

Spaceship A  (PDF 3,942KB)

Spaceship B  (PDF 5,743KB)

Spaceship  CAD cut-away  (.dwg 686KB)

Spaceship  CAD  (.dwg 432KB)


  • Spaceship captures free energy from the Universal flow of energy
  • Spaceship operates on various forms of magnetic energy
  • Spaceship does not create pollution
  • Spaceship does recycle energy back into the Universal energy flow while functioning
  • Spaceship demonstrates how to fly a vehicle without thrust
  • Spaceship is capable of atmospheric transportation and interstellar transportation
  • Spaceship utilizes gyroscopic lift principle for travel
  • Spaceship uses Universal principle of attract-attract
  • Spaceship generates force field for flight
  • Spaceship generates on board gravity field
  • Spaceship requires special alloy TiAlCo-B as well as several magnetic devices

We are providing this free information out of love to help heal our planet. Please help us in educating people about magnetic energy.

This spaceship is the culmination of our endeavor to introduce magnetic technology to the people of earth. As with the other units, this information is the product of Universal guidance, not trial and error. The incorporation of magnetic principles, including pulse rate generation, magnetic current conversion to various polarities, the manifestation of force fields and fields of magnetic waves, etc. are all utilized in this extraordinary design. The design is a basic spaceship blueprint presented in a simplistic format to introduce the necessary concepts for true interstellar transportation. Once these core principles are understood, people will no doubt extrapolate from these ideas and produce a whole array of unique vehicles for different uses. The principles can work at a microscopic level or at a city size level to accommodate a multitude of purposes.

This information is nothing new. Individuals and governments have been working on these concepts for decades. We are simply presenting a condensed and complete version of the necessary data to achieve space travel. By space travel we mean interstellar flight at a speed far beyond the speed of light in a vehicle that is enclosed in a force field in which the inhabitants do not experience any G-force and are contained in an artificial gravity field. The spaceship does not produce pollution, and it uses naturally occurring Universal magnetic energy for power. The propulsion of the craft is accomplished through the attract-attract principle; the craft matches the polarity of its destination and becomes attracted to that destination at a velocity that is independent of time and space.

Several of the magnetic devices we have presented play an important role on this spaceship. They assist in driving the plates that turn the exterior sections of the craft, they help provide the necessary onboard power, they help establish the polarities necessary for flight, they help provide the basics for crew survival (food, water, heat...), and more.

A device such as this spaceship can impact every area of our lives. International commuting can become easier than current city commuting; vacationing can start to include visits to other planets and solar systems. Our entire view of the Universe can be radically altered by the widespread use of this type of vehicle. The doors of exploration can be opened far more than any current science endeavor is planning. New theories, principles, dimensions can actually be tested and explored, not just talked about. How we see and interact with each other and the Universe around us can be forever changed.

Before we discuss the parts list and the functioning of the ship, we will review of few basic principles. Magnetic energy is inexhaustible, is everywhere and is constantly changing at different rates. Even gravity is form of compressed magnetism that is constantly changing. Magnetic energy, including gravity, can be enhanced or alleviated under the proper conditions. It is not necessary to use thrust to break away from a gravity field. Light is a form of magnetic energy that is constantly changing. Stars emit light pulses that elongate into waves when they strike something. Contrary to conventional science, light travels at various speeds, much faster than light waves and much slower, depending on the conditions. Everything has a unique magnetic signature that can be analyzed, recorded, and repeated. Each star gives off a unique light polarity that can be recorded, enhanced, and attracted to. There is virtually no limit to how fast magnetic energy can travel. Neutral magnetic energy can be harnessed and transformed into an infinite variety of polarities that can perform a multitude of functions. Because magnetic energy is everywhere, it can be utilized everywhere, including in what we call "space". There are magnetic channels, like magnetic rivers, that flow through space and can be tapped into and traveled along. The Universal principle of attract-attract is simply that energies attract to each other according to their similarities. This simple principle forms the basis of this entire design, including all the different materials that are used.

With these principles in mind we can review the spaceship. The description of each part and its use is as follows:

Figure 1 is an isometric view of the spacecraft while on a landing pad. Notice the shape of the craft is comprised of a cabin section and two 90-degree metal cone shapes. One top plate rotates as does the second inverted cone shape plate on the bottom. For consideration, when both of these plates are rotated in the same direction, they create a gyroscopic lift which then causes the craft to move upward. It is because of this that the three extension legs are secured from the cabin section. If it should be necessary to turn both plates during lift off or landing, the legs could not be extended through the lower turning plate.

The entry door is about ten feet above the landing pad and a portable extension ladder is needed in order to board the craft. As the interior of the craft is disclosed it will be shown why entry into the cabin is best at this location. When preparing for take-off, the entry door is secured and the top plate is rotated until enough of a magnetic field has been generated for takeoff. The atmospheric conditions will have a determination as to the rotations needed for lift. Again for consideration, when the top plate rotates it builds up a neutral magnetic charge. What is needed is an arrangement of permanent magnets to contact this top rotating plate. These magnets are located on the inside surface and build a magnetic charge, which sets a polarity, which gives upward mobility. The initial source of power to turn the top plate could be supplied in several different ways, for example, gas jets supplied by bottled gas on board, or a magnet powered motor such as the Magnogen Engine.

Figure 2 is an isometric view of the spacecraft in flight. Notice by the arrow indication that the top and bottom plates are rotating in a clockwise direction looking from the top downward. The rpm must be a minimum speed of 182 to a maximum of 225 rpm. The cabin section does not rotate with the plates. What holds it in position is a set of magnetic pulses between the magnets mounted on the cabin and the rotating plates.

The entire craft capitalizes on the gyroscopic lift principle if both plates rotate in the same direction. As for the plates, the metal selected for the construction should be TiAlCo-B which is analogous to steel without the weight and can sustain high heat without disruptive seaming. TiAlCo-B is a metal that welcomes magnetic energy, allowing it to be circuited to the inside of the craft for use as needed.

Figure 3 shows the upper half of the craft with a view of the inside of the top cone.

Figure 4 shows the wiring system needed to produce the required 21,000 pulses per second, a number required for space travel.

The numbered parts may be on one or more drawings. There are more drawings that show more specific areas and different angles that we will provide to those interested.

  1. Top Plate flat head bolts
  2. Stabilizing rod (which acts as protection and communication antenna
  3. Heavy wall tubing to carry exhaust cover
  4. Exhaust cover that helps vent cabin as needed
  5. Insulation jacket to house metal meshes that give a place to dissipate any adverse electrical charges, an example is lightning.
  6. Driver tube that turns the top driver plate
  7. Driver plate
  8. Extension frame to secure Part 7 to Part 1
  9. Main cabin housing outside wall
  10. Seven windows
  11. Seven sets of magnets, two make up a set
  12. Swivel frame that causes the magnets to take turns when contacting the magnet ring located in Part 1. The bottom turning plate has a similar assembly of magnets in their frames.

    Figure 4 - is an isometric cut-away view of the unit without the top plate in place. Parts to observe when viewing Figure 4 are numbers 14 to 24.

  13. 5-1/2 inches thick fiberglass insulation impregnated with graphite powder as an anti-magnetic shield inside the cabin.
  14. The cabin's interior metal wall
  15. A set of metal plates which establish an ongoing flow of particles which are filtered through #17. This assists in the onboard gravity field which is not accomplished through centripetal force, but through creating a certain magnetic wavelength that permeates the cabin.
  16. A porous ceiling section that allows magnetic particles from the plates to flow in a downward pattern that in turn creates a gravity field.
  17. An engine room that houses the motors that turns the top and bottom plates as well as enclosing all life support systems.
  18. Living areas that are setup by portable wall partitions
  19. Washroom, kitchen and supply areas located in a section of the engine room
  20. Crew control consoles used during flight for six in number
  21. Six comfortable chairs, suited for long flights, equally spaced around the craft for 360 degrees
  22. The narrow section of the interior that could serve as an alternate sitting/sleeping area
  23. Double pane strong plastic windows curved outward as shown

    Figures 5 & 6 - number 25 to 50 when placed together make a completed craft.

    Figure 5 :

  24. Safety shock absorbers to prevent the turning plate from damaging the interior of craft if an accident situation should happen.
  25. Light weight rings (perhaps of aluminum and magnesium) to carry the charge from the magnets #12 to the turning plates
  26. Spur gear secured to driver tube #7
  27. Driver spur gear secured to motor
  28. Top plate turning motor which is driven by magnetic flowing current
  29. Two bearings that allow tube #7 to rotate
  30. A center main support tube that serves as the main brace of the central construction. Bearings #30 are secured inside this tube.
  31. Filter cover on the portion of tube #4 that is piped into the cabin area for venting purposes.
  32. Swivel shafts that allow the magnets to move and interchange position.

