France to disclose UFOS

This is really exciting I hope it is true! Comes from the french newsSunday, 07 June 2009The words 'Nous ne sommes pas seuls' or 'We are not alone' will be somberly pronounced this week by a senior Government official of the nation that brought the world 'Liberté, égalité, fraternité'. France is set to concede that it is aware of an alien presence on earth by no later than Friday.Paris has chosen follow the lead of maverick UFO nation Brazil and resist US pressure to continue delaying disclosure until America feels it is ready for the event.It is believed that a telephone hot-line has been set up in Paris to deal with queries from panicky citizens. A special division of France's police department is also to be established: to handle UFO reports.The French have gone to so much effort to protect their culture from encroaching 'Anglo-Saxon' influences and now they are preparing to protect their culture from what might be even more powerful extraterrestrial forces.It is believed Holland and Germany are set to soon follow France's lead. //M. Cohen

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  • I look forward to the disclosure. It's gotta happen sooner or later.
  • ...'bout time... -_-
    • Great video!!!
  • Interesting that you mention Anglo saxon culture. The only nation today that could even come close to that description is what is now England, which was invaded by Anglo saxon and jute tribes from Germany in the 5th Century. since then they have mixed with Norman French, vikings and many other peoples. Outside of England, The use of the term Anglo saxon is completely incorrect and inappropriate. Coming from Scotland, but being an English speaker I find it pretty offensive. Nations such as the U.S., Canada and Australia while they are English speaking they are NOT Anglo Saxon but a mixture of people from many different cultural backgrounds.
    Perhaps it would be better to say that the French are trying to protect themselves from English speaking culture rathar than Anglo saxon culture. They are two very different things indeed.
  • what is the source of this news?
    • sorry I forgot to put the link up! been up all night... here you go

      French news translated
  • I hope my country(Holland) will also open the ufo files soon!

    • I hope so too, you have had some pretty good sightings there lately! Be nice if all the countries just came clean actually.
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