Here's a photo of the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, who are descendants of Thomas Jefferson and slave Sally Hemings (who had six children of Thomas Jefferson, who was a widower at that time with six children from his deceased wife):


Jefferson's descendants reported that Jefferson treated his family and his slaves very well, and even had parties with his slaves (which may have led to his relationship with Sally Hemings).  Slavery in the U.S. would start to be recognized as a horrible evil after the U.S. Revolutionary War, and it became a big tradition for slave owners at that time to free their slaves after their deaths as a gradual means to end the practice of slavery in the U.S.  Slavery would have been eliminated in the early 19th century had the cotton gin not been invented (NOTE: black comedian Dick Gregory claimed that the cotton gin was actually invented by a Virginia slave to make his work easier, and that Eli Whitney reportedly saw this object, put his patent on it, and sold the stolen idea to money addicts throughout the U.S. south).

Writer David Barton aimed to defend Jefferson from charges of racial prejudice. To do so, he must address and explain the fact that Jefferson owned many slaves and did not emancipate them. In "The Jefferson Lies," Barton asks:

If Jefferson was indeed so antislavery, then why didn't he release his own slaves? After all, George Washington allowed for the freeing of his slaves on his death in 1799, so why didn't Jefferson at least do the same at his death in 1826? The answer is Virginia law. In 1799, Virginia allowed owners to emancipate their slaves on their death; in 1826, state laws had been changed to prohibit that practice.

Goldman Sachs or Bank of America would have hired Eli Whitney faster than you you could say jungle fever. Thank you Eli Whitney, for influencing government law via financial greed.  And this was all due to a stolen idea (from a slave) that prevented the planned termination of the institution of American slavery.

Here are other interesting notes about Thomas Jefferson: 

At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.

At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French. Also studies violin.

At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages. He would be able to speak five languages.

At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.
Also could write in Greek with one hand while writing the same in Latin with the other.

At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.

At 23, started his own law practice.

At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.

At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America" And retired from his law practice.

At 32, was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence .

At 33, took three years to revise Virginia 's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.

At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.

At 40, served in Congress for two years.

At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.

At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.

At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society.

At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican Party.

At 57, was elected the third president of the United States .

At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size. 

At 61, was elected to a second term as President.

At 65, retired to Monticello .

At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.

At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first

At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams.

Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. 

John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."


Here are the facts about Jefferson (and Washington) and the fact that they both technically grew and sold marijuana (which was poor quality hemp at that time):

  • Both Washington and Jefferson tried growing hemp on their Virginia farms, with mixed success. Washington used some of what he grew to make hemp clothing worn by his slaves. However, U.S. hemp exported to Britain often was of such poor quality that it couldn't be sold, and Washington was never able to turn a profit on the crop despite sustained effort. Jefferson also seems to have grown hemp strictly for local consumption, from which we deduce he couldn't make money at it either. In short, not only were Washington and Jefferson marijuana farmers, they were unsuccessful marijuana farmers.
  • Notwithstanding their failure to make a fortune from hemp, Jefferson and Washington kept at it. Washington continued to tout the crop after he became president. Jefferson invented a better "hemp brake" to separate the fibers from the stalks, something he thought was so important agriculturally that he refused to patent it. This tells us two things. First, Jefferson ran an advanced marijuana processing facility. Second, he was a socialist.
  • Both Jefferson and Washington traded seeds and plants with other farmers on a regular basis. Jefferson wrote of receiving hemp seedlings from someone in Missouri, and it would have been only neighborly to send some Virginia seedlings back. Chances are Washington did the same. Couple this with the fact that the two men at least tried to sell their hemp crops and we're obliged to conclude: Washington and Jefferson weren't merely marijuana farmers, they were marijuana dealers.

Finally, here's what American Philosophical Society (A.P.S.) president Thomas Jefferson had to say about UFOs, after seeing one in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1800:


Is Jefferson an amazing dude or what!  Anyway, here's the horoscope  of Thomas Jefferson:


Similar to Vladamir Putin (and Richard Nixon), Jefferson has Pluto close to being overhead, and in the ruling sign of Scorpio.  People born with Pluto high in the sky above them are usually noted for being agents of social change with great power and influence that will anger certain classes of people (especially wealthy people who learn from these agents of change that they can't always influence others via money).  These same agents of social change are also susceptible for "falling from power" if this power is abused (as was the case with Nixon).