    Figure 6 :

  33. A pipe held firm inside of the lower turning tube. This tube is a conduit for controls to the lower magnetic storage system as well as gases for the jet assist liftoff engine.
  34. Lower magnetic motor to turn the lower plate.
  35. Spur gear secured to motor #35
  36. Spur gear secured to lower turning tube
  37. Lower turning tube
  38. Two lower turning tube bearings
  39. Lower inner turning plate to drive the lower outer plate
  40. Braces secured to plate #40
  41. Lower outer turning plate
  42. Magnet rings made of lightweight material same as #26
  43. Jet assist pack to help lift the vehicle on takeoff
  44. Crystal storage racks charged to hold magnetic energy as a back-up energy source
  45. Two safety shock absorbers
  46. Floor made of a porous material to allow magnetic particles to flow through from plate #16
  47. Lower set of plates to draw magnetic particles to form a gravitational field within the cabin
  48. Sixteen tubes equally spaced 360 degrees, containing a magnetic switching system to cause weights to move back and forth.
  49. Sixteen weights each weighing seven and one-half pounds. These weights assist the craft during flight and act as a ballast system to maintain balance and direction.

The spaceship has the ability to maintain itself in a lifted position when attracted to the proper magnetic field. The craft has a magnetic gyroscopic effect when in motion and properly synchronized and utilized, the gyroscope effect creates a flying machine.

We will now discuss the actual magnetic circuitry that is used to utilize the lift principle for space travel. There are several wire assemblies under the top rotating plate with the 7 lengths of #6 wire rope serving as the primary winding. To explain the circuitry, we note that the rotating plates capture neutral magnetic energy that must be subjected to certain ACTIVITIES in order to put this energy to work. The first activity is to offer this neutral magnetic flow a SET POLARITY, an action that MUST HAPPEN from a given DISTANCE or space-gap. This space-gap then forces an energy BUILD UP in order to jump across the gap to the offered polarity, at which point the energy transmutes into a form of magnetism that will do WORK.

The work we are drawing our focus to, is to circuit this captured flowing magnetic current into the cabin. ALL of the energy needs for space flight will then be supplied by this energy. To accomplish this flow, certain problems must be eliminated. For example, the magnetic current motors as well as other devices require a NEUTRAL flow that does not manifest with a set polarity. However, the very act of capturing this energy from the plates, demands it be given a polarity. In order to overcome this problem the winding arrangement, under the rotating plates captures this energy with polarities, then, when properly circuited; this same energy is CHANGED into a NON-POLARITY STATE.

To explain how this is accomplished, we first start by explaining some hardware. There are seven groups of the #6 wire ropes; each group has ten wires. These groups are spaced around for 360° but between each group is a space-gap of 12° distance.

Located under the top and bottom rotating plates are 70 machined grooves on each plate, which measure 140" long, cut to a particular shape. These grooved shapes measure 3/16" deep by 5/8" wide. This special width is cut to a shape that matches a cross section of a wire wrapping that is put around all 70 wires. As the wrapping is next explained it will show how these 70-wires are held BASICALLY ABOVE these grooves and not down inside them. The 'holding in place method' is to use many non-metal clips and NOT BONDING AGENTS.

Before these wires are held in place they are first wrapped around with insulated wire that prevents them from making metal to metal contact to the plates.


The clean #6 wire rope is wrapped around with 'wrapping wire' with a thickness of .060". This wire is made of a ratio of 7.8% magnesium to 2.5% nickel. This wire has a thick plastic-coat insulation causing the exterior of the wire to measure 120 thousandths thick. The wrapping starts at 3" inward of the 19-foot diameter. This wrapping process is to take a pre-cut length of this insulated wire and fold the total length in half. Next, take the LOOP end and place this loop around the #6 wire rope at the start point, that is, 3" inward of the 19-foot diameter. Next, one length of this insulated wire is curved around the #6 wire going in a clockwise direction. At the same moment, the other length is curved around in a counter-clockwise direction. The wires then are CROSSED and each wire goes backwards. This forms wire, "LOBEs" or crossing loops. This form of winding is called a DOUBLE-BACK winding pattern. The finished wrapping will look like a CABLE-STITCH pattern. The COUNT of the cross points are very important because, at these points, magnetic plate pulsing takes place and thus contributes to the required 21,000 pulses per second, an amount needed for space flight.

The number of crosses is as follows. Each wire goes around with loops that are spaced every 3/4" apart for a wrapping of 16 loops on one side of the #6 wire that are 180° across from another 16 loops for a total of 32 loops per foot. One length of wire has 384 loops and we times this by 70 lengths to equal 26,880 loops for the top plate and the same number for the bottom plate.

The outside measurement of this wrapped wire becomes cradled into the 5/8" wide machined grooves. These encapsulated wires are then connected to two slip rings that are formed from ring sections. The circuit flow is such that energy is only removed from these wires when the wires INSIDE arrive at their OFF POSITION. This ON/OFF circuit for the seventy #6 wire ropes will be discussed shortly.

The crossing action of the insulated wires results in sending a NEUTRAL magnetic flow to the motors that rotate the plates. These Magnetic Motors are larger fan blade type motors that were disclosed as 10 H.P. units driven by inflowing magnetic current. These motors, when made 40" in dia., produce several hundred H.P., yet are very light in weight. Thus, rotating the plates is an acceptable load for these motors.

To review, we find the THICKNESS of the insulation on the wrapping wire serves as a SPACER that prevents the neutral magnetic charge inside the plates from jumping directly to the #6 wire rope. This inner wire IS the attract but to take a SHORTED travel path, the neutral magnetic charge USES the insulated wire as a JUMP-ACROSS point to then complete its attract polarity. The moment this neutral charge crosses, the charge given to the wire by the permanent magnet acts as a CATALYST and the wire rope, greatly expands its MAGNET given polarity causing the total wire length to manifest with a very strong magnetic FLASH or pulse. This results in the building of a magnetic sphere that then manifests a SIGNIFICANT DISTANCE past the outside surface of the total spacecraft depending upon the intensity of the field being generated.

At this flash moment, the magnetic energy becomes TRAPPED inside the loop of insulated wire. This trapped energy has a CORRESPONDING charge to the #6 wire inside. This is the charge that needs to be changed to neutral. As the flow of energy goes through the 26,880 loops, of the top plate, a polarity CANCELLATION effect takes place. This is because magnetism travels, about equal amounts, OUTSIDE the insulated wire, not just inside, and the loops serve to cause the flow to become, more or less, neutral. (Note: NO flow is ever EXACTLY neutral.)

The motors inside the cabin are then caused to be driven by this neutral flow. The second VERY important job is to power the on-board gravity field, with a neutral flow that is explained as follows.


To create an onboard gravity field requires that two locations of magnetic fields be arranged to attract between each other, one at the top of the cabin's interior and one at the bottom. These fields are fed neutral magnetism that is setup as opposite polarities through use of the permanent magnets located outside the cabin. The setting up of these fields is accomplished as follows.

Located above the cabin's ceiling is a set of thin plates made of TiAlCo-B metal. These 6" wide plates are spaced 1" apart. Located below the cabin floor is a matching set of plates. All of the top plates are caused to manifest with one polarity, let us say north. Next the bottom plates are caused to manifest with the opposite polarity, which causes a magnetic attract between these SETUP fields.

The atmosphere inside the cabin helps to serve as a magnetic conduit to complete a massive magnetic field from ceiling to floor. This field then manifests as an ONBOARD gravity field. The actual circuit flow that accomplishes this action is the way magnetism is circuited in a Waveform to the plates. Then through the action of the plates REPELLING BETWEEN THEM, the energy is caused to be repelled into a PULSE FORM. It is when magnetism is in this PULSE STATE that it responds with a push/pull action downward.

Gravity is nothing more than compressed magnetism that causes things to move downward because of TWO distinct forces, a push and a pull. Thus a push automatically occurs with a pull. You cannot have one without the other. Why will this field allow people to walk around inside? It is the magnetism attracting to the magnetism (inside the craft from ceiling to floor) and anything IN ITS PATH interferes with this magnetic circuit. Thus everything in the cabin is subjected to a downward push/pull action. The upper gravity plates will be given a flow of neutral magnetism that is then CHANGED, acquiring a NORTH polarity. This change will manifest as strong narrow slots of repel pulsed magnetism between the TiAlCo-B plates.

The bottom plates react in the same manner with their SOUTH charge, and thus the field is completed throughout the entire cabin. This flowing magnetic circuit of one polarity at the ceiling and one under the floor is arranged as follows. First we review some hardware. There are a total of 14 permanent magnets located on the outside bottom of the cabin. When these magnets are in use they swivel back and forth to the magnet ring. However, the opposite ends of these same magnets are caused to get CLOSER and FARTHER from the outside surface of the cabin.

