Channeled through Mark Kimmel

Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian

Previous messages:

We are here

Cover up

Let your light shine



Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return with responses to your many questions. You may submit other questions if you wish; we are here to be of assistance to you during this final phase of your transformation.


During this time of transition, what is the most important thing an individual can do?

There are two important undertakings for you at this point in your transformation. The first is to discover what it is in your heart that you know to be true, and then to pursue that truth unwaveringly. This is in stark contrast to accepting the latest disclosures about events, about the larger picture, or about one’s destiny based upon messages from other supposed experts and most importantly from someone who states that he or she knows it all — a guru, if you will. No one, and we emphasize, NO ONE ELSE, know what your particular soul wishes for this lifetime except you. Look into your heart and you will discover your highest purpose, the very thing your soul is asking for, and the greatest benefit for all. Quoting wisdom gained from listening to others thwarts your purpose. Following the wisdom of a guru thwarts your purpose. You, and only you, know in your heart what is right for you. You can discover your truth in those quiet moments when your soul speaks to you.

The second important undertaking is to raise your individual vibration so that when Earth’s transformation is completed you are resonating with her new frequency. The easiest way to accomplish this is to think from your heart, see all in Oneness, and set your intention to move out of 3rd dimension. We have spoken about this in the past and will speak more in the future.


Will Earth humans ascend to the 5th dimension?

To answer this question, we must first address the “free will” that governs the actions of all souls on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos. Each of you must decide at which vibration you wish to exist, and whether you wish to ascend to a higher vibration or not. The choice is yours both as to if and when.

The so-called 5th dimension is a vibration at which you and your soul are quite comfortable. There is no duality, however there will continue to be differences of opinion. It is also the vibration at which your benevolent space brothers and sisters vibrate.

The broad answer to your question is yes, all humans will ascend to the 5th dimension — eventually. Actually they will pass through it on the way to higher dimensions. Some will choose to ascend to the 5th dimension as Earth changes her vibration; some will not. It is a choice plus it requires effort to achieve the frequency of the 5th dimension. One does not merely say, “I wish to vibrate at the 5th dimension.”

Those who are unaware of this option will not ascend — at this time. They will be transported to another place where they may resume their physical lives. Those who consciously choose to stay in the 3rd dimension will be given options other than remaining on Earth.


What is the way in which individuals and society will transform to higher vibrations? Will there be a “hundredth monkey” effect?

In the early days of your Internet, a few pioneers saw the potential of linking their computers together to exchange scientific information. This set the stage for others to follow. Gradually others became aware and began to link their computers to the fledgling Internet and more information became available for all to share. It was only after a significant number of people adopted this way of computing that Internet highways were built. Then more applications emerged and as more and more computers were interconnected. The Internet grew to serve more and more people, until today it is widely accepted as a part of the life of most people.

At each stage of the Internet’s development people’s awareness grew along with their knowledge. Each person who joined the Internet made a conscious decision to do so, plus they paid for the necessary computer hardware and software. In the space of a few years, it became both necessary and enjoyable to live with a connection to the Internet, and difficult to live without it. In energetic terms those who partake of the Internet are raising their consciousness.

The way in which the transformation of Earth’s humans is progressing is a gradual multi-step process — similar to the adoption of the Internet. First there is the realization of a larger picture. A few of the initial embracers saw this and began to publicize it. Second are those who after receiving hints of the larger picture begin to investigate for themselves. By this time the earliest embracers had moved forward to make a free will choice to change the way in which they lived — to live according to their hearts. They have since become wayshowers — acting either publicly or privately — within the context of an emerging paradigm.

As more people adopt these new ways of seeing and living the larger picture, the overall energy of the planet increases and people who are just becoming aware find it easier to embrace the larger picture than did the initial embracers. Yes, there are some who will resist and never embrace the larger picture, just as there are some who do not access the Internet. However as more and more people become aware the energy builds further and the larger picture seems even less strange to those just becoming aware. As this process builds, there is a shift for most from relying on one’s mind to thinking with one’s heart.

However please note, at each step in this process, be it embracing the vibration of living at a higher consciousness or connecting to the Internet, you make a conscious decision whether to embrace or not, whether to do it now or to wait. The role of free will cannot be overemphasized.

In addition to free will, and similar to the development of the Internet, people have to do something. People can buy the necessary equipment to connect to the Internet or not. It is their choice. If they do not buy the equipment, they are not connected. Similarly, if people do not make a conscious effort to raise their vibration they will not be swept along with those who have done so. There is no free ride.