Jefferson has Aquarius rising, and hence his first house is ruled by Uranus.  Noted for being viewed by others as having "an ordinary but unusual appearance" (he greeted the ambassador of France at the White House wearing a night robe and slippers), Jefferson had Uranus in a strong 60 degree sextile aspect with Mercury, and this represents opportunity (sextile) with unusual, revolutionary, and genius (Uranus) breakthroughs and areas pertaining to thoughts, ideas, and communications (Mercury).

Jefferson's second house is ruled by Neptune, with Mercury placed there.  Jefferson had a successful law practice, but he also may have learned and had thoughts (Mercury) about the deception (Neptune) and the evil influence potential of money as the Bank of England pushed colonial script money out of circulation and replaced it with a Bank of England sponsored Currency Act (of 1764) that outlawed colonial money and required the colonists to pay future taxes to England in the form of gold and silver.  Jefferson would become a liberal socialist (well, nobody is perfect) after retiring from his law practice, and I suspect that this is the meaning behind logical Mercury in the deceptive sign of Pisces (in the financial second house). As far as the Sun in Aries (attention on competition with others) in the second house, Jefferson was blunt (an Aries trait) about his knowledge involving the deceptive use of money.  This is what Jefferson had to say about banking:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Jefferson's third house of communications and thinking is ruled by Mars, and Mars is well-aspected with a square to Venus in this house and with a trine to the Sun.  Venus (art, harmony, relationships) in the third house (thinking, thoughts, communications) is very prominent in the charts of artists, and Mars/Venus aspects seem to always seek appreciation of harmonious form (be it art or physical love).  Jefferson designed his home of Monticello (which is in the first photo I posted above) and the University of Virginia to reflect such harmonious form per art, and the Jefferson Memorial design is a tribute to Jefferson's art appreciation applied to architecture.  The Sun (expression) placement in the second house (of financial resources) forming a trine (harmony) to ego-based Mars (in the seventh house of relationships and legal matters) no doubt defines a harmonious and successful expression of ideas pertaining to money issues within legal matters; Jefferson doubled the size of the United States at four cents an acre with the Louisiana Purchase.

The fourth house (one's real estate or "roots") is ruled by Venus (art, relationships, harmony), and we just discussed Monticello and Jefferson's love for harmonious design with architecture. Hence, there really is no need to further discuss Jefferson's fourth house of real estate and dwelling placement.

Jefferson's fifth house (speculation, recreation, leisure activities) is ruled by Mercury (communication, thoughts, thinking, writing). Because Jefferson never seemed to stop "wanting to learn," this endless quest for knowledge may be what his true recreation and leisure activities were, and with the harmonious trine with Saturn (restrictions, limitations) and in the seventh house (one-on-one encounters, legal matters), Aries Sun Jefferson was a competitor who not only faced up to any mental challenges, but obviously enjoyed them due to his incredible broad base of knowledge, skills, and interests.

Jefferson's sixth house (health conflicts, job skills, technical abilities) is ruled by the Moon and has Neptune (deception, spiritual service, imagination) conjunct Chiron (advanced technology, UFOs/ extraterrestrials, other-worldly knowledge) in the sixth house. With the quincux angle (tension) between Neptune (deception) and the Moon in Sagittarius (people involved in law or legal philosophy), I suspect that Jefferson may have felt tension (quincux) or suspected great Neptune dishonesty in the legal profession (Moon in Sagittarius), and sought other areas of job skills that required use of his Neptune in Cancer imagination (farming and politics come to mind, since both are dominant under the sign of Cancer).

The seventh house of Thomas Jefferson is ruled by the attention-seeking Sun, and with Mars and Jupiter in this house, study of the law and legal remedies were a primary interest, regardless of any discrepancies or deception he may have encountered while he was a lawyer in practice.  Saturn in the seventh house often indicates a divorce or relationship conflict, and Jefferson's intimate relationship with Sally Hemings reportedly hurt his relationships with his children of his previous marriage, as well relatives of Sally Hemings.