When any magnet is held the 2" away from the magnet ring, the same magnet has a certain amount of SPACE between it and the cabin's outer surface. We use this space as follows. A coil of wire is wrapped around a thin TiAlCo-B plate that measures the same size as the magnet face (that is 6-1/4" long by 1-1/4" wide.) This special coil has one wire connected to a brush that contacts the slip ring connected to the insulated cable stitch wire coils. Thus neutral magnetism comes TO THE COIL. Next, as a north face magnet moves within .015" to contacting the coil (wrapped around the TiAlCo-B plate) the neutral magnetism GRABS this north charge and it is circuited (by coaxial cable wire) directly to the plates located above the ceiling. All 14-north faces (this includes the bottom magnets) get circuited to the ceiling grid plates. Next, the same hardwood is arranged to have 14 SOUTH magnet faces feed their energy to the plates under the floor.

As the magnets respond with their back and forth movement this action CHARGES the 14 coils thus supplying all the energy needed to CONVERT the flowing NEUTRAL flow to flows having desired polarities.

Another need for the onboard gravity field is to allow a Celestial Particle Transmuter to function in outer space. Of what value is a Transmuter for space travel? A Transmuter will be instrumental in charting the heavens, but one might ask, 'why not just have an ONBOARD telescope? To explain, as particles of light travel from various stars in the heavens, these pulsed molecular structures will strike an onboard telescope, take on an elongated form, and in so doing SLOW the action which is then viewed (and studied) in a wave form. However, different objects (stars, planets, etc.) have signals that can be magnetically identified by their different magnetic pulse rates. An onboard telescope will intercept light signals from various heavenly bodies; however, magnetic pulses that travel SIDE BY SIDE with the light pulses will NOT be detected. Why? Because magnetic pulses simply pass through the telescope. If a dish were to be lowered out of the bottom turning plate (made as next described) it will capture these magnetic pulses to then be used to chart the heavens by recording the magnetic pulses of space. NOTE: Future space travelers must know that in outer space there are VARIOUS magnetic fields that people have only been MINUTELY VIEWED.

The dish should be formed as a backstop of properly arranged TiAlCo-B pins. This device will allow a categorizing of the heavenly bodies according to their magnetic pulse rate, and is far more accurate than current identification. Capturing magnetic energy from a given star (or other location) poses a different kind of problem than simply holding a light beam in a mirror and then viewing it. The light beams stay in the spot where they hit the mirror; however, the pulsed magnetic particles when changing into a wave form create a magnetic field that quickly manifests throughout the metal being offered. It is very important therefore to limit the size of the field into which each pulsed magnetic particle can manifest in order to prevent a blending or flowing together of the captured magnetisms.

A dish, only large enough to fit out through the bottom rotation plate, can be made of a non-magnetic bonding agent. NOTE: This dish can be used while the craft is moving because the magnetic sphere that encompasses the vehicle is CONSIDERABLY LARGER than the exterior of the spaceship. Thus, what are commonly called 'G' forces have no effect whatever on the exterior or the interior of the spaceship.

This material has secured to it an ASSEMBLY of VERY THIN TiAlCo-B pins 7/16" long. The pin should have very thin metal sensing wires attached to each one. The pulsed magnetic particles would strike the top of the pins that are facing toward the heavens, turning them into mini-magnets. After causing each pin to manifest as an identifiable magnetic pole, this pole would then remain in place for detection, as this pulsed energy is fed into a receiving computer.

The problem is this. Magnetic particles arriving at the dish from DIFFERENT galaxies will exhibit a wide range of magnetic polarities depending on several factors. For example, the distance they traveled, the composition of the original light source, the magnetic HIGHWAYS they passed through to get to the dish, etc. All of these events have an important impact. Here is the BIG problem. After these magnetic pulses are captured, how does one make SURE of the identity being given each, for recording purposes? There is only one sure way and that is to use the energy from the onboard transmuter to first exactly REPRODUCE the same magnetic pulse rate.

The SENT OUT energy from the transmuter is NEUTRAL and it only LEAVES when it is drawn to an offered polarity. A pulse can be sent into the heavens which will match an incoming magnetic TARGET. Then, by controlling the pulse rate of the attract field and also varying the polarity of the attract field, the following synchronization information is attained. The spacecraft operator will know that pulses are synchronized when they MATCH the incoming magnetic energy and it arrives MORE INTENSE at the dish. The magnetic pulse NUMBERS that were used can then be given to identify that particular target in the heavens. As a more advanced use of this system becomes technologically feasible, a very accurately timed ON PULSE can be sent out, then by a reversal of that polarity, the magnetic TRACK will pull back energy from space along with the original magnetic charge. This then MAGNIFIES the viewing of the original heavenly objects. Naturally as the craft travels, this advanced VIEWING will be helpful in observing distances and compositions more accurately.

We must understand that the SPEED of light although CONSTANT is not limited to a given speed RATE. To be a constant and to maintain a specific speed rate are two entirely different thoughts. Light goes through an ACCELERATION process as the PULSED particles NOT WAVES leave the sun and are slowed depending on the other structures in their path. If charting of the heavens is to be done accurately, it is important to broaden our understanding and learn that light in the Universe is traveling at DIFFERENT speeds so as to maintain the BALANCE needed for each system. Space travelers must consider that the particles that become light, travel from the Sun in the form of pulses at a rate FOUR TIMES FASTER then recorded light waves. As these particles make contact with other molecular structures they taken on an elongated form and in so doing have slowed the action which is then viewed in a waveform.

As this disclosure unfolds it will show how the shape of this vehicle as well as its construction causes a condition whereby magnetic energy in and outside this certain sphere creates a wave length that reflects and defracts light thus allowing this vehicle to travel at speeds not hindered by light energy.

When a spaceship runs on magnetic energy, the pull of the attraction is stronger than the interference of the light. This strong PULL ATTRACTION happens because of the craft's pulse number of 21,000 pulses per second. To explain, it is difficult to understand the very word, 'pulse-rate' without knowing what pulsing is, what makes the craft pulse, how large is the pulse, where does the energy come from which first forms into the pulse, what happened to the pulsed energy after it manifests as a pulse and finally why we use this 'particular' pulse number.

The word 'pulse' itself is misleading in that this word has come to mean any single throb or beat as in a 'signal pulse.' The pulse being identified with this spaceship is actually the result of intertwining magnetic circuitry all working together to manifest with 'pulse' energy. This particular pulse number, 21,000 pulses per second can be called the 'primary' figure that allows a sphere to tap into 'free magnetic space energy,' and thus be attracted from this planet to somewhere in the Universe. Just going 'somewhere' would be foolish, therefore, the pulse rate and pulse attract polarities are adjusted on the craft to cause an attract 'to a given place.' There are magnetisms in the universe that have only been minutely investigated.

Every heavenly body emits a given magnetic pulse rate and when this pulse rate is 'tapped into' by utilizing the correct pulsing of the craft, the vehicle is attracted to that target. As travel charts are made of the heavens, it will become common to select the given stars that are 'closest' for attract targets then switch over as the craft gets closer to the desired destination.

The exterior of the spacecraft manifests its 'pulse' with a greater strength at a particular 'zone' on the craft's exterior, therefore the vehicle's 'flight advance angle' is such that this strongest 'pulse zone' becomes the point of the craft that always 'faces forward' for fast space travel. To explain, a standard thrust aircraft simply points the front end toward the target but what is the front edge of a craft that is spherical in shape? The obvious thought would be that the center or cabin window area might be the forward edge but this is not the best advance angle for fast space flight. The best craft 'angle' is when the vehicle is tipped whereby the top safety antenna would be tilted forward 45 degrees. This would cause the center of the top rotating plate to be the lead edge being attracted forward. This lead edge area of the top plate is actually the centerline of the figure eight holes that are drilled completely through this plate. See drawing. A closer understanding of the magnetic pulse rate and how it is caused to manifest will help explain the 'forward tilt' of the spacecraft that maximizes the attract force pulling the spacecraft forward.

For example, the attract pulse strength is focused at the center line of the figure eight holes; however, it is important to note that by having this zone of the craft be the 'lead edge', it in fact intercepts the neutral magnetism of space that causes the top rotating plate to accumulate this magnetic energy. The wiring systems under the rotating plates not only capture this energy and give it the needed polarity, but this pulse wiring circuitry instantly feeds this captured energy to the bottom rotating plate thus the total craft must be included in the pulse 'counting', that is, top and bottom plate, when adding up the craft's pulsing of 21,000 pulses per second.

When this pulse number is reached, then the craft's EXTERIOR PULSE POLARITY determines in which direction the craft will go. We find that pulsed light particles emitting from the center of the Universe travel at variable SPEEDS that cannot be described within our present framework, which locks in time and space. Thus, ALMOST INSTANTLY these pulsed light particles from the center of the Universe are at JUPITER. If a space traveler set the pulse-rate of a craft to ATTRACT to these same pulse like particles, they could arrive at Jupiter in a moment, then change their craft's polarity to follow the magnetic light energy that goes from Jupiter to Earth. All outer SPACE is composed of a NEUTRAL magnetic energy (meaning not having a set polarity).

Neutral magnetic energy does not manifest as magnetism, that is, an energy having a polarity capable of doing work, until certain conditions are caused to happen. Therefore, a starting point for correctly addressing this subject is to highlight the 'conditions' needed for this energy conversion process.