There is a gradual awakening underway that makes it easier to adopt new ways of being as shown by lightworkers and wayshowers. A wayshower can explain what is happening and ask someone to embrace a new way of being. But even the most dedicated wayshower cannot make a free will decision for someone else or put forth the effort to raise that other person’s energies. It is easier if a wayshower helps, but it still requires a free will decision, AND an effort to achieve the necessary vibration to live on the new Earth.


Are there starships coming to take humans off this planet? Will there then be a worldwide cleansing of all that humans have wrought?

No mass evacuation of people from this planet is planned or foreseen. Such a plucking of people from the surface would curtail free will, stop cause and effect, and eliminate consequences of actions. This would also be directly counter to the law of non-interference.

In contrast to this precipitous action, your planet is raising her frequency so that the duality that has persisted for so long will no longer be present. This shift has been underway for several years and will reach the tipping point within the next few months. When this occurs, it will become increasingly difficult for those who adhere to darkness to remain on this planet. Many who are now wavering on the fence between the light and the dark will choose the light. Based on fear, comfort, wealth, and/or status others will still cling to the darkness.

The institutions of man that are based on fear, such as the military, current governments, and current monetary systems, will disappear. Physical edifices that were built on fear will disappear. The institutions, structures, individuals, and communities that are based in the light will persist. The next few months will be the time of sorting of what is of the light and what is of the dark.

A new civilization will emerge from the chaos arising from the collapse of the old paradigm. Love will be the basis of this new civilization, and Oneness with earth and all who occupy her. This will not be an instantaneous process, but it will occur quite quickly as linear time will be no more.

The physical cleansing of this planet will take place with assistance from many beings from around this universe who support her return to a pristine state. This will take place in conjunction with the new humans of Earth.

There will be no general cleansing without humans present. All change is in accordance with energy equations. Those places where Earth energy has been most severely damaged will require the most energetic repair. Those places where there has been less damage will be less affected. Earth’s own energetic repair ranges from earthquakes to tsunamis to severe weather to wildfires to a shift in climate and a raising of sea levels.


Will Earth’s poles shift? Are we going to experience major earth shifts?

The magnetic field of the earth is now diminishing. This will continue in order for a magnetic pole shift to occur, as it has done before, as Earth passes through the galactic plane. As this magnetic pole shift occurs, it will free the tectonic plates of the earth to move about. They will shift in such as way as to facilitate overall climate moderation and energy balancing. In addition, Earth’s physical pole is being righted to a vertical position. This will eliminate the seasonal effect. The culmination of this will be a planet with a moderate climate everywhere but at the extreme of north and south.

Earth will continue to adjust her physical manifestation in order to ascend to a lighter vibration and transform herself to a pristine planet. Accompanying Earth’s rebalancing will be shifts of her tectonic plates. These shifts are the result of Earth’s desire to balance energetically those areas where she has experienced the energies of fear, anger, greed, and other dark energies. Earth shifts will occur not only where they have been experienced before, but in new areas. Your space brothers and sisters, as well as your own energies, are moderating the difficult aspects of these. Much will happen unnoticed, yet much will be chaotic for those directly involved. As you witness these events, always keep in mind that you and everyone else incarnated at a specific time and in a specific place to experience what you are experiencing.


When will the current monetary systems go away? Will they be replace with another type of monetary system?

The current debt-based monetary systems are in the process of crumbling. This process of meltdown will continue until the hoards of the super wealthy have disappeared, until there are no more paper currencies, and until a level playing field has been created that operates in the best interests of all. There will be stages of this meltdown during which a precious metal-based currency will emerge, but, ultimately, money will be provided in order for each person to accomplish that which they desire to do. In a true 5th dimensional sense, currency will be created by individuals as needed.


What is the timing of the arrival of the starships of our space brothers and sisters?

Many starships, such as Athabantian, are already stationed near your planet, and have been here for some time. The unveiling of our starships will happen: 1) When it is safe for all concerned. 2) When our appearance can be accepted as peaceful and beneficial. 3) When our arrival can be of maximum benefit to all concerned. Accompanying this mass contact will be the acknowledgement of the many non-indigenous beings who walk this planet.


How many non-indigenous beings are present on Earth today? What do they look like? Why are they here?

There are large numbers of non-indigenous beings present on Earth at this time. They walk among you both as lightworkers and as people working behind the scenes for the advancement of mankind. They currently number over one million. In all cases they appear to be humans so as to fit in within your society, albeit with slight variation in physical appearance. There are many millions who are not present in human form; they operate at frequencies that make them invisible to Earth-human eyes. They too are here for the benefit of mankind and for the greater good of the entire universe.

Having said this, we must acknowledge the presence of beings whose light is so diminished, and they are so self-serving, that they may be termed dark. They are few in number; however as the saying goes, “One rotten apple can spoil an entire barrel.” The dark energy and its allies created and maintain the duality of this 3rd dimension. They are the guiding force behind the Illuminati. However love your dark brothers and sisters for they provide the interesting backdrop against which you play out your individual dramas.


