Channeled through Mark Kimmel

Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian

Previous message: We are here.




Cover up


It is with a sense of urgency that we come to you with this message. Events that will ultimately lead to Earth’s transformation are accelerating. These next months will be filled with even more earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and abnormal weather. You will also witness further disintegration of governments, banks, corporations, and religions.

Against this reality, there is a cover-up of massive proportions going on. By design it is just beyond the range of your perception, beyond your 3rd Dimensional beliefs. The purpose of this cover-up is a vain attempt by the elites of your governments, banks, corporations, and religions to survive the coming earth changes and to come out on top of the meltdown of the institutions they erected to gain and then to preserve their wealth, power, influence, and security. On the other hand the vast majority of people are being encouraged to continue lives ignorant of this larger picture and ignorant of the end of 3rd Dimensional civilization.

Ours is an even larger view of current events, one that will enable all to not only weather the impending chaos, but to create wondrous new lives for themselves. The way in which this will happen is to increase your vibration so that the events of the 3rd dimension will appear to you as mere theatre. By raising your vibration you will escape not only the ravages of the coming chaos but create a new civilization upon this planet based on light and love. If you are not committed to the 3rd dimension solution, then this way is open to you. Join with the celestials and your space brothers and sisters in a glorious new way to live.

All about you is changing, and from this day forward things will change even more rapidly. The sources of information that you have traditionally relied upon are misrepresenting the truth about these events. Even alternative sources of news have been corrupted with misinformation designed to induce fear. The media, in league with the governments, banks, corporations and religions, is covering up these events, hiding the truth in an attempt to maintain the veneer of the status quo.

Certain people within the agencies of your the governments and corporations are well aware of events in, on, and beyond your planet. These include secret bases on the moon and Mars. These include the truth about other sentient beings that inhabit your planet, from the advanced civilization within the Earth to highly intelligent dolphins and whales.

Individuals within agencies in your governments know the truth of events and situations; they do not share this with most people. This is done as a means of maintaining power, not for the flimsy excuse that, “the people can’t handle the truth.” NASA does not share what they know about the starships clustered around your world, the truth about the artificial satellite you call the moon, and energies from the sun that impact your world. The U.S.G.S. does not share all that it knows about earth changes and earthquakes. The CIA does not admit to aerial spraying or the true uses of HAARP. Many of those within these government agencies and corporations know the truth, or at least a portion of it, and are engaged in desperate attempts to hold onto their positions of power, wealth, influence, and security.

Banks cover up the truth about events and situations in the interests of maintaining the status quo while allowing further amassing of wealth, power, and influence. The banking system in all countries, but most particularly in the US, operates for the benefit of those who draw wealth from it. The Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing and then charges interest to do so. The U.S. Treasury then prints this fiat currency that everyone accept as valuable pieces of paper and/or digits within computers representing value. Corporations similarly function in ways to maximize profits for their owners and top management.

The religions of your world that so many pay homage to and to which so many contribute money, are the most serious offenders in the cover-up. Many of them preach dogma that those at the highest levels do not believe, or know not to be the truth. For example, those at the higher levels of the Catholic Church are finally admitting to the presence of child molesters within their ranks. What is more destructive than amassing power and wealth are the deliberate contortions of the minds and souls of those who follow a particular religion, contortions that mask the divine nature of Earth humans.

In earlier messages we pointed out the structures and beliefs that do not serve you. All of them will crumble to make way for the truth about who you are and your divine destiny. It is these structures and the beliefs that we discuss here, not the many well-intended individuals who are caught in their web. There are many wonderful human beings who labor each day within the structures of governments, banks, corporations, and religions. They are caught in a web of deceit; most do not know the extent of the deceit. Others know of the deceit but choose to ignore it. Only a very few are fully informed about the damage their activities cause the rest of humanity, only a very few are complicit in its cover-up.

In short, there is very little of the conventional upon which you may rely during these times of change. All around you are misrepresentations. Watch the media for entertainment. Seek out those upon whom you can rely for insights into the larger picture. Listen to your heart. Do all that you can do to live in a state of love and higher vibration. Do not allow fear to rule your life. Enjoy quiet time and nature. Look inward for truth and support.

Those whom you call Illuminati have set in motion forces that would destroy your world were they allowed to run their course. We of the higher vibrations will not allow this to happen. You who are willing to live at a higher dimension will find yourselves in circumstances beyond the chaos of your world. There you will ride out the storms, and the collapse of beliefs and institutions. There you will establish a new civilization for this planet.

And what will this new civilization look like? Earth will appear quite different to you. She will be vibrating with a new radiance. You will relate to her in totally new ways, honoring her for all that she provides. You will live in a world without the constructs or beliefs of the 3rd Dimension. Your charge when you arrive on the new Earth is to create new ways of living that avoid the old ways of the 3rd Dimension. You will be given technology and assistance to clean Earth from the scars of the 3rd Dimension. This will enable you to live in harmony with all.

This process will not be unlike the introduction of the first computers. They ultimately created a revolution, but in the beginning they were only adopted by those who had foresight. So it will be with the new Earth. It will be a gradual process until all embrace completely the new ways. Yet without the constraint of time, it will seem to occur swiftly. It is this transformation that the Illuminati do not see because they are blind to the light of the higher dimensions. Far from leaving you behind in some sort of hellish morass, they are leaving you behind to create something wondrous.

One question you might ask is whether governments that exist today can evolve into something that can benefit all, or whether they must be reduced to dust and a completely new form of government created. As we look upon the current situation throughout your world we see little evidence that any existing government can be modified sufficiently to take into account the needs of all. Therefore we see that existing governments will need to be dismissed totally and replaced by a new form of government designed with the needs of the new Earth populace in mind, a populace that is now functioning from a higher vibration and a crystalline structured 12-strand DNA.

And what will these new governments look like? First of all they will be govern an enlightened people that vibrate in concert with the new Earth. Since those of the old 2-strand, carbon based bodies will not be able to maintain their bodies within the vibration of the new Earth, the number of people to be government will be greatly reduced. The people to be governed will be of a higher vibration. The new role of governments will be to provide on a collective basis what the individual cannot do for him or herself.

There will be a greater need for schools, but of a different type. There will be no need to control behavior, but there will be a need to model behavior. There will be no need for a military or police. There will be little need for laws beyond the basic laws of the universe, thus there will be no need for a massive legal system. So you begin to see the picture of structures of the new earth.

Thus the cover-up continues while events accelerate about you. Rely upon the certainty of your heart. Find quiet time to listen. Find ways to raise your vibration so that you resonate with individuals of the higher frequencies. The entire universe watches as the cover-up continues, as individual humans choose their path, and as communities of light come together. It is a wondrous time to live on Earth. Enjoy the transformation.

We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

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Posted in Athabantian |



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  • Brilliant Message and sounds very true to the core
  • I understand you. However it is still a difficult point in my thoughts, I will think a while about this and will find an answer for myself, in the near future.


    Thank you for your point of view.

  • I do not agree, being governed is being dominated.

    I want freedom, I have enough of being dominated by others.

    Don't you?

  • Now I am wondering; Do we really need a government?

    Once we all are connected to global consciousness, the consciousness of Gaia, what can a government add for the good of all?

    • We should replace all Goverments with local and sentral councils. This council should be established after models from other 5-dimensional planets..
This reply was deleted.

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