in regards to Shekinah and the KUNDALINI –“Every spiritual tradition has its name for the power of the Divine that compels us to seek the highest, to look beyond the mundane to know the Knower. It is known as the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, Chi, N'um, Shakti, Consciousness, and by many more names. Kundalini is the yogic term for the power of the Divine that propels us along our journey, like the winds of fate that blew Odysseus across the seas on his quest. This awesome, transpersonal power, Kundalini, is often misunderstood, especially in the West. Kundalini is referred to as a Goddess in the East, as the Divine Feminine is the archetypal form of the power of creativity and embodiment. Her effects, while transformative and supremely uplifting, may feel challenging at times and dis-integrative, especially as She does the work of setting the mind and body free from the many layers of conditioning that bind them. This allows for a higher order of integration and wholeness of Self to emerge.”

***My theory is that the cosmic energy being beamed down from Draco is awakening or sending Kundalini to awaken our inner Shekinah…
Science is beginning to back up this theory with research and results- attached you will find a link stating that scientists have recently found a new particle, never seen before. As well there is a link attached that states that TIME is just now being understood, the “mysterious” black hole has upended the scientific establishment by not behaving the way “normal” black holes should lol. In fact there is a good chance that this black hole they are looking at could be sending us a TIME LOOP that could shatter our realities as we know them now… Its aaallll tied in, the awakening of the NOVA HUMAN, Shekinah and the Draco Star System (origin of history itself)….

It’s too much to go into here; jeez it would so nice to talk to someone about this, a real conversation- back and forth where we could bounce ideas off of each other. Nonetheless, I am grateful you took the time to read my words, I hope I have expressed what I have learned well… sometimes it’s hard because I get ahead of myself –tee hee. But I’m sure you get the gist of what I am saying and are looking into your own information to check my facts :)

Most Christians and Jews are unaware that this Divine Fire is a feminine component of the deity in biblical times. This feminine Glory of God is called “shakina” (Shock-in-ah). Shakina is the Indian Shakti, translated as “Cosmic Energy.” The term is used in the Talmud and Midrash in place of Word (Memra, Life Force Energy, Christ). The image of the Shekinah reaches back to the goddesses of Sumeria and later to As-Tara in Canaan. She was first exiled from humanity as a result of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, which some scholars locate in various places in Iraq. She has shared the exile from the Garden (Iraq) with all of humanity. She is addressed as the ‘Mystical Eden’, the ‘holy apple garden’.

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  • Thank you everyone for your remarks, I worked hard on this most of yesterday and I feel good about being in truth.  I appreciate you all.  And Loupy, thank you so much, I had heard that about the clockwise thing but had forgotten over the years, and I didn't know that black holes have consciousness but it makes sense that they do.... it is going to be fascinating to see what they discover about the phenomenon as it progresses. 

    And Captain S?  Shame on you, lol.  I think we all know the birds and the bees :) And PS. orgasms were a gift from God to bring us closer to Him/Her...

    • Nice work Kelly.. I was facinated with the Norway Spiral myself only I haven't dived as deeply into it as you.. and I would need to research it a bit more before I could hold a converation with you about GenteelWolf said, I am also pretty unversed aswell.. in fact, I would probibly run out of words after a few moments and just observe and listen to you .. even to the extent that I could go into the kitchen and make a quick herbal tea while you're on a roll lol.. and I'd be saying: keep talking Kelly.. I'm listening.. I'm just in the kitchen making tea.. do you want a cup? .. and you'd be off on one about Spirals and I'd be in the kitchen opening cupboards and boiling the kettle and looking for teaspoons and stuff and I'd say: yeah.. I hear ya.. black holes? ..thats far  and then I'd return with 2 cups of tea to sit beside you and I'd say thats amazing Kelly.. carry on.. I'm all ears.. and you'd be on a roll lol....

      :)) I'm only joking sweetheart but seriously though, kudos and blessings to you beautiful sister for the brilliant work you put into this post.. it is acknowledged. I shall re-read it again during the week .. as I said, I'm not as researched on this as you are but thank you for sharing this that I may begin to study and learn more about it...

      LOVE to you always forever divine one, I Love you.. :))



      • Oh thanks Luke, Paul, Pan, Spaceboy :)  I would love to share a cup of tea and pontificate on spirals and all things Shekinah lol.  But it's a long conversation so we may have to switch to a strong cup(s) of coffee, lots of sugar and maybe a wee drop of Bailey's to give it a kick and loosen the tongue ha ha. 

