Here's the article in Russian, with the English version below. 

США боятся обнародования российских спутниковых фото трагедии 9/11

07.02.2015 | Источник:


Россия обнародует доказательства причастности американского правительства к

Американские эксперты считают, что несмотря на то, что отношения между США и Россией достигли наихудшей  точки со времен холодной войны, Путин пока доставлял Обаме только мелкие неприятности. Аналитики полагают, что это "затишье перед бурей". Путин собирается ударить один раз, но бить он собрался сильно. Россия подготавливает выпуск доказательств причастности американского правительства и спецслужб к атаке 11 сентября. В перечень доказательств входят спутниковые снимки, сообщает сайт secretsofthefed. com.

Опубликованные материалы смогут доказать злой умысел правительства по отношению к народу США и удачную манипуляцию общественным мнением. Атаку планировало американское правительство, но проводило ее чужими руками. Так, что нападение на Америку и народ Соединенных Штатов выглядело как акт агрессии международного терроризма.

Мотивом для обмана и убийства собственных граждан послужили нефтяные интересы американских госкорпораций на Ближнем востоке.

Представленные доказательства будут тем убедительней, что они ложатся на предыдущие случаи манипулирования общественным мнением в целях достижения эгоистических частных интересов.

Россия доказывает, что Америке не впервой подставлять и убивать своих граждан, чтобы добиться повода для военного вторжения в иностранное государство. В случае "атаки 11 сентября", доказательствами послужат спутниковые снимки.

В случае успеха последствия путинской тактики будут для американского правительства самыми неприглядными. Доверие к правительству будет подорвано, в городах начнутся массовые выступления, переходящие в восстание, такую картину рисуют американские аналитики.

А как США будет выглядеть на мировой политической арене? Обоснованность позиции Америки в качестве лидера по борьбе с международным терроризмом будет подорвана, чем сразу же воспользуются страны-изгои и исламские террористы.

Пусть вас не смущают такие неприглядные сценарии, реальное развитие ситуации может быть во много раз хуже, предупреждают эксперты.

Читайте также:

Нефтянка США рушится с грохотом и забастовками

Флот России берет США в кольцо

Иллюзии Обамы дорого обойдутся США

Мнение: "Для "новой Ялты" США не нужны"

Читайте последние новости Pravda.Ru на сегодня

Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11

Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11

by Gordon Duff
Veterans Today

Россия обнародует доказательства причастности американского правительства к
 (Editor’s note:  Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled
demolition of the World Trade Center using “special weapons”
was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow.  The article below
was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from
Russian. It is 3 days old, published on February 7, 2015.)

Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11

Moscow (PRAVDA):  American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the worst point since the Cold War, Putin caused Obama only small troubles so far.  Analysts believe that this “calm before the storm”.  Putin is going to hit once, but he’s going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services in the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence is included the satellite images from 9/11.

Published material can prove the US Government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but executed by using  proxies, so that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism.

The motive for deception and murder of its own citizens served US oil interests and the Middle Eastern state corporations.

The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government.

Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in foreign countries. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will be conclusive satellite imagery.

If successful, the consequences of Putin’s tactics would expose the US government’s secret terrorist policies. The government’s credibility will be undermined and should bring about mass protests in the cities leading to an uprising, according to American analysts.

And then, how will the United States look in the world political arena? The validity of America’s position as a leader in the fight against international terrorism will be totally undermined thereby giving immediate advantage to the rogue states and Islamic terrorists.

The actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.

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  • ;-)

    • Just for you Drekx.  The top 23 James Bond moments. Sean Connery was the best, in my opinion.

      Click for 26 minute video.

      • Scene #4 at 23:51 is definitely my favorite.  Why did they leave out the famous motorcycle jump from one skyscraper to another????  That was a classic stuntman take.