Who are the Caretakers of the new Earth?

Caretakers for the new Earth will assist the transformation of the planet from her current condition to a pristine planet of great beauty. While Earth can largely transform herself in time, the Caretakers, human and off-planet, can assist this change so that within a very short time Earth can reclaim her natural beauty while still providing a home for human inhabitants. Caretakers will have many roles and perform many different tasks.

Caretakers are a desirable part of Earth’s transformation because they manage her rehabilitation at a local human level. This will include the elimination of all structures, roadways, and utilities that were constructed under the paradigm of fear and the conviction that it was man’s right to dominate Earth. Manmade structures and embellishments to the planet that were undertaken out of love and caring for her will remain. These will be used by the Caretakers in their restoration work.

Electricity will be provided from crystals that once energized will continue to provide electricity, both for individual households as well as restoring portions of the electrical grid. Thus the Caretakers of the new Earth will be provided with energy with which to carry out their tasks of restoration and creating a new civilization.

New technologies will be forthcoming — contributed by your space brothers and sisters. These technologies will be compatible with a pristine planet. It will include vehicles for transport, devices to assist living conditions, and communication devices to supplement the role of telepathy.

We of Athabantian are establishing an institute. It will have three functions: 1) To assist people to raise their vibration to a frequency where they will comfortably resonate with the new Earth, and at which frequency they can interact with their brothers and sisters from other star systems. 2) Learning to function in this somewhat unfamiliar higher frequency and perform important tasks. This will include interacting with your space brothers and sisters to implement techniques perfected on other planets of light. 3) Teaching others to raise their vibrations and to become Caretakers. All of this will be undertaken at the institute that will come into existence as the shift to a predominately love-based planet emerges within the next few months. Until that time hold the vision of the new Earth. The moment is not that far in the future when all that we have spoken of will come to pass.

We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities to do so. We hold you in unconditional love and wish you well during this time of your transformation. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.




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  • hi all i have been introducing children for the chance to witness and observe ufo's flying over head anywhere at anytime.


    i show them how to do it and i also explain how little children can to understand that they are here for peaceable purposes.


    They find it fun and that there is no fear to have them shown to new ideas and concepts of other forms of intelleigent life out there, and the children find it fascinating.



    • Hi Jason, maybe it's better to make a blog or separate discussion about it?

      Not sure, but maybe you reach more members here that will follow your example.

      Anyway, good stuff bro! Are there btw a lot of ufo's flying over in your area?



  • ditto! :))


  • well i use positive assertions to call down a sighting of ufo's; they are truly everywhere, as i know, because i go around showing as many people wherever i am, sightings, of these ships, and many more other shapes and sizes. They are here like they were always been, and when the time comes then they will reveal themselves even more to people on earth. I can not wait until the day comes when every one sees them without pride fear or prejudices. Until then it is important that people develop a positive outlook within themselves and become the christed beings we were here to become.


    Love and Peace.

    • Yeah you are right, it's possible to call them up with positivism/love and a strong enough willpower.

      I have done it once, and really need to do it again with more people in my direct environment.

      Thanks Jason.


      In Light,


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    • I agree, I also use quotes from others. ;)

      But as I understand that channelling they mean that if you create your own texts,explanations,visions,poems,stories,etc you'll increase your vibration/lightquotent and when you quote someone you'll not increase your vibe. It's about expressing your SELF and affect others and thus also your SELF. We all have our own purposes, so when you use someone else his creation you are not working towards your own purpose. That is it in great lines. :)

  • This is extremely helpful. Thank you. I love the idea of an institution :))) I have one question : my scientific friend wonders why we are said to be in 3D, when he believes we are in 4D, which includes time? Love, Jo xxx
    • I should come back at the question about dimensions, as promised.

      Video with great explanation about the dimensions. :)

    • Haha, well I believe we are now also in 4D, but that is another story which I maybe will post in a blog once. :p

      Well it is a bit hard to explain the dimensions and planes, but is not really scientific language. The time I experience for example might be complete different than the time you experience. For example: Lets say when an hour at the clock strikes, I might explain it as half an hour, so I became then 1/2 hour older in an hour clocktime. But in the same time you might experience it as 2 hours. Do we both live in different dimensions then? I think not.

      I believe it all has to do with our perceptions of the world around us and ourselves. It is said that in 5D, time does not exist as we perceive it now. I am not really happy with this answer I provided, I'll come back at this one when the correct answer pops up in my head. lol ;)

      • Thanks Drome. It's funny timing, because time seems to be the topic of the week, that we can bend it to suit our needs. :) will look into it too xxx
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