This is a wonderful work that needs to be watched and spread world wide. Created by friends of mine, the dynamic duo, Juliet and Jiva Carter!
from and
"As the stargate of 2012 approaches, the celestial alignment is opening a portal of opportunity of a magnitude never before experienced on this planet. A massive influx of radiant intelligence infuses the crystalline chambers of our Sun to be translated upon every ray of light transmitted to Earth. The reconnection of circuitry, instigated by the alchemical ceremonies of The Template, will enable you to embrace and prepare for this journey of transcendence by resurrecting the Human ability to translate the full spectrum of light - for light is the language of transcendence."
The design and progression of the ceremonies are combination codes which, through resonance, build synergy with the vibratory structure of the DNA, reconnecting bio-circuitry ..permanently. This initiates the return to wholeness, re-establishing our true identities and freeing us from the fear-based matrix that rules our deepest behavioural patterns, and connecting us to a new consciousness grid.
We are the amalgamation of various visible and invisible energy systems that together generate the Human hologram. The primary system that supplies this unit with the energetic nature of Creative Intelligence that births the field is the circuitry system. At this time the circuitry system is considerably less than optimal. The fact that out of 3 billion base pair chemicals in the Human gene code only 60million are active and that we only use a fraction of our brain capacity are manifest signs that point to Human genetic modification.
As a result of the genetic modification of the Human DNA, almost all of our foundation circuits are in a state of disconnection, creating a distorted sense of self that has led to fear, shame, guilt and disease.
The First Ceremony - 12 Foundation Circuits
The Ceremony of Original Innocence
The disruption of the bio-circuitry relating to our primal resonant relationships with our mothers and fathers affects our ability to engage unconditionally in relationships. However, it is no longer necessary or ultimately effective to engage in lengthy post-mortems of childhood, casting ourselves into the trauma-vortex of past tragedies and injustices, reinforcing identities anchored in disempowering scenarios. By reconnecting the vital circuits that relate to conception, gestation, birth and childhood, healing is integrated on the DNA level.
This is awesome KK...I am sharing this around. Your friends hit a home run with this.