
January 30, 2013 ~Humanity’s increasing awareness of its spiritual origin and heritage is allowing a more open view of spirituality to develop. It is sorely needed, and with the vastly intensified spiritual energies that have recently enveloped the planet, it is becoming a subject that is of interest to growing numbers of people. An awareness of and an interest in spirituality is an essential step towards awakening into full consciousness, and the new energies are stimulating such an awareness in many who previously had given no thought to the possibility of life continuing after physical death. When you awaken into your natural fully conscious state, the idea of death will seem quite laughable because there is no such thing, and all sentient beings, all the children of God, know that they are immortal. In the illusion, however, death is an ever-present threat from which you believe you must be protected at all costs, even to the extent of killing others who appear to be threatening you.

Of course, once you lay down your human bodies at physical death, it becomes immediately apparent that you still exist. This can be very confusing for those who have never considered the possibility of an afterlife, or who have dismissed the prospect as laughable. Some refuse to accept their new state and shut themselves off from the Love that waits to embrace them, but deep within them there remains the knowledge that they are divine beings, and in the spiritual realms it is impossible to remain permanently shut down and closed off from the field of Love in which all of creation has its eternal existence. As you have been told repeatedly all will awaken.

Here on Earth, as you play your parts as Light-bearers and wayshowers, the field of divine Love is having ever greater effects on all sentient beings because your Father wants you all to wake up. This period in your spiritual evolution is not a random or chance event, where a momentary surge in the creative energy field that contains all that exists has temporarily engulfed your planet. This energy field is eternally expanding as creation itself expands. There is nothing outside it because it contains all that exists, but – using an analogy to give` you a picture with which you can resonate – Earth, which was in its outer reaches, is effectively being drawn in nearer to its center where its power and strength are less easily ignored. This was planned eons ago and is occurring precisely on schedule to help humanity awaken from the nightmare of separation and abandonment in which it seems to have been enclosed, unaware of anything but this illusory realm of pain, suffering, and finally death.

To awaken is your divine destiny; for you all to awaken is inevitable; and for you all to experience that awakening is unavoidable. The truth of this is reason for constant celebrations and it would behoove you well to recall this information whenever you find yourselves experiencing doubts of any kind about the existence of God and his infinite Love for you all. Within your present arena of experience, with all the problems and worries with which it is constantly presenting you, it is frequently very difficult to focus — let alone remain focused — on this basic truth. You are, as you have so often been told throughout the eons, divine spiritual beings of immense power and wisdom, having a severely restricted educational experience so that you may learn lessons of great significance that you could have learnt in no other way.

When the discomfort, anxiety, uncertainty, or suffering that you are undergoing seems to be overwhelming, go within, ask for help, know that you will receive it, and maintain your faith. Just by restating your intention to be wayshowers and Light-bearers you strengthen your connection to the divine field of Love surrounding and enveloping you, even if you cannot sense it. Deep within yourselves — each and every one of you — you do have the knowledge, you do have the faith, you do have the courage, and you do have the determination that will carry you forwards to your divine destination.

Love is the infinite and eternal field in which all of creation is forever growing and expanding. You are all held lovingly secure within that field in every moment of your immortal existence. Your present unawareness is a very temporary state from which you will awaken. The brilliance of the Light into which you will awaken is indescribable. The Light within each one of you is eternally one with the Light into which you are to awaken. You are divinely loved, cherished, and taken care of in every moment. So relax into that certain knowledge as you move rapidly towards your awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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