  • First Pravda is not speaking behalve Russian gouverment since 1991 and the news is original not from a gouverment source but a blogger

    Gordon Duff knows this news is BS because some people showed him the source of this message is not Russian gouverment or Pravda but his ego is to big to come forward and admit his mistake.

    Pravda source is and they copied it from the website Tell Me Now

    So this is bs news and also to that Russian sattelite images can proof 9-11 is not realy likely because the position and heading is known of the sats.

    • KLASS: the problem with your argument concerns the timing of the peace-talks announced with Ukraine that immediately followed the Pravda article. The coincidences with these peace talks (that suddenly followed this article) are too blatant and obvious for this to be a "fake" article."  Also note that Pravda has not issued a retraction with this article. 

      Click for evidence of this.

      If Gordon Duff is full of caca as you claim, then the Russian Intel Agent Dimitri Khalezov who was interviewed by Gordon Duff is also full of caca.

      Click for this interview.
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
      • Only say Duff is ego man what about that is saying about Russian Intel Agent Dimitri Khalezov i dont know.

        Know only Duff hides the Pravda pic where as source is named secretsofthefed

        This is the dutch site that where asking where the pic has gone wich Duff removed.

        Belief in the nuke theorie my self to see at the melting granite wich imposible can com frome the burning fuel.

      • Sorry for the above incorrect link per Dimitri Khalezov. That link above belongs to RT, another so-called "mouthpiece" of the Kremlin. Click for the proper Khalezov link; it is 1.5 hours long.

  • ..............." that prophecy can be changed by uplifted thought "......well said Valana.

  • I think Valana is on the right track-there are different dimensions involved especially at the highest levels of gov/finance-big picture of soul group/klan feuds and race/nation karma-the world is controlled by the Core groups with groups from the gated heavens and from multiple dimensions, this dimension being  left eye-much deeper and more complicated then we think-think about it, how in hell could the WTC be set for  demolition charges and nobody in the building noticed? I'm not saying  I like this crap-

    keep working towards true ascension 

    • PetRock: there were a LOT of people who were warned to stay away from the World Trade Center (or not to fly)  on 09/11/01.  Here's an article from with the list of people:


