Being a freeman on the land is something that most of you have probably never heard of, but you should have. A freeman on the land is someone in a common law jurisdiction who lawfully refuses giving consent to be governed, therefore no statutory obligations or restrictions apply to that man or woman. No statute or act of government applies to a freeman on the land. By not consenting to be
governed a freeman on the land is no longer eligible for the benefits of being a governed member of society, things like employment insurance, vehicle insurance and registration, welfare, government
health insurance, and any other government system do not apply to a freeman on the land, but the benefits are easy to see.
I think most of us agree that there is massive amounts of corruption within governments and within our own government. Becoming aware of just how far the deception goes is an important part of taking back your personal freedoms and claiming your rights as a human being. You will notice that lawyers and judges are all members of what is called the Law Society. The law society is extremely deceptive to the common man because they use words that the common man uses in every day
language but they mean something different. They use this tactic to trick the common man into giving his/her consent to be governed.
Here is some important freeman on the land definitions and information that you may find surprising.
What is Common Law?
- The unwritten Law of the Common man.
- Comes directly from higher self/conscience/intuition.
- Religious codes of conduct (example: the ten commandments)
- Summed up as ‘Harm None’
- These Laws are for Man and protect
- That which is lawful
- Law of the Land
- Almost universal, worldwide
- Protects those whose Rights have been infringed upon
- Crime with a Victim
What is a Statute?
- A statute is a legislative act of a society
- Formal written agreement which governs a country or state
- Something that has the ‘force of law’ or colour of law
- Almost always comes with a monetary ‘Charge’
- These laws are on man and restrict freedoms
- That which is legal
- Commercial law
- Maritime admiralty law
- Law of trade
- Law of the sea
Do you know your rights?
- You are Born Equal and Free (and Equality Before the Law is Paramount)
- You have the Right to Life, Freedom and Security
- You have the Right to Trial by Jury of Peers
- You have the Right to Bodily Integrity
- You have the Right to Travel Freely
- You have the Right to Freedom of Expression
- You have the Right to Freedom of Assembly
- You have the Right to Freedom of Association
- You have the Right to Religious Liberty
- You have the Rights of the Family
- You have the Right to Inviobility of your Dwelling or Home
- You have the Right to Privacy
Here are some important definitions:
- A corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person.
- Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages.
- A Society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent.
- Societies are either incorporated and known to the law or un-incorporated, of which the law does not generally take notice.
- A civil society is usually understood as a state, a nation or a political body.
- In civil law society means a partnership.
- A law enacted by the legislative branch of a government
- An act of a corporation or its founder intended as a permanent rule
- An international instrument setting up an agency and regulating its scope or authority
- Act in the law: An Act that is intended to create, transfer, or extinguish a right and that is effective in law for that purpose; the exercise of a legal power.
- Act of the law: The creation, extinction, or transfer of a right by the operation of the law itself, without any consent on the part of the persons involved.
- A freeman possesses and enjoys all civil and political rights under a free government
- Not a slave.
You may notice that the definition of the word “person” means a corporation. When you go to court you are acting as an agent representing that corporation which was created with a similar name to your own near the time of your birth. The only way that a statute or piece of legislation can affect you is if you agree to represent that person or corporation. Have you ever noticed that whenever you receive something from the government, the bank, the credit companies, insurance companies, or any other legal entity they spell your name with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS? That name is not you, it is the name of your person. This is one of the most important things to come to terms with when trying to take back your freedoms. Remember that you are not a person, you have a person.
Freeman on the Land related links:
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