Condition 1) the exterior of the craft must be made of a metal that will welcome neutral magnetism and 3/8 inch thick TiAlCo-B is ideal for this purpose.

Condition 2) This neutral magnetism must be offered a set polarity from the face of a permanent magnet and this 'offer' needs to be at a given distance whereby this neutral magnetic energy 'jumps' a distance gap enroute to the set polarity because it is during this jump over space that the energy transmutes from neutral to actual magnetic energy. The strength of the set-up magnetism is dependent on the actual gap 'distance' needing to be jumped. The TiAlCo-B plate then must go through a 'charging' whereby the energy saturation is intense, thus the offered gap becomes the control factor that allows the correct 'build-up' of magnetic intensity.

Condition 3) The actual jump-over gap must happen along a set distance or zone because it is during this jump-over that the correct 'pulse length' happens.

Condition 4) The time spacing between the jump-over energy is very accurately controlled because it results in producing the needed 21,000 pulses per second and this control is for the most part attained by the revolving speed of the TiAlCo-B top and bottom plates.

Condition 5) The actual polarity that is offered the neutral magnetic energy must be controlled to not just a north or south magnet face but an unending variety of magnetic 'mixtures' that are needed to travel to given zones of the heavens.

Condition 6) After a given amount of neutral magnetic energy is allowed to 'cross-over', a very definite stopping of the flow is needed to allow the pulse an opportunity to return to what could be called a 'neutral attitude' in readiness for the next pulse that might be a 'different' pulse polarity. This neutral attitude capitalizes on the 'spent' pulse in that the energy does not escape but is reused as the magnetic molecular structures simply go through a 'continuous state of forming and reforming' with their pulse polarity being controlled by the permanent magnet's face selection process.

To gain the true picture as to how the two rotating plates interact, we need to think of the plates as responding with the action of an OSILLATOR, that is, pulsing from top to bottom, bottom to top. There are several wire ASSEMBLIES under the top plate. The primary winding consists of 70 lengths of 5/32" dia. wire. These wires are formed by using 7 clean wires measuring .060" thick with six wires wrapped around one. These wires are made of a ratio of 7.8% magnesium to 2.5% nickel. All 70 wires are spaced 360 degrees around into seven sections (under the top plate) equaling 10 wires per section.

Located at the 19 foot diameter of the top plate are 70 boron carbide contacts, each contact having secured to it one of the 70 wires. These 70 moving contacts pulse to 70 boron carbide contacts, which are located at the outer top part of the cabin. These stationary cabin contacts all get circuited to 70 contacts located at the outer bottom surface of the cabin. There are 70 jumper wires that pass between the seven spaces located between the windows.

The bottom rotating plate also has 70 boron carbide contacts that have the same basic winding connected to them. None of the moving contacts need to make actual contact to the cabin contacts. Magnetic energy jumps a space gap, thus, no contact wear happens.

The captured neutral magnetic energy is given its polarity by 28 magnets located outside the cabin. This is an INTENSIVE magnetic flow that not only jumps the space gaps, but ATTRACTS to the contacts in such a manner as to keep the cabin in a non-rotating position as both plates rotate in the same direction.


There are a total of 14 magnets located on the outer top of the cabin and 14 magnets located on the outer bottom of the cabin. These are powerful iron/boron/neodymium magnets that measure 6-1/4" long, 1-1/4" wide and 3" high. All the magnets are supported in seven swivel frames spaced 360 degrees around. Each unit holds two magnets with a separation of 3" between magnets. The seven swivel frames on the top outer surface of the cabin are arranged whereby they can swivel either one magnet or the other to come within .015" of making actual contact to what is called a MAGNET RING.

Thus, at any given moment only seven spaced around magnets can transfer magnetic energy to the magnet ring while the magnets, NOT IN USE, are held 2 inches away from the ring. With the same magnet arrangement of 7 sets of magnets on the lower outside of the cabin we gain the following magnetic flow interaction. We have the choice of magnet face polarities by the selection from seven north or seven south faces. For example, they could all be north at the top turning plate and all circuit to south at the bottom turning plate. The polarity selection becomes the guidance that will determine the direction to which the vehicle will be attracted in outer space.

There is a vast array of attract polarities, each one wanting to pull the craft according to the SELECTION of the polarity being manifest. This polarity variety is accomplished by:

  1. the rotational speeds of the plates
  2. The rotational DIRECTION of EACH plate
  3. Their speed VARIATION between each, and
  4. Finally the magnet face placement that is controlled by using the swivel action of the magnet holding frames that change magnet contact from north to south, etc. The 1-1/4" wide by 6-1/4" long magnet face is the point of contact that impacts the magnet ring.


The top rotating plate is 19 feet in diameter with a 12 inch opening at the top. This ring is made of 3 separate sections each having about the same amount of square inches exposed at the outer surface area. These 3 separate sections are 3 different size castings, all made of 3/8" thick TiAlco-B Metal. There are two magnetic spacer connecting rings that are use to hold these three sections together. These spacer rings are rectangular (dia. to fit the plates) measuring 1-3/4" facing outside and measuring 7/8" protruding inward.

The rings outside surfaces are flush mounted and smooth. These rings are made of a blend of 81% aluminum to a ratio of 42% magnesium and anodized. Each ring is cut into sections for circuit purposes, then reassembled with mica between the cut sections. These reassembled rings are secured to the plates with non-metal bolts with insulation between the rings and the plates.

The magnetic spacer ring located at the larger diameter is the ring, which has the magnets contacting its 1-3/4" wide inner face. This inner face must be machined to allow the magnets to maintain a .015" space-gap away from this ring. As the magnets impact the ring sections, each ring section becomes a magnetic distributor that sends a CHARGE of magnetic current into the wires that then cause the exterior of the craft to manifest with massive pulse charging. There are seven ring sections of 12 degrees each spaced around for 360 degrees. All the magnet switching (north to south, etc.) is accomplished as these smaller sections arrive under the magnets. Thus, each of the seven magnet sets is altered in ring contact polarity seven times per 360 degree rotation. This action is PART of the pulse changing needed to attain 21,000 pulses per second. (7 magnet sets times 7 changes per rotation equals 49 changes per rotation.)

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The completed circuitry for pulsing to the plates becomes quite involved. We will try to clearly explain it.

Subject - Connection pattern for the 70 lengths of 5/32" diameter wire rope.

To gain an understanding as to how the magnetic current flows around the top and bottom plates, we note that two different flow PRINCIPLES are utilized. Principle A is that for the permanent magnets to complete a circuit, there must be one magnet on each end of the wire which is being pulsed.

For the most part, a flow between opposite magnetic polarities creates MOST of the magnetic charge to the 70 wires. This charge is then GRABBED by the captured neutral magnetism of space to then build into MASSIVE magnetic pulses of power. If one could see the pulse rate of the craft AS A WHOLE, this total vehicle would register as having 21,000 pulses per second, a number needed for space flight. This disclosure will show how the pulsing of JUST the top plate, at 200 RPM, builds into pulse numbers of 7,840,000 pulses per minutes or 65,333 pulses per second.

These pulses are then GROUPED into pulses from other pulse locations to create LARGE pulses that encompass the total craft. These other pulse locations will be the subject later in this disclosure.

The second principle B used to explain the magnetic flow is that when NEUTRAL captured magnetism jumps over to a given polarity, there is no need to be concerned about any PARTICULAR circuit flow. This energy will CLOSE THE GAP to any offered polarity to ALWAYS complete its circuit. This is an important action to keep in mind when the subject is how the top plate pulses to the bottom plate, then bottom to top.

As the craft advances through space the top plate becomes the primary zone that captures the neutral magnetism. This energy, when being circuited to the bottom plate, ALREADY HAS acquired a polarity. Thus, when the bottom plate pulses to contacts to RETURN magnetic energy to the top plate, the 70 wires at the top plate are given a CHARGED CIRCUIT FLOW which RESPONDS TO the polarities of the magnets.

This interaction between the plates is crucial to the spacecraft's operation. Thus the top 7 sets of magnets located at the top of the cabin must be in PERFECT alignment to the 7 sets of magnets that are located at the underside of the cabin.

To explain the wiring system, we note there are seven sections of 10 wires per section, with a 12-degree amount of plate spaced between each section. Each of these seven sections has its magnet ring cut at the center point to cause a SEPARATION. This cut to the magnet ring results in each section making firm contact to only five of the 70 wires.



First, we number the 70 slots where the wires are to be placed from #1 to 70 counting clockwise looking at the plate from the top down. Our focus is now on just two wire lengths, the wire length for slot #1 and the wire length for slot #11. Let us assume the #1 wire has been wrapped with the double-back winding pattern and the wire assembly is now located at slot #1. We note this wrapped wire started 3" inward of the large diameter. It is at this point that flexible mica tubing is slid over the clean 5/32" diameter wire rope. This tubing, with the wire inside, is then bent 90 degrees going clockwise with enough length to arrive at slot #12. Each slot has a boron carbide contact located INLINE with it, thus this #1 wire is secured to the boron carbide contact at slot #12.

