Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yoEkbkHg7VR4/

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  • Well Jancar, that's commendable and I also took that protestation path.....No vaxx, no tests, no aps...I refused the pinging ap, which many joked about as a "pingdemic." I also refused to co-operate with all the absurd arrows on the floors of supermarkets, etc and had several spats with store managers about the stupidity of "two metres apart" mandates....They thought I was mad, at the time....Of course, with me knowing that all of this was baloney..and many others falling for the lies...

    I also had several spats with covid zealots about "not wearing my mask over my nose." One of these true believers (a total stranger,) chided me for potentially infecting others with covid and claimed "expertise," as an NHS "professional." Truly laughable at the time...I put her in her place, with my customary wit. Something that surprised her....She was obviously used to dictating to compliant zombies and instead had a tiger by the tail....☺️ Such deranged people often back down, when we stand up to their madness...
  • Yea I'm glad I had nothing to do with the COVID, all I did was wear a mask lol That's it, other than that, did nothing, no COVID test lol DEFINITELY NO VACCINE.

    And guess what, the COVID never touched me lol I mean almost everyone I KNOW got the COVID, except me, didn't touch me lol EAT THAT NWO.
  • What do you feed, where do you put your Powerful attention towards? This is a timeline in 3d that is only a script! YOU alow ir call it in to happen to you or not. You can simply switch to anothet script, feed your attentipn to what you want to c grow! one you want to see happen and create that by your intention! And always divine intwrventipn. There can happen nothing against your own divine will! 🌟💛https://youtu.be/x8kvqQbindM
  • Unfortunately, this link no longer works!
  • Thank you for this video i really enjoyed listening. This answered something that's happening to me.
  • We better pray for divine intervention!
    • Yes always every days
  • Soilent Green!!
  • Share this with every one who is open!
  • Dig ...well what are you going to do about it ?
This reply was deleted.

Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Views: 1617

Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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Views: 778

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Drekx Omega replied to Krishna Kalki's discussion Former FEMA operative Celeste Solum talks with David Icke 'The Covid tests are magnetically tagging you"
"Well Jancar, that's commendable and I also took that protestation path.....No vaxx, no tests, no aps...I refused the pinging ap, which many joked about as a "pingdemic." I also refused to co-operate with all the absurd arrows on the floors of…"
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Edward posted a status
Help and support Uk.....ASAP...
Solve the weapons.....ASAP.....

Thanks for the good datas and informations...Always.........
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John Jancar replied to Mr.Ed's discussion Some recent GFL craft sightings ***LOOK*** here is your proof!
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John Jancar replied to Tesla_Lion_2's discussion What is the best way you have used to meet with your higher self?
"You don't meet your higher self, you ARE your higher self lol You just got to BRING IT DOWN, or bring it up lol More specifically, from within.

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"What changes have I PERSONALLY NOTICED, you don't wanna know lol I mean I take awakening TOO FAR lol That's my only downside."
7 hours ago
John Jancar replied to turtles's discussion What shifts and changes are you noticing??
"Very little lol

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