I have come across a very interesting information, which you may like to pass on to your friends.

Officials in the US Food and Drug Administration act on the following lines.

"When food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate onions and where those onions came from, such as Potato salad. It is probably the onions which are the cause for food poisoning.

The US Food and Drug Administration has come to the conclusion, after research, that onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. It is not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator. It is already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you.

If you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy, you will probably be okay; but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you are asking for a big trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad will attract and grow bacteria faster.

So, how is that for news? Take it for what you will. I am going to be very careful about onions from now on.

Please remember it is dangerous to cut onion and use or cook the next day. It becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates toxic bacteria which may cause adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning.

Note that the Hare Krishnas totally avoid onions as they are also in the mode of passion and not good for spiritual meditation.


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  • This information about onions was passed on to me by a Hare Krishna Devotee so i passed it on not realising that so many are for and so many are against onions. Those who do not trust the US Food and Drug Administration who published this report are welcome to contact them directly and tell them what you think of their report.
    As far as i am concerned ONIONS, GARLIC AND MUSHROOMS are to be avoided as they are APHRODISCIAC and in the mode of PASSION and they can distract you when you are meditating. For those who want to lead a Spiritual Life they are to be avoided. Hare Krishnas do not use onions, garlic or mushrooms. Instead of onions they use YELLOW POWDER [ HING ] when cooking as this is an alternative. GINGER is in the mode of GOODNESS and can be taken daily which i do.
    • Dear Ann it is ok if you do not trust the FDA and it is a good thing you do not like onions anyway as they are in the mode of passion and no good for your Spiritual Life
      • I really had to RFLOL at this one. Onions causing food poisoning says the "F-ing Drug Administration"? You've gotta be kidding me. I've been eating onions for years.....raw, cooked, in potato salad....whatever...not one case of food poisoning. Just more BS from the FDA. If potato salad causes food poisoning, it's either the eggs, or the mayo going bad from sitting un-refrigerated too long.....NOT the onions.

        Onions "no good for your Spiritual Life"? Oh, my, I guess that's what's been keeping me from ascending?
  • Besides, onions and garlic keep the vampires away.
  • Verry good for the garlic smell...chew on parsley...
  • Yes food is delicate especially if you still want the vitamines and nutriants to play a role in it. But if you do not mind losing those you still can cook the hell out of everything, like this you will never have food poisening from...raw stuff...lol. You might get toxic poisening from the molecule changes in the to long cooking part...lol.
  • I have used onions for more than 25 years as a chef and i have never heard of food poisening. I must say i do prefer the red onions to the normal (Spanish one) we use in restaurants across Europe. I do love the French onion soup in cold winter, and yes Marion i do still ocasionally use my grandmothers advise to put a onion next to my bed when having a heavy cold. Altought when the cold is primarely in the nose i tend to peal some pieces of garlic and stick them up my nose...i know it sounds weird and note that it hurts because it stings but for me it works ...instand relief. To avoid problems in bed Nat after eating garlic i would sugest that when pealing it you also take out the small root it has inside it will reduce the smel when digesting. And sorry but Hare Krishnas are really not a verry good source of information to me on anything credible. I must point out that being in the restaurant bussines for so long i do have the habbit of chekking peoples habbits when cooking and storing food. And i must say that most people do not have a clue on temperature and storage. With temperature i mean the ambient one. People do not mind leaving food around in the heat even if it is a normal temperature and eat that food a few hours or even a day later. It is amazing there are not more cases of food poisening. It is not the food that is the problem but people not knowing how to handle it. And it is worse if you take the food in and out of different temperatures al the time, I have had mayo served to me in restaurants that clearly has been standing on another table before and then put back in the jar before being re-seved to me. Lucky i am a profesional and see the dammage but if they stir it with a spoon before putting it on your table...chances are you will only notice after the dammage is done. Here in Puerto Rico being tropical the problem is even worse. And in Europe even if the temperature difference between seasons is not that high, the month in wich the season changes is a month you need to be careful with when storing food even in the fridge.
  • Have also heard this , that onions particularly attract bactedria and to be aware of that.... but also because of this, one can leave a peeled/cut onion out in a place/room where lots of people have a cold /flue and it will draw these bacteria to it...someone had put them in their fridge to do the same...
    Not sure if that can be proven or even works?!
    I have always been eating onions and never had any problems with eating them....don't think I deliberatly left them hanging round in warm weather (India) ..:)....
    Red onions are not so good for us apparently, because they contain Melonic Acid.... www.energyalchemiststudio.com
  • Its good to fart, no problem I live alone from sunday to friday.lol
  • Last week I craved onions so I gave in and had some with veggie bangers, it was lovely.
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