All of the 70 wires are connected with the same pattern of SKIPPING OVER a total of 10 wire slots. We now focus on the other end of the wire at slot #1. At the smaller diameter of the plate, near the top location, the #1 wire is NOT CUT but is bent to a 90 degree turn going clockwise to then arrive at slot #11. This bend to the wire is made just past the point where the wrapping of the double-back wires ended. It is at this point that flexible mica tubing is slid over this wire as it gets extended over to slot #11.

At slot #11 this SAME WIRE is wrapped with the double back wire and then secured down along the length of slot #11 to arrive at the large diameter. Next, this wire gets bent to a 90 degree turn going clockwise to get secured to a contact located in line with slot #22. This is the same THROW pattern, which skips over 10 wires, as was used at the other end of this wire length. Thus, we have a single length of wire that completed the circuit for TWO slots. This same pattern is continued for the total plate that results in 35 lengths of wire to circuit all of the 70 lengths of wires located at the 70 slots.

We again focus on the smaller diameter where the curved part of wire #1 and #11 has had the mica tubing added. Next, located at a point centered of this tubing we make a cut to expose the wire inside where a jumper wire is then attached. This jumper wire is also 5/32" diameter wire rope made of a ratio of 7.8% magnesium to 2.5% nickel. The connecting method should be a compression sleeve made of the same material as the wire. The sleeve is then insulated with mica and the jumper wire gets connected, going counterclockwise over to the location where the center part of slots #51 and #61 are located. The jumper is secured to the center part of the bend that goes to these two slots using the same connecting method.

When the total top plate has been wired in the same manner, we find that a total of 60 jumper wires are used. The EFFECT of these jumper wires is that it causes a total of four boron carbide contacts to be solidly INTERCONNECTED. Thus, whenever ANY of the 70 top contacts get circuited to a bottom contact, the magnetic energy flow MUST go into 4 lengths of wires. This creates a massive energy flow set in motion at a HIGH frequency. For example, at 200 RPM of the top plate (bottom plate not rotating) the frequency of pulses to EACH wire is 933 pulses per second. If one were to utilize the speed of electrical FLOW to analyze the pulse number of 933 P.P.A., the conclusion would be wrong. It is true electricity CANNOT penetrate along the total lengths of the #70 wires at this tremendous high cycle rate. However, a magnetic flow IS NOT limited to the comparatively SLOW movement of electricity and it SHOULD NOT be viewed from that standpoint.

Just for reference purposes the 60 sets of four wires per set are recorded as follows:





























































To explain the pulse number of 933 pulses to each wire per second, we take the count when the top plate is turning at 200 RPM (bottom plate not turning). There are 70 top contacts that pulse to 70 bottom contacts. Thus in ONE 360 degree rotation the number of pulses is 70 x 70 to equal 4900 pulses in one rotation. We then take 200 RPM and multiply it times 4900 to equal 980,000 CONTACT PULSES in one minute. As stated, each contact responds to four lengths of the 70 wires, thus we take 980,000 x 4 to equal 3,920,000 wire length pulses to just the top plate in one minute. To find the pulse frequency of one wire per second, we divide 3,920,000 by 60 = 65,333 pulses per second for all 70 wires. Thus, 65,333 divided by 70 equals 933 pulses per wire PER SECOND.

Naturally, if the bottom plate were turning backwards at 200 RPM this number would be twice as large JUST for the top plate. The bottom plate always responds as a MIRROR IMAGE to what happens at the top plate.



We next identify the 7 sets of magnets that are equally spaced around for 360 degrees as being magnets A-B-C-D-E-F-G. As stated, the principle of the magnet pulsing is that whenever any magnet is caused to flow its energy, it must get circuited to another magnet. Keeping this fact in mind, we next trace the pulsing of TWO magnets. Our focus is on the rotating plate where Wire #1 has just arrived above magnet A having a NORTH charge facing this wire.

The spacing of the magnets is arranged to where magnet B has just arrived at the location of wire #11. This magnet has a SOUTH face toward this wire. These magnets then have just completed a magnetic circuit by flowing their attract energy into the loop of wire identified as #1 and #11.

We must understand that this magnetic charge is MINISCULE; however, it DOES serve as a catalyst that attracts the captured neutral magnetism located in and around the TiAlCo-B plate, a plate that WELCOMES magnetism. As this neutral magnetism GRABS this 'magnet given polarity' it instantly responds as a magnetic flash that then GREATLY INTENSIFIES the magnetic current inside this wire loop. Since this wire loop is jumpered to the loop of wires #51 and #61, this second loop JOINS IN the magnetic charge.

This ONE action of magnets A and B caused 4 boron carbide contacts (#1, #11, #51, #61) to respond to the bottom contacts with a massive magnetic jolt, a force of ATTRACT that becomes the tool that keeps the cabin in a non-rotating attitude. The jumper wires that connect the cabin's top 70 contacts to the cabin's bottom 70 contacts serve an important secondary purpose. These wires CAPTURE magnetic current and for a very short span of time store this energy. This building up of magnetic energy takes place at an interruption POINT to each of the 70 jumpers, where crystal storage capacitor plates WELCOME any overflow of magnetism. This energy is then captured and stored in special crystal storage banks to be used FOR PLATE PULSING when necessary.

The magnetic sphere around the craft, in order to be COMPLETELY FORMED must have the magnetic power be circuited AROUND TO the rear portion of the bottom rotating plate. The circuit that causes this flow distribution is the wiring THROW pattern of both plates. All of this pulsing activity started with magnetic action caused by the permanent magnets. Each of the seven magnets responds in the manner that was explained for magnets A and B.



Switching the magnets controls the polarity of the plates. However, this switching can only be effective if the 70 wires TAKE TURNS being OFF to then be in the proper ATTIUDE to receive a polarity change. The circuit flow next explained shows how 35 sets of wires get charged as ON while 35 sets of wires are OFF. This charge changing process happens 7 times per rotation.

When a set of 35 wires are activated as ON, it is at that point where 7 magnets are all activating seven different ring sets. Magnet A at wire #1, Magnet B at wire #11, Magnet C at wire #21, Magnet D at wire #31, Magnet E at #41, Magnet F at #51, Magnet G at wire #61. These are 14 ring sections that have a total of 5 wires per section, shown as follows:

Magnet A pulses to ring 1 which has wires # 1,2,3,4,5

Ring 2 not being pulsed has wires #6,7,8,9,10

Magnet B to ring 3 has wires #11,12,13,14,15

Ring 4 not being pulsed has wires #16,17,18,19,20

Magnet C to ring 5 has wires #21,22,23,24,25

Ring 6 not being pulsed has wires #26,27,28,29,30

Magnet D to ring 7 has wires #31,32,33,34,35

Ring 8 not being pulsed has wires #36,37,38,39,40

Magnet E to ring 9 has wires #41,42,43,44,45

Ring 10 not being pulsed has wires #46,47,48,49,50

Magnet F to ring 11 has wires #51,52,53,54,55

Ring 12 not being pulsed has wires #56,57,58,59,60

Magnet G to ring 13 has wires #61,62,63,64,65

Ring 14 not being pulsed has wires #66,67,68,69,70

The ring sections that have magnets starting to contact them are all odd numbers. The moment all seven magnets cross over these odd numbered rings then these rings are no longer charged and are in their OFF position. Next, the seven magnets ride along the next set of EVEN numbered ring sections. This activates the other 35 wires as ON. The 6-1/4" long magnet face causes ALL of the rings to be ON for a very short time span. This timing increment equates to how much time passes for the top plate to travel 6-1/4" at the magnet ring. Thus, as the magnets start to leave the odd numbered magnet rings; they slide directly across to the even numbered rings. At that exact moment, ALL of the rings are activated as ON. This action causes a massive magnetic flash that contributes to the pulsing of the total craft. The 6-1/4" long magnet face PRODUCES this desired action.

All of the magnet switching is accomplished at the 12-degree ring section. The cross wires and the special magnetic circuitry of these 12-degree ring sections becomes a study by itself. These ring sections play a major part in producing the space flight number of 21,000 pulses per second.

There are several important reasons for arranging the circuit flow to have 35 wires on and 35 wires off, then reversed. It is only during the OFF time that NEW polarities can be established. Therefore, without off time there would not be the polarity control necessary for space flight. Another important reason for OFF time is because the captured magnetic current from the double-back wires cannot be removed while the wires inside are under magnetic charge. Thus the slip rings that remove this captured magnetic current are arranged to ONLY remove this energy when a set of the 35 wires is in the OFF position.

Finally, when stating the 35 wires are OFF, it does not mean a SHUTDOWN of magnetic power to those wires. The off wires, for the short OFF span of time maintain a magnetic charge that is in a state of readiness to GRAB or receive a new polarity. This action recycles a stabilized magnetic charge.

