Rapidly Growing Momentum for the Light…
As a result of worldwide 12-12-12 12:12 activities, mediations, ceremonies, a rapidly growing momentum for multi-dimensional-level change has established throughout Gaia. Hue-manity is now aware of this, and yet-to-be-fully-awakened 3D humanity, soon will be.
The transformation of energies of Gaia and the full grounding (establishment on the Inner Gaia) of these Higher D energies within Gaia, ensures vibrational uplift of all Gaia inhabitants.
Sacred Gaia portals have returned to full function and effectiveness. All who are drawn to such portals become harmonized with them, and uplifted vibrationally by them.
Further portal vibrational attunements, although necessary, will be minor.
26 people were innocently murdered yesterday in an elementary school. Your energies aren't doing a goddamn thing.
Illuminatis ability to create hell in your society have nothing to do with this. It's you, the people, who made that possible.
We won't solve that problem for you. We're not even allowed to.
If you keep letting your society to give drugs to children you're gonna keep seeing crazy shit in your world. That's a simple fact and can't be changed thru interventions. If YOU allow a doctor to drug a child the only thing a galactic could really do that would help is to take the child from you and give it to someone who WON'T allow a doctor to drug it...
So, the things happening in 3D and the things happening in all other dimensions aren't really related in that particular case.
I for one, can certainly sense the difference in energies from 2 weeks ago compared to how this week have been. The world doesn't feel as heavy now as it has felt during my entire life, and that is amazing to sense. :)
Yes, innocent people are getting killed all the time, only hardly anybody pays any attention. Hopefully, that will change soon.