From my higher self to you

Gotta share some personal stuff in order for you to understand this.


I just went through a very rough series of events:I had eye surgery last Tuesday, just a couple days before that I was delivering my finals at design college, which translates to a lot of coffee, and at least 3 nights in a row without sleep, many members of my family gave into gossip through misleading comments regarding our way of life (mine & my mum's) it's surprising how the closest people to you have so little faith and so much judgement to spare. And also now we have to sell our home, in which we have been living for the past 25 years (that would be 21 for me, I'm not 22 yet) and we honestly don't know where we will go, mom, little brother and me. 

The truth is that I've never had been so scared or felt so alone, for many nights of this past month I was losing sleep and not just because of the coffee, basically I was (and still am) tired of this lack of stability, worried, when my parents got divorced so much freedom all of a sudden and living without knowing what was gonna happen next even seemed amusing, but now I find it terrifying not know where I stand.


Now, I've got the best grades I've ever had since I came into college, my eye is healing fast, and the members of my family who started the gossip have now put themselves in ridicule. I'm asking you guys to say a prayer for now I also have a job offer, it won't be much money, but enough to help our household situation a bit, and someone is coming this afternoon to take a look around the house, for which we can get a lot of money. 


I'm still hesitating with all this changes, I was wondering how many more I could take, but a while ago as I was meditating on all of this asking my guides to help me, this phrase came into my mind, as clear as water:


"Be grateful for the challenges ahead of you, for the monsters in you way, because behind the face of the things your fear the most, are the things that you love the most".


I know I'm not the only one, I know many of you are having very hard times too, but I just wanted to share this, because I believe that behind all these challenges we're facing, at collective and personal levels, there is a great reward, all of this must be worth for something great, I pray for you all to get all the strength and all the love you need to get through this, I honestly do.

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  • Thanks a lot sergio and johnny, tell jeffy that I say hi!
  • 8113808856?profile=originalFor you and your Family.. It will be ok.
    • Thank you so much rune! <3
  • "Be grateful for the challenges ahead of you, for the monsters in your way, because behind the face of the things your fear the most, are the things that you love the most"...

    It sound to me that you have the best quidence !

    • I surely must rune! otherwise I find it hard that I'd be here anyhow.
  • Hi beautiful Sis,

    My heart goes to you !

    I know how hard it mst be for you to go through all these changes, it is not easy to cope with so much instability. However, you are such a strong human being, you are one of the strongest people I have ever met and I admire you for that.

    You know the story of the Phoenix bird, that gets to reborn from her own ashes. I feel that this is the case of you, your mom and little brother. Out of all this something good will come up, just don't feed your fear, don't feed your insecurities. Take it as it is, go with the flow of life, accept the things as they are without emotionally charging them. TRUST that something good is there for all of you getting ready for physical manifestation.

    So many of us are shedding away the old, old ways of feeling, being, thinking, etc.....for some this shedding away of the old implies also leaving their houses, family relationships, romantic relationships, etc. I know it's not fun to go through it, but it is necessary in order to embody more the God/Goddes energies, in order to become the your real Self. Trust that something BIG is there in storage for all of you, don't buy into the drama, fear, etc, don't resist it either (what you resist persists), just neutrally observe it and let it flow out of your field. Know that there is a purpose for everything happening to us in life, even though it's hard to perceive the purpose of it right now, from a bird eye's view it totally makes sense. So just TRUST that you are loved and protected at all times, stay strong in your power. Stay STRONG beautiful ! I am  so proud of you ! Muahhhh

    • Thank you so much sis!!! Yes, it feels natural and easy going with the flow, for the mean time I'll watch around calmly expecting the purpose of this <3 much much light to you dear!!!
      • Muahhhh !

        I just read this and i felt Divinely guided to share it with you ! :)

        "The builders of the bridge of light will accomplish much, although they have many challenges to face in the years ahead. Remember, it will never pay to attack, condemn, or destroy another. It is truly to your benefit as Family of Light to take on this awesome task and be gracious, intent upon finding solutions. You are not to ignore challenges or difficulties, and in looking at the purpose of the dark, you will see a need to heal. A time will come when you will be called upon to be great visionaries, to imagine an outcome that may seem impossible and to trust yourselves with a faith that seems beyond what you could ever imagine. All over the world on every continent chaos will reign. Chaos can arouse fear, however, fear is a choice. In times past, in times simultaneous, and even in times of the future, there are always those who choose fear, yet not all of your ancestors did. Victors write the books of fear where the vicitms are conquered, although to be conquered, you must first believe you are a victim. This is the choice you too shall make: victims or creators? Remember, victims choose fear and become paralysed, and the vibration sent out is quite jagged and discordant. Chaos is part of the time of change; it is a dismantling process and a time of confusion, where one is not certain of anything except for a certain aliveness that accompanies its arrival."


         (The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak - From the book, Family of Light)

        • I was just reading it on facebook! lol and yes, this what you're sharing I find very empowering, taking deep breaths, deep breaths and accepting, just letting it flow.
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