Anette is often referred as a Modern day Mystic - living an ever evolving Awakening life. She travels the world offering Oneness courses as well as online livestream webinars and tele seminars. She is an inspiration for our Humanity's evolution into Oneness Consciousness through the Oneness Blessing and Oneness Meditation programs.
She is an international best selling author, recording artist, Oneness Trainer, health practitioner and mom.
Anette, "Sweden's Answer to the Dali Lama" talks about the hardship of her life and the discover of the ONENESS Blessing, formally called diksha. Receive the blessing with ancient Sanskrit mantras as she gives the viewers an awakening of the heart. Paula asks for a blessing to go through her for the first responders and Anette opens her heart to 9/11 truth. Powerful
Annette Carlström Anette is a Mystic from Sweden an internationally recognized Oneness Deeksha giver. This is a gift to all of you from the garden of Ängsbacka during NOMIND 2012.
For more information visit
She radiates beauty and wisdom...wonderful