The eighth house of banking is ruled by Mercury, and we discussed Mercury's presence in the second house of financial resources. Please refer to the second house interpretation above for Jefferson's famous thoughts and writings (Mercury) on banking (eighth house). Note that social liberal Jefferson (who was the first U.S. president from the Republican party) despised a strong central government and weakened it via elimination of many "unneeded jobs," cuts in the whiskey and tobacco excise taxes, and termination of many ambassador positions. Here is a graph of the results; Jefferson was a U.S. President from 1801 to 1809.  Nathan Rothschild was reportedly howling for Jefferson's blood with this fiscal prudence; the idea of having to suffer a financial loss due to somebody trying to balance their checkbook was just too much for him and his money addiction problem at that time: debt-and-gdp-02.png?w=1024&h=515

The ninth house of philosophy and world views is ruled by well-aspected Venus (art, harmony, relationships), and Jefferson was president of the American Philosophical Society.  But he would also become a key player with international relations, a key definition of Venus in the ninth house (international philosophy or views).  And with Pluto, the planet that rules transformation and change via crisis (and in its ruling sign of Scorpio), Jefferson would express powerful transformation traits of the power structure regarding world views.  Proof of this was that Jefferson would become the first U.S. president to "just say no" to paying Barbary pirates their tribute (leading to the Barbary War and the U.S. Marines landing on "the shores of Tripoli"), the first to try to stop the African slave trade by using the navy, and the first U.S. president to address the excesses and dangers of foreigners involved in U.S. central banking (which would be continued by succeeding U.S. president James Madison and culminating with Madison's revoking of the first charter of the Bank of The United States in 1811, leading to the War of 1812 (which took place after Nathan Rothschild told the British government (who owed him a lot of money) to "teach them a lesson.")

The tenth house rules career and reputation, and Pluto rules this house. Because Pluto was "high in the sky" and nearly above Jefferson at his time of birth, Jefferson would no doubt be known as a powerful figure capable of transforming others with a reputation for great social change.  The Moon in Sagittarius may represent the legal personnel and foreign diplomats also involved with Jefferson's quest for social change, with some tension and animosity resulting due to the quincux between the Moon and Neptune (Jefferson was not popular near the end of his presidency).

The eleventh house is the house of associations and allies, and Jupiter (world view, legal involvement, philosophy, higher education) rules this house.  Because Jefferson was president of the American Philosophical Society, this would be an eleventh house area he could feel safe with (along with education; he would later be responsible for the start-up of the University of Virginia).  Many of Jefferson's associates were not keen with Jefferson's distaste for a large central government (but still retaining a social liberal philosophy. Try to figure that one out).  Jefferson was a reported popular foreign diplomat (prior to his presidency) who would later become an unpopular president as Rothschild (and similar individuals with parasitic intentions) tried to scam the U.S. government while a resistant Jefferson reduced the national debt.       

The twelfth house is the house of hidden enemies, intelligence gathering, deception, and service. It is ruled by Saturn (oppressive government, restrictions, limitations).  Jefferson demanded total neutrality as a nation while France and England traded blows.  This resulted with diplomatic tension from both countries; England's armed navy ships reportedly halted and boarded U.S. trade ships and removed any sailors who may have been former British sailors that "switched" to the U.S. fleet due to better pay.  Jefferson's dislike for a large central government and then executing jobs cuts left him with very few friends and associates in Washington D.C. due the termination of their cushy jobs (as opposed to doing real work).  But Saturn is in a harmonious trine with Mercury, and Aries Sun Jefferson could still compete with and work out important communications.  Jefferson had much in terms of competition with others regarding the shaping of the role of the U.S. government, but his communications ability (Mercury) with oppressive or restricting government forces (Saturn) managed to work some magic until the end of his presidency (as the cushy Washington D.C. jobs he eliminated would dedicate their lives to removing him from office).  Uranus in Capricorn (allies or associates older and well-respected) in the twelfth house (deception) may have indicated many secret enemies posing as friends and allies, as he found out with Aaron Burr and many of the D.C. workers who had their government careers ended in the name of financial prudence.


Thanks for reading.

Love to all,



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