This craft, having TWO turning plates is best called a cargo vehicle that can lift its own weight in cargo. However, the pulse action was counted AS IF the bottom plate was not rotating. This shows that enough pulsing STILL HAPPENS so as to return home with only one rotating plate, likened to a two-engine airplane limping home on just one engine.

Subject: Hardware and connection pattern for the 21 sets of cross-wires.

We need to have an understanding as to how the magnetic current create pulses for space flight in order to grasp the value of this cross-wire circuit. To explain: as the 70 lengths of 5/32" diameter wire rope are caused to be pulsed, their flow pattern is basically that of straight-line pulses. These pulses of themselves will not cause the rotating plates to be attracted with the FORCE needed for space flight.

The subject of cross-wires is addressed by counting the amount of these wires. There are fourteen sets of LARGE cross-wires that form figure 8 patterns and seven sets of smaller cross-wires. These smaller cross-wires create narrow but powerful magnetic pulsing zones. The study of these cross-wires starts by directing our attention to a photo of a 'scale model' of a top plate, see Figure 5.

The three plate sections are sized according to each section having the same amount of square inches of TiAlCo-B metal. The small diameter portion that has the 12 inch opening called Part A, measures 129 inches outside diameter molded to a 90 degree curvature that measures from the top down (along the outside), 91 inches.

Secured to this section is the magnetic spacer connecting ring Part B that is used to secure this small diameter section to the middle section. This spacer is a rectangular ring that is made of a blend of 81% aluminum to a ratio of 42% magnesium and is anodized. The face of this ring that is exposed to the outside of this top plate assembly measures 1-3/4 inches and protrudes inward for 7/8 inch. This total rectangular ring is 129 inches at its inside upper diameter and 130-1/4 inches at its inside lower diameter.

The larger diameter portion of this top plate has an inward extension lip that is 1/4 inch thick and protrudes inward for 1/2 inch. (See figure 6.) There are non-metallic bolts that are placed through holes in this protrusion and get firmly secured into drilled and tapped holes that are in the spacer ring B.

To explain the circuit flow, we again state that this ring is actually composed of 21 separate sections that are all made of the same metal composition. There are seven 39-degree sections and each has a 1/2 inch deep by 1/4 inch wide cut at their center point. While these seven sections are not actually cut complete through, this cut serves the purpose of CHANGING the magnetic flow. This flow change is a response that reacts AS IF these seven sections are actually fourteen separate sections.

Thus, after this cut is made, only 3/8 inch of material is left holding these two pieces together. As we view the photo of the model, one can see that there are seven ring sections of 12 degrees each called Part C, which are spaced between the fourteen sections that measure approximately 19-1/2 degrees each. A total of fourteen mica spacers, each measuring 1-3/4 inches by 7/8 inch by 1/4 inch thick are inserted between the 12 degree sections and the rings next to them, called Parts D. Next, after cutting the seven grooves to form fourteen separate sections, these slots are filled with mica spacers measuring 1/2 inch by 1-3/4 inch by 1/4 inch thick, then bonded in place.

The circuit flow, which will be explained, must be viewed AS IF these cuts went completely through forming 14 sections of approximately 19-1/2 degrees each. There are five 5/32" diameter holes bored through each of the ring sections (spaced s shown on Figure 5) for a total of 70 holes. Each of these 5/32-inch diameter holes has a 1/8-inch non-metal setscrew intercepting it, which will secure the wire TO THE RING, after the wire is inserted. When these 70 wires pass through the 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch thick inward extension lips, these holes are enlarged to a 3/8-inch diameter. This size allows a 5/32 inch I.D. by 3/8 inch O.D. mica tube to be inserted, thus preventing the wires from contacting the inward extension lips (See Figure 6).

Next, wrapped around Part B should be a 1/16-inch thick U-shaped piece of Mylar insulation (see Figure 6). Our attention is now on the center section of the top plate Part E. This section is also 3/8 inch thick metal measuring 131-7/8 inches O.D. at the top and 183-3/4 inches O.D. on the bottom (this section measures 37 inches from the top surface to the lower edge). This section is also funnel shaped 90 degrees to match the small top section.

Part E also has a 1/2 inch lip protrusion at the 130-1/4 inches UPPER inside diameter that gets bolted to the magnetic spacer ring. This center section is also insulated from the spacer ring. A good bolting arrangement would be to locate non-metal 1/4-20 bolts every 3 inches apart for the full 360 degrees at the 130-1/4 inches upper diameter.

Next, we describe the second magnetic spacer ring Part F. This is the ring being contacted by the permanent magnets; thus the insulated wrapping wires need to pass through 140 holes that are drilled to allow their circuit to be completed. These wires are therefore not an obstruction to the magnets sliding close to this ring. The measurements of this ring are 182-3/4 inches at the inside top portion. The lower part of this ring measures 184-7/8 inches at the inside diameter. The lower portion of this ring is bolted at the 182-3/4 inches inside diameter. This ring marked F is cut into sections to match the upper ring, Part B. This ring is bolted to the large diameter bottom section called part G. The outer top portion of Part G measures 131-7/8 inches O.D. and 228 inches at the bottom outside diameter. This plate measures 29-1/2 inches from the top to the bottom, that is, along the outside edge.

When these three sections of 3/8-inch thick TiAlCo-B metal are secured to the two magnet rings, the assembly measures 161 inches from the top center point to the 19-foot bottom edge. This hardware background now allows us to study the 21 sets of cross-wires identified as Part H.

There are a total of fourteen large cross-wires and seven smaller cross-wires. The circuit next being explained is only for the large cross wires. These fourteen sets of cross-wires are made of 3/8 inch by 1/16-inch thick flat wire being 46-1/2 inches long. This material is made of an alloy that is 7.8% magnesium to a ratio of 2.5% nickel with a plastic coat varnish insulation covering. This insulation is common to the electric motor use. Each cross is composed of two lengths of 46-1/2 inches long wire, thus 93 inches of material is needed for one complete cross. There are fourteen crosses that then require a total wire length of 1,302 inches.

These flat wires are firmly bolted to these ring sections by using brass 3/8 inch-16 bolts, which are, located about 19 degrees apart. At the point of contact, the varnish insulation is removed. Next, and VERY IMPORTANT, at the center point of these 14 cross-wires, the insulation is removed and good contact between the two wires is established. This center point should be 24 inches away from the magnet ring Part F. These fourteen sets of cross-wires are placed into 3/32-inch deep grooves, which are 3/8" wide to firmly hold these flat wires. These wires are secured into the grooves with non-metal clips and NOT a bonding agent. As these grooves are cut, they are not to cut through the machined grooves that hold the 70 straight wires but are to stop 1/4" away then continue. The flat wires MUST NOT make contact to the straight wires but need to be curved over then above the insulated wrap wires. Next, before the flat wires are put into the 3/32-inch deep grooves, these grooves are drilled completely through at their center point. For the total length of these grooves, there are 1/32-inch diameter holes spaced 3/32 inch between holes.

Next, these LINES OF HOLES are connected TOP and BOTTOM with the same hole spacing formed into half round shapes) Part J. NOTE: the half round shapes for the 12-degree ring sections have the rounded holes CONTAINED TO only the center section Part E. This causes the formation of very intense Figure 8 pulsing patterns that form the lead-edge of the craft.

The reason for these 1/32-inch diameter holes is that they set the actual pulse SIZE by offering the magnetic energy a place to manifest inside and outside the plate. Thus the holes create a 'pulse establishing location'. How is this possible? The neutral magnetism set-up UNDER the plate needs to manifest OUTSIDE the plate. The holes then serve as the needed flow PASSAGEWAY to complete this pulse circuit.

Another reason for the holes is for SAFETY. These holes are located in such a position as to serve as the LEAD EDGE of the craft. If, by chance, the craft had to pass through a HOT ZONE in the heavens, these holes would help to dissipate unwanted heat.

We now address the subject of how the fourteen sets of cross wires create OSCILLATING magnetic currents that flow back and forth across the 70 lengths of straight wires. The moment a permanent magnet contacts the lead-edge of any magnet ring section, the magnetic current RUNS AHEAD into this section to then complete several different circuit flows. First, the lead edge of this ring section sends magnetic current into the flat wire which is secured at that location. This magnetic charge goes to the center of these two cross wires and then continues to the trail edge of the upper magnet ring. From this trail edge, the magnetic charge runs BACKWARD, 'against the rotation' to the lead edge of the upper magnet ring. Next, from that point, it travels downward to the trail edge of the ring where it is contacting the magnet.

Then, as this magnet advances, this figure 8 pattern of oscillating back-and-forth is maintained until the next magnet starts the circuit flow. The CROSS-POINTS of these flat wires send a shock of magnetic energy into the wire assembly that travels around for 360 degrees to circuit to all of the cross points, (see Part I). This WIRE RING is not a continuous wire connection but is arranged to create a particular magnetic reaction. This unique circuit connection can only be explained when all the influencing factors are understood. Thus, this subject will be explained in Installment #5 along with a final review of all the basic functions of this spacecraft.