      911 Pre-Attack Warnings
      People Who Avoided the Airlines And The Twin Towers 

      Source Not Specified
      Much has been reported about how warnings of attacks by Muslim extremists in the year leading up to 9/11/01 were ignored. So far no official has been fired or otherwise punished for his or her failure to act on such information.
      What is more informative than who failed to act on a tip, is who acted on a tip. A number of people apparently knew to stay clear of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.
      Government Officials and Business Leaders
      There is evidence that a group of Pentagon officials was warned to avoid the attack targets. Newsweek reported: 1
      Three weeks ago there was another warning that a terrorist strike might be imminent - On September 10, Newsweek has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.
      A number of business leaders who would normally have been in the World Trade Center, were instead at a meeting hosted by Warren Buffett on September 11th at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. That group included Anne Tatlock, CEO of Fiduciary Trust Inc., a company that occupied five floors on or above the 90th floor of the South Tower. 2 (This is the same Air Force Base that George W. Bush would fly to later that day. It has an underground command center.) 3
      San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted to having received a warning from what he described as his airport security late Monday evening, just hours before the attack. 4
      Salman Rushdie, who is under the continuous protection of Scotland Yard, was prevented from flying on September 11th, 2001. Ariel Sharon, who was scheduled to give an address to Israeli support groups in New York City on September 11th, cancelled his plans the day before.
      On 9/11/01, Jim Pierce, cousin of President Bush, was scheduled to attend a conference on the 105th floor of the South Tower, where his company's New York offices were based. But the conference was moved across the street to the Millennium Hotel, because, the story goes, the groop was too large. 5
      Privileged Companies
      Another group of people that received warnings in advance of the attack were employees of Odigo, the instant messaging service. Two employees received e-mail messages two hours before the first World Trade Center assault, predicting the attack. 6
      According to reporter Christopher Bollyn, Zim American Israeli Shipping Co. broke a lease in order to vacate the World Trade Center just days before the attack. Bollyn's source claims that Zim's lease extended through the end of the year and that the termination cost $50,000. 7
      The company heading a consortium that had just obtained a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center was supposedly spared by a last-minute cancellation. According to the New York Times, Silverstein Properties had planned to meet on 9/11/01 on the 88th floor of one of the towers to "discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack," but cancelled the meeting Monday night "because one participant could not attend." 8
      1. Bush: We're at War, Newsweek, 9/24/01
      '9/11' Facing our Fascist State, I/R Press, 2002, page 52
      3. September 11th: The President's Story, CBS, 9/11/02 [cached]
      Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel,, 9/12/01 [cached]
      President's cousin escaped death thanks to schedule change, Ananova, 9/18/01 [cached]
      Odigo says workers were warned of attack,, [cached]
      Israeli Company Mum About WTC Pullout, American Free Press,
      8. Reinsurance Companies Wait to Sort Out Cost of Damage, 9/12/01, page C6
      Question #10 - Who sent the warning message to the Odigo employees?
      Odigo, an Israeli/American instant messaging service company,
      reported that two of its workers received warning messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 which predicted the attack would happen.
      The company cooperated with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to determine the origin of the message predicting the attack.
      Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.
      Related research:
      Wednesday, September 26, 2001
      Odigo says workers were warned of attack
      By Yuval Dror
      Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.
      Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.
      "I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who don't know the sender.
      It may just have been someone who was joking and turned out they accidentally got it right.
      And I don't know if our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made," said Macover.
      Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, with offices in Herzliya.
      As an instant messaging service, Odigo users are not limited to sending messages only to people on their "buddy" list, as is the case with ICQ, the other well-known Israeli instant messaging application.
      Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original
      Friday, September 28, 2001
      Odigo Clarifies Attack Messages
      By Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes.
      AN official at Odigo today made a more substantial comment on warnings the instant messaging firm received prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
      The company's vice president of sales and marketing acknowledged that messages warning of attacks were received but would not comment on the contents of the messages.
      He had replied to a question about whether he could confirm that Odigo had received messages warning about the World Trade Center attacks.
      A sender in the alt.politics.bush newsgroup had written on Tuesday that Odigo workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on Sept. 11 predicting the attack would happen.
      The incident was also the subject of a report in the Ha'aretz daily newspaper in Israel, which on Wednesday [September 26, 2001; above] quoted Odigo CEO Micha Macover as saying that "two workers received the messages predicting the attack would happen." Odigo Vice President of Sales and Marketing Alex Diamandis told Newsbytes Thursday that he could not comment on the text or origin of the message, but said that the sender of the instant message was not personally known to the Odigo employees.
      Even though the company usually protects the privacy of users, Odigo recorded the Internet protocol address of the message's sender to facilitate his or her identification, he said.
      The Odigo workers, based in the company's research and development and international sales office in Israel, were signed on to the same Odigo messaging server used by worldwide users of the company's free, Odigo-branded messaging software, Diamandis said today.
      Diamandis today in a telephone interview also said the warning message did not identify the World Trade Center as the attack target.
      Diamandis declined to reveal any other information contained in the message, including whether the warning named the targets for the attack.
      "Providing more details would only lead to more conjecture," he said.
      He did confirm that soon after the terrorist attacks on New York, the Odigo employees notified their management, who contacted Israeli security services.
      In turn, the FBI was informed of the instant-message warning.
      The Odigo service includes a feature called People Finder that allows users to seek out and contact others based on certain interests or demographics.
      Diamandis said Thursday that it was possible the attack warning was broadcast to other Odigo members, but the company has not received reports of other recipients of the message.
      In addition to operating its own messaging server network, Odigo has licensed its technology to over 100 service providers, portals, wireless carriers and corporations, according to the company.
      Odigo is at .
      Reported by,
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