This article and its contents are copyright EL-Ano-Ra (Ahsaka Nusa), it may be reproduced so long as credit is given to me, with Love.
Channeler: EL Anora
Greetings Beloveds, it is I, Gabriel, and welcome for you, in this day of your joy, that you should know God, in the meaning of God, which is the understanding of the I am presence of your Beloved Light.
Holy is the temple of God, blessed is the temple of Love, and Unified is the presence of the Holy Host.
I come to you know to Hear, that you may see, that in you is the Divine Light of God, and through that Divine Light, that knows no boundaries, that is not enbompassed in any nation, that you might know you as you, through your I am presence, and to sit in that presence, unencumbered by doubt.
There are many messages coming streaming from the High Galactic Councils of Light, dear ones, God bless you in you, for by embodying the Light of your Divine Creator, you have made it so.
And with Hope, and with Love, you have come to a place inside yourself where there is peace, or have you?
Still in the world that is around you, there are those who would say they are in darkness, and in their Hearts, and in their body, they feel a deep longing for re-union with God. I can take you to the place of you now, but you, if you so choose in your Heart, would have to step beyond the gates of reason.
The first step in the path of overcoming your own fear, is to step out of your own fear. Do you understand this, my Beloved Light family, step out, of fear. You might say, this cannot be done, Gabriel! But let me explain, what I mean, when I explain this process of your becoming.
To exist in fear is to hold onto ideas of what is so, and it is also an extension of what you call “loss”, immediately, the moment you have stepped into fear, you have come upon two concrete ideas, 1. That the situation you are present in is the only experience 2. That you will lose something that you value.
So lets, if you are willing, sit for a moment in peace, and place your hand upon the earth, and anchor yourself to Gaia, if even you must stop reading this to do this, please take a moment of your time, and go outside, and just place your hand upon the soil. Once there, feel, and ground, and allow the energy of whatever you experience in this moment to flow therein. When you have come to a place of peace, come back to this channel, I promise it will still be here!!
And that is the first step, dear Galactic Family, when you have returned now, to reading this message, you realize that you went away, but the message did not Go? Do you understand the message in what I have shown you? In times of fear, you have stepped away from yourself, yet, when the fear passes, who is it that remains, and who is it that shows and returns? It is you, the present you, that is beyond time and space.
So as you sit in this peace, and as you have grounded into the earth, realize that, from this space of being, the fear that you sit with, the fear that you have held onto, why, dear Galactic Family, it does not exist!
Now come back fully present in your body, and sit with me but a moment, and with the fear that is still present in your body, all the concerns that you have set with, I wish for you to now call me and my complement, Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope, to sit beside you. For this is change, and we have come this day to change something.
No, dearest Galactic Family, the fear that you have set with is still there, look at it as it appears to be present, all your concerns for what will happen to you and your family.
Look at these things deeply and say this, “I let you go.” Oh look, how this energy is so ready to leave you!
Once you have said this deeply on a very internal level, say to yourself, and place your hand over your Heart, and speak to your deep inner being, “All that is not Light, is an illusion.”
Do you hear this deep in your Heart, dearest Galactic Friends and Family, I say this to you once again, “All that is not Light, is an illusion.”
Now, go out once more, and place your hand upon Gaia, and when you feel at peace, come back to this message, I promise it will still be here!
But what is not here, as you come back to reading this, dear Galactic Friends and Family, what of you is not present to read this message, and look how the message you are reading has changed! You have seen it from a different perspective.
And that is the next step, perspective. All this time, and in these moments, your perspective has driven your mind, to see things from a certain way, yet, look how when you step out of the experience, and experience it anew, in another “perspective”, the world changes around you.
Look now again to your Heart, and place your hand there, and place your hand upon the place in your body that is holding the most pain, and say, “I love you, you are Light.”
And when tears have started to emerge, and the flood of emotion rushes into your body, say, “I love you.”
Now, sit in a meditative pose, relaxed into this new being, and say, “Archangel Gabriel, and Hope, come sit beside me!”
Now look, dear Galactic Friends and Family, who is besides you? Is it fear? No, but look to your left, and look to your right, do you see, that it is I Gabriel, and my complement Hope, that sits with you now.
When Hope replaces fear, life becomes infinite in potential. Please quote me on that, I promise I won’t get you for copyright infringement!
You are so blessed in you, laugh for but a moment as you feel this joy rush into your being, and the graciousness and gratefulness of God present in you. You are so loved.
Oh dear Galactic Family, but there is more. As you realize this new state of being, and as you recognize the Light in you, think back again to the fear that was, but that you now know is not.
And look at it again, and say, “Dear God, you are Light! I love you so!” And in your mind’s eye, call in Master St. Germain and say, “Master St. Germain, I call the Violet Flame of Light, show me the Truth behind the fear!”
And watch, dear Galactic Family, as the fear transforms into the Bright Love you have ever known, there, your Galactic Family was waiting, behind the fear that you held so dear, and oh Galactic Family, you did hold it dear.
Do you see now how you Loved to Love your fear?
We can complete this process now, for the fear is not real, the astral layers have been dissolved, all that is left is a holographic projection of the old, and how it loves to go!
Bless you for letting it go.
When you look at others around you, and you see that which is perceived darkness, see the Light therein, and also see the Angels that walk beside all, for dear friends and galactic Family, how would God choose? What has not come from God? And what shall not go back to him/her?
Yes, this is a difficult one for you, in Heart, for you are so beloved of your “punishment”, some of you. To want to send those of Light, into darkness, saying, “They are evil, they do horrible things.” But I explain to you now, look to your Heart, if you plucked it out of your body, how could the body stand?
And think of all creation and life, as the Heart of God, oh dearest Galactic Family, if our Beloved Father in heaven, plucked out those in darkness, what then would become of God! No dear friends and Galactic family, God loves to liberate the Light therein.
And when you have realized that God is in all things, but that the fear of illusion has labeled itself therein, Call Light into All things, and Send Love to All things.
It has been said, “Embrace Darkness”. Dear Galactic Friends and Family, you did not understand! We did not say, Embrace Darkness, as to fall into it, we say “EMBRACE” darkness, hug it, Love it, for I tell you, dearest Galactic Friends and Family, there is no creature on this earth that was not once a helpless child, and there is not one part of God that is less than another, what you Love, turns to Light. Do you see, do you understand?
Now sit deeply in the space of your Heart, and hold your hand on your heart, and close your eyes. I promise this message will be here when you open them!!
Sit there for awhile.
As you have sat within your Heart, look at the heaviness there, of all the burdens that you carry with you, for the world, for God, for yourself, and say to your Heart, “Dear Heart of my Light, I give you permission to put down your burdens! Give them back to the earth, and lighten your load!”
Say now: “Dearest Master Kuan Yin, beloved Master, take my burdens from my Heart, and Give them back to God, may the Light of my Light shine without hindrance.”
And know it is so.
Blessed Galactic Friends and Family, I, Gabriel, and my Complement hope come to bring you HOPE today, not fear. Wherever there is fear, sow hope, and know it shall be so.
You are so Loved,
Gabriel and Hope
You are loved in return, may we see eachother soon :) Love you lots! So much you could never know unless you do know ;) Miss you..