        If you look at some of the links, you'll see that scientists are discovering the shekinah energy they just don't have words for it yet lol... it is an interesting time to be alive, isn't it?

        Much Love to you, my space brother, I hope you are enjoying life, sitting in a cafe, eating biscuits. 

    • So it was God who is responsible for this orgasmic energy? I thought it was the birds and the bees that were responsible for the orgasmic energy? I should have known better , next time wont be fooled.But anyhow,since God is the source of all orgasmic energy, then it does make alot of sense that the reason God created twin flames was that so they could share this orgasmic energy with each other when they Ascend back to their own "I AM" Prescence,in this lower physical world the flow of orgasmic energy is out of balance,some believe that a prostitute must know alot about sex, but usually most prostitutes are miserable and they are addicted to drugs like you might see a prostitute hangin on the street with 20 needles stuck in their arm saying >look i know alot about sex< Im not putting down prostitutes cause maybe on a soul level that is why they came to this planet to exspereince prostitution which would help in the growth of their soul,but in the end it never works out,never has never will!  But in the Plane of the "I AM" Prescence, the orgasmic energy flows in perfect balance between God and the twin flames' no need to get into an extra marital affair,no need for divorce or marriage but all things turn back to normal!
      • I agree completely... and sex has been distorted because of the energy imbalance between the male/female energies... and most prostitutes have been sexually abused, they have little knowledge of "lovemaking" and selling their bodies is an attempt to gain the power they feel that the male has over them...sad really. 

        I read somewhere that even the sickest pervert seeking gratification is just looking for the God IAM presence that is the ultimate pleasure... because of the distortion their avenues take a sick and evil turn... but the basic impulse is to connect and merge... we are hard wired for it.  Thank goodness for the Law of Forgetfullness because we've all been saints and sinners, and I wouldn't want to remember hurting an innocent. 

  • No need to thank me 1happy kelly for the violet flame,i give all the credit to Saint Germain and his twin flame Portia,he helped build that Statue of Liberty in honor of his twin flame,still, he get's very little respect.
  • Funny you mentioned Adam and Eve,i heard a funny story about them and the birds and the bees,so if you mommie and daddies never taugh you about the birds and the bees then you might not want to read this.But anyhow,since the story of Adam and Eve is a symbolic story of all twin flames'like God really needed to take a rib out of Adam to create Eve in the literal sense? I believe it's actually a symbol, the rib being a symbol for the nucleus of an Atom and when that nucleus is divided you have the seperation of you and your twin flame,but anyhow most people believe that Adam and Eve were created at a certain age say like 25 or 35 and that they did not go through the growing up process like we all do, in other words adam and Eve were created as babies and they went through the same growth process as we all do and so when Adam and Eve got to the age of puberty,has any of you ever been through puberty? Dont worry it will happen! But anyhow when Adam and Eve reached the age of puberty in the Garden of Eden,one day Adam came running to Eve and said to Eve> Eve, Eve look something has happened to my penis! It turned hard and i think it my be broken? And Eve replies> Let me see Adam < Oh yes theres something wrong, i also noticed my vagina has a hole in it, so why don't you put your penis in my vagina and see if that will fix the problem? Okay Eve i will put my penis in your vagina and i hope this works? Oh Adam yes i think its working? Oh boy oh boy oh boy its definitely working Adam, yes i think you are right Eve! Moments later  Adam says> Eve my penis is back to normal, i think it worked so now when ever my penis gets broken , i know i can come to you Eve cause you know how to fix my broken penis! Thanks. In the maen time the Serpent went to God and said to God> I saw Adam and Eve doing the no no in the garden and Eve was saying yes yes and then they went skinning dipping in the lake ,Then God replied> you got to be kidding me? They were having sex? How did this happen? I knew i never should have invented sex in the first place ,now im really mad,hey , wait a second, why did i even invent sex in the first place? Um uh oh i can't even remeber why i invented sex in the first place? Anyhow , go tell Adam and Eve to leave the garden and go get a job,and you serpernt,you can go with them,i saw you steal that apple from the tree and give it to Eve ,you can't fool me,i did not grow an apple tree so you all can eat from it, no, i grew the apple tree so you can look at how pretty the color red is ,or ,no, wait a second,i forgot why i invented the apple tree? Um uh oh! I think i invented the apple tree so i could climb a tree?  Im not sure why i invented the apple tree,but i will figure it out later.
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