The cross wires located at the 12-degree ring sections acquire their pulse somewhat like the pulsing of the larger cross-wires. However, the response they cause TO THE TOTAL PLATE, becomes a magnetic charge which is MASSIVE. To explain this action we review the method by which these wires are arranged. The cross wires at the 12-degree ring sections are marked Part F. These crosses are formed of the same flat wire and get secured into 3/32-inch deep-machined grooves. Centered between these seven cross wires are machined half-round grooves 3/32" deep, which start 3" in from the 19-foot diameter. These grooves then extend upward to arrive near the center hole of the top plate for a total length of 144 inches.

Placed into these half-round are 5/32 inch diameter CLEAN wire ropes (see part L). At the center point of each of the 12 degree 'magnet ring sections' there is a 5/32" hole bored through to allow a wire to be inserted into the half-round groove then pass through both magnet rings and arrive near the center hole of the top plate. These seven wires get firmly secured to the 12-degree magnet ring sections. VERY IMPORTANT -Note these seven clean wires are contacting all three-ring sections causing what might be called in electrical terms a DIRECT SHORT CIRCUIT. The ACTION, which this circuit causes, can be explained as we first study the connection pattern for these seven wires.

To mount the wires in these seven half-round grooves, we use three lengths of NON-INSULATED 5/32-inch diameter wire rope that measures 310 inches long. These wires are formed into 5/32 inch diameter wire-rope by the use of seven clean wires each measuring 60 thousandths thick with six wires wrapped around one. This is a special alloyed wire made of a ratio of 7.8 % magnesium to 2.5% nickel.

Next, each of the three lengths of wire is fed through both magnet rings and when arriving at the small diameter of part A, the wires are curved around the 12-inch opening. They then get circuited down the opposite side of the cone by skipping two wires and finalizing the circuit again at the large diameter. To expand on this connection pattern, if all seven wires were numbered 1 to 7 then starting with wire #1, this length would also complete wire #4. Wire #2 would complete wire #5 and wire #3 would complete wire #6.

Next, the seventh or ODD wire gets circuited in a special way to the seventh wire on the bottom plate. This connection causes a pulsing INTERACTION between the plates that aids in building the TOTAL SPHERE around the craft. Another magnetic action that happens is these wires cause an OSCILLATING energy COVER for the cabin area which is located between the plates. To accomplish this, rings made of the SAME material as parts B and F, being one inch wide, are located on the outer top and outer bottom of the cabin. These rings make firm contact to this OUTER SKIN structure for 360 degrees.

Next, the seventh wire of the top plate gets circuited along its length then down to the outer edge of this plate. The wire is then secured to a one-inch wide spring-loaded carbon brush that rotates with the plate. This brush rides directly on the top aluminum/magnesium ring, which then sends magnetic PULSED current along the outer cabin wall down to the lower ring. The bottom plate's seventh wire has a brush that contacts the bottom ring. Thus the cabin's exterior, which is insulated from the cabin structure, completes the circuit between these seventh wires (one on the top plate and one on the bottom plate).

The result is that it creates a dispensing action of magnetism that manifests as a SPREADING OUT and balancing of the energy, an important CIRCUIT for space flight. We note that the 19-foot diameter of the plate has a lower ring section that protrudes 4 inches inward, forming a one-inch thick shelf to hold the 70 contacts. The spring-loaded carbon brush is placed at a LARGER diameter than the 70 contacts to not interfere with THEIR pulse action.

We now review the circuit flow action. Whenever ANY 12-degree ring section has a permanent magnet contact it (by sliding .015 inch above the 12-degree section) ALL of these sections also have magnet contact due to the spacing of the seven sets of magnets. This action causes ALL of the seven wires to complete their circuit TO ANOTHER MAGNET. This action creates narrow but POWERFUL poles that form along the full length of these wires. This happens because each wire is EMBEDDED into the TiAlCo-B plates, having NO insulation. The three rings (A, E, and G) for a given space of time, are all responding AS ONE, likened to a DIRECT SHORT CIRCUIT.

This action causes a MOMENTARY build-up of magnetic power to the plates, an energy charge that then JOINS the flow by jumping to the 70 wires (along with their insulated wrapped wires).

The full impact of what has just been disclosed is better understood as we focus on WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

As the seven magnets arrive at the lead edge of the 12-degree magnet rings, their magnet polarity establishes the CHARGE, which is setup on the total plate. Next, as the magnet advances to the center of this magnet ring, it CAUSES another jolt to the wire that is located directly under it. At this point, the magnet is moved AWAY from the ring and the other magnet, having an opposite polarity, moves to within a .015 inch distance from the ring. This action sends a reversed magnetic shock wave, which USES the polarity, left behind to attract AND BUILD still stronger magnetic pulse waves. It is this ATTRACT and BUILD action that causes the magnetic flow to jump across the insulated wrapped wires AND then gets CAPTURED inside these insulated wires to then be circuited to the cabin's interior.


The wiring system next explained serves the purpose of creating important but DIFFERENT MAGNETIC PULSES. To explain, as the insulated flat wires are embedded at the 12 degree ring sections they cross just above the clean 5/32 inch diameter wire rope that is embedded at this center point. The cross-wires MUST go above this wire rope and at this cross point, the plastic coat varnish insulation is removed. These cross-wires then make firm contact to each other and also contact the top part of the clean 5/32-inch diameter wire rope. All seven 12 degree cross wires get connected in this manner.

Next, at this same 'cross connection' another wire arrangement is added that creates yet another pulse action. This wiring addition calls for the use of a total of fourteen pieces of clean 5/32-inch diameter wire rope, each being 10-1/2 inches long. The placement of these wires is as follows. As the cross wires make contact to the straight wire that is centered at the 12 degree ring section, one of these 10-1/2 inch long wires MAKES CONTACT on the right side of the cross and the other on the left (see part M).

One would think that simply using a 21-inch long 5/32-inch diameter wire would serve the same purpose, but this is not the case. As each 10-1/2 inches long wire is secured to a PORTION of the flat wires at the cross connection, this wire then becomes an EXTENSION for the flow of magnetic energy from the flat wire. A NEEDED magnetic action happens because these 10-1/2 inches long clean wire ropes are embedded into the TiAlCo-B metal AT RIGHT ANGLES to the straight wire.

This simple wiring addition actually causes a NEW magnetic pulsing to manifest which has an important impact to the total pulsing system. We must remember that the 12-degree sections of the top TiAlCo-B plate are not a separate section of metal. Therefore, the captured neutral magnetism from THE TOTAL SURFACE of the TOP plate will MOMENTARILLY rush to the 12 degree sections to find a polarity.

When speaking of a POLARITY it is important to note that a magnetic circuit completed between opposite polarity magnet faces is more powerful. However, neutral magnetic energy is not selective and will setup a given magnetic pulse if the magnet faces are LIKE POLARITY. Thus, it is not a problem of always needing to have opposite face magnets for attracting.

All of the wiring under the rotating plate is arranged to accomplish the task of SPREADING OUT the pulses in order to include the TOTAL PLATE into one large pulsing structure. This spreading out of polarities becomes possible because the three plates are insulated from each other.

To explain this 'spreading out' statement: if a person were to view the vehicle from a distance, with a magnetic detector that registers individual pulses, it would show the following: FIRST, that the total space vehicle would look like one giant pulsing sphere. Then closer inspection would show a certain individual pulse action from the total LARGER plate (Part G). Next an individual pulsing action will manifest from the middle zone (Part E) and finally a smaller pulse at the small diameter.

STILL CLOSER inspection would then show straight line pulsing from the large diameter to the small diameter of the rotating plates (action caused by the seventy wires). And yet still closer inspection would show OSCILLATING flows crossing back and forth across the straight-line flow caused by the cross wires. Then finally the inspection would show a PULSE AROUND FLOW from the wires that go around and get connected to the 21 cross wire center points. A good question to ask would be why does the 3/8-inch by 1/16-inch flat wire need to be insulated with the plastic coat varnish insulation?

Answer - This insulation causes a certain DIFFERENT magnetic energy charge to CROSSOVER, one, which has RESTRICTIONS. Also, these wires serve as boosting energy antennas that send out the current polarity signal and attract additional energy in to reinforce the pulse sequence. This is necessary because the PRIMARY flow for these cross wires is picked up at the cross connections. This is the point where the clean 5/32-inch diameter wire rope is contacting the cross wires and is in SOLID CONTACT to the TiAlCo-B plate. This flow then FEEDS BACK to the magnet rings and causes the magnetic charge from the magnets, to become greatly REINFORCED. This action then BUILDS UP a set polarity inside the 70 wires that are secured to the magnet rings. This setup polarity then becomes the ATTRACT FORCE that is strong enough to cause neutral magnetic energy to jump across the insulated loops of the wrapping wire.

