There is no obstruction, just the static parts of the whole you see light bouncing off. Space is infinitely big and infinitely small. Distance is relative like time. Can you see the parts spreading further apart as you blend in? What are they now? A matrix of frequencies.
Your mind is powerful. Your intuition knows the frequencies all around you as you swim through. All of the atoms you observe carry your thoughts. You are there whenever you open your eyes to it. Fear no abuse of power for the Universe favors the ultimate majority.
Feel your Universe. Know your Universe like this, and let those that listen hear. Leave a wake of open eyes to multiply open ears. This is nature when even the air you breath can see and hear. It is the Law of Expansion.
Where will you be? You are already there, and your memories of where you were are vivid.
You are the Ultimate Observer, but you are humble, pondering the next step as your beautiful matter broadcasts your will. Your heart, your intuition is the will of the Universe, and with love on your side, there is no doubt.
How far will you reach out to pull in the Universe you want to see?