Message from Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
Forces of Light
To create an impenetrable force field around ourselves, we suggest you practice being positive throughout the day.
A positive emotion such as compassion, understanding, forgiveness, appreciation, thankfulness, kindness, happiness and energy, creates energies that feed and accelerate the forces of light.
When we promote ourselves in this way, the benefits multiply, from feeling energetic to decreasing the negativity from our mind and body.
Service to others is another way to promote energy levels. By helping others, by giving advice, teaching, helping, spending time and even talking to someone; all these things helps the body from disease of the negative.
In the fifth dimension, all will mingle together and kindness and love will be the greatest frequency of this realm. There will be cooperation between each other; as group work is essential for the growth of the spirit.
If we practice these simple etiquettes, our life here and the fifth realm will become easier.
We remind you that the Creator has left all your duties to you, to keep carrying on; be it a father, mother, sister or brother. Family is the best for service to others or helping others who do not have a family. Their value is immense.
May the forces of light embrace you to the higher realms of thought.
Your mother paving the way to success of oneself.
not about 3, 4, 5 , but UNI