Thus, the actual SIZE of the flat wires limits this SHORT-CIRCUIT activity to the point where it is a SECONDARY magnetic circuit acting as a MAGNETIC REINFORCEMENT CHARGE. All of this magnetic pulsing builds into the attract force that causes the craft to TAP INTO the gyroscopic principle of movement that is NATURAL in our Universe. However, the SPACE ENERGY that attracts this vehicle actually attracts to the total unit. Thus a pulse is not one total magnetic flash of energy which goes around AS IF the craft were a ball, but the pulsing action is supplied from TWO ZONES, the top plate and the bottom plate. Each plate contributes 10,500 pulses per second. The TIME DIFFERENTIAL between the pulsing from the top plate and the INTERTWINING of pulses from the bottom plate happens at zones on the craft's exterior that are actually POSITIONED by the connection span of the 70 wires. Thus this NEEDED time differential is caused to happen by the 114-degree WIRE SPAN connections. A statement that might seem to be confusing is that a pulse is not to be thought of as having a GOING DIRECTION, as for example, top to bottom. Instead a pulse should be considered as an energy that goes both directions SIMULTANEOUSLY. Therefore, DO NOT completely lock into the top to bottom analogy.

Subject: The pulsing sequence for the PULSE AROUND magnetic circuit flow

As stated previously, the wire ring that connects the cross-points is not a continuous wire connection. The explanation then begins with a focus on the method for holding this wire. There are seven 24 inches lengths of clean 5/32-inch diameter wire rope and each length connects TWO crossing points that are 24-1/8 inches apart. As each wire is secured to the 3/8 inch flat wires at the TOP of the cross it does not extend to the actual CENTER, but is 1/16 inch short of going to the actual center point. These seven wires are held into machined grooves, which are located 24 inches away from the magnet ring, part F. These grooves are 24 inches long and 3/32 inches deep. These grooves have a radius to hold a 5/32-inch diameter clean wire rope.

Next, to complete this wire ring there are 14 separate lengths of 5/32 inch diameter clean wire rope which are only 12 inches long. These wires are held in a 3/32-inch deep by 5/32-inch diameter half round machined grooves, which are 12 inches long.

When the seven 24 inches long wires are all secured to ONE-SIDE of the crosses, these 12 inches long wires get located on the opposite side of these same cross-points. There should be a 1/8-inch space distance between the 24 inches long wires and these 14 lengths of 12 inches long wire. NOTE: The opposite ends of these fourteen 12 inches long wires are IN-LINE with the wires that are located at the 12-degree ring sections.

It is important to state again that when the 5/32-inch diameter grooves are cut for these wires they DO NOT cut into the straight-line grooves, but stop 1/4 inch away on both sides. These wires are then CURVED over THE STRAIGHT WIRES AND DO NOT MAKE CONTACT TO THEM.

We will now trace the magnetic circuit flow. When a magnet arrives just past the 12-degree ring section it sends its polarity charge into the ring section that has five straight wires. However, at this same contact point, this magnet is also CHARGING a flat wire. This flat wire, at its cross-points sends an energy charge ACROSS TO the cross-wires which are located AHEAD of this magnet. This flow pattern causes a magnetic flash to travel ahead ABOVE the straight wires.

Next, as this same magnet arrives at the end point of this SAME magnet ring section, the magnetic current travels BACKWARDS. This ahead and backward movement manifests as a Figure 8 pattern of flow. The cross-wires and their method of circuitry CAUSE all of this pulsing action. These figure 8 patterns of magnetic charge become VERY POWERFUL. Thus when the plate is charged ready for space flight, the Figure 8 pattern is enlarged to the size established by the holes (holes which go through the plate).

Other spacecraft Construction details:

  1. When the lower ring section protrudes inward for 4 inches, this lower shelf is machined flat on the bottom surface. This shelf not only adds rigidity to the rotating plate but it serves as a wiring shelf to hold the jumper wire connections. The primary purpose for the shelf is to serve as the contact holding support frame.

The 70 contacts protrude down past this shelf a distance of 3/4 inch with a rounded curvature to match a 3/4 inch half round shape. The contacts also extend upward past this shelf one inch which allows a securing bolt to hold one of the 70 wires in each contact.

IMPORTANT: The shape of the contacts is necessary to assist in the acceleration of the rotating top plate by 'ATTRACTING' the moving contact to it. This action then allows the cabin area to remain in a non-spinning attitude as both plates (top and bottom) rotate in the same direction.

This NON-spinning of the cabin is caused to happen by the 'TIMING' of the contacts PULSING which then serves as a CABIN STABILIZER. Thus the shape of these 'boron carbide' contacts is an important design feature.

It should be noted that the rotating accuracy of the plates needs to be such that the spacing distance between the contacts does not change more than a few thousandths from the needed .015 inch spacing. These contacts are to be placed into mica tubing which has a 1/8-inch thick wall for insulation purposes.

When the 70 contacts located on the top of the cabin get circuited downward to the 70 contacts below, the jumper wires pass on the sides of the windows. Thus depending on the USE of this spacecraft, the number of windows required can be determined. For example, if the craft were to be used for passenger purposes, then seven windows would be ideal.

The method of placing the weight around in the craft is a primary concern. For example, the centerline of the cabin should be the center of the windows. However, the weight distribution should be the same on each half of this centerline. Thus, seating would need to be at TWO levels, that is, above and below the centerline's divide location.

The motors that drive the plates need to be spaced on both sides of this centerline. Also, the ballast weights are not to be used to correct the misplacement of weight. These sliding weights are for controlling the flight path and proper weight placement is a requirement for space travel.

POURING the TiAlCo-B Metal

Each of the top three plates should be poured using about six individually curved plate sections. These sections are made with sides that are grooved to snap into the part next to it. Care must be taken to NOT allow the molten TiAlCo-B to flow over TOO MUCH mold distance. A thought is to use four separate furnace systems to then fill the mold simultaneously from four pouring in areas. IMPORTANT - When the mixture in the silicon nitrite mold is CHERRY RED it should be removed and placed between upper and lower non-metal pin holding assemblies which will maintain the shape. Next, the red hot metal is given a FAST chilling JOLT of ice-cold water from many spray jets. These jets are to hit EVERY SPOT of the metal shape, both inside and outside. The pin holding shell units serve to stop a WARPING out of shape during the chill cooling cycle. Next, the finished shape is to be completely cooled in a room having liquid coolant blowing cool air on the metal with a temperature of 22 degrees F.


  1. A spare set of contacts should always be onboard the craft. If an accident happened whereby contacts hit to contacts they could be damaged. Repairs can be made if these parts are part of the repair package.
  2. There are UNWANTED jolts of magnetic energy in space that could cause magnetic control problems. The top of the craft should have an antenna, which is circuited to an assembly of CHARGE CONTAINMENT materials. This charge CAPTURING package is located at the storage compartment of the top cabin area. The unwanted charge is then captured and dispersed.
  3. The magnet switching units will be activated by computer control. However, should a computer become inoperative, these magnets can be changed in polarity by HAND operational cables, a system that could prove VERY useful.
  4. A start motor and a run motor are used to rotate each plate. However, shafts with special couplings can be placed between these motors. If a motor were to need repair, then the coupling between the upper and lower shaft could be activated. Thus either motor can be used to rotate BOTH plates until needed repairs are made.
  5. The legs for landing extend out of the cabin area to allow BOTH plates to rotate during take-off. However, for landing, it is best to be able to have the plates rotating backwards of each other. This action can be likened to backing a car into a driveway. Also, for landing, a single pod can be lowered from the center hole of the bottom plate. This device can be used to TEST the surface to see if it can support the craft.
  6. A more advanced design of this craft would be to have the doorway be an opening into the bottom plate. This design would call for very exact plate manufacture to prevent the unit from rotating OUT OF ROUND. A suggested method for locating the door on this first vehicle would be through the cabin area whereby one of the seven windows is replaced with an entry door.

Additional information pertaining to this spaceship will be distributed in the future. Please share this information with others.

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  • Just look at what happened in my country with the January Revolt. The Federal Government didn´t leave until when forced many enough.

  • Spaceship found!

    Local WWII veteran and mechanic Frank "Al" Thomas built this metallic beauty back in the 60's. Friends of Al's say that he intended to fly it, although no one ever saw him try. It was approximately 30 feet in diameter, and at least ten feet tall. There was a seat perched in the bubble for the pilot. "Exploding electricity" was the method of propulsion.
    My friend Kevin Barber knew Al, and said he enjoyed spending time in Al's shop with him. Al passed away several years ago, and his spaceship is rumored to be on display at a museum up north.


    Photo of David Hamel's original spaceship. This is the one that actually flew. Unfortunately its takeoff was unexpected and it flew off, never to be seen again. It was a first stage only.....THIS IS SO FUNNY




    An old Danish NASA employee made a spaceship with an open source license.


  • Goodbye Planet Earth

  • Enjoy have a nice holiday in your home-made Spaceship as now is the time to escape Planet Earth while it is going through a rough hard time and you can always come back after Ascension is complete on Planet Earth.

    I DO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR and can be funny at times

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