




8110621470?profile=original(The Core he was talking about is the 4th major Energy Center of our Human Body ---The Heart Energy Center or the Heart Chakra, in sanskrit its known as the Anahata Chakra.)



8110621661?profile=originalNikola Tesla wanted to give free electricity/energy/power to the humanity with his Wardenclyffe project. He knew how to do it and how to make it work, but unfortunately the government and business man (JP Morgan) thought otherwise and this project was not completed. If it had, the earth would have been a different place altogether.

Love, Light and Gratitude,


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  • thanks for sharing Dinesh.


    i.m.h.o. he is one the most precious geniuses of modern times of the history of mankind.

    his insights  was with e.s.p. and full power of his brain focus. what a noble person, sad he was treated as a slave, and captive to die poor, and many of us did not know of him, when we went to school only about eitsiten, franklin, and others who can't even compare of how many inventions he gave to mankind that we know of to date, and for all of us to share. one can only ponder what else he wanted to share with all of us.


    mankind could use more of this blessing. this time with full power of the atomic pulse in his aura.


    blessings to all of us for  we are all one

    • Thank You too, Rsolor. Yes, we all are one, indeed!

  • Nicola Tesla:  One of my favorite people - and very handsome too!

    • Yeah, Albert Einstein had to go to the 2nd place in my book after I'd learnt about Tesla ;p)

  • he was responsible for time jumping too, but was kept top secret and then the secret was put in the Los Alamos naval intelligence vault to be kept away from prying eyes.

    • Thanks Jason for this sharing this information. I never knew Nikola Tesla had to deal with time jumping. After his death all his research work was seized by the government and  kept  a secret till date because if the secret were to be revealed to the public, the oil, gas, nuclear corporations would cease to exist and even the banks too. We will be living in a Free world !

  • You're Welcome, Feather Winger. :)

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