I have been thinking about how the Galactic Federation Logo on how it looks like and i've done some research into the logo's of the Illuminati and when you compare them its rather quite worrying :( it maybe nothing but i would recommend anyone who wants to understand what i am saying to check out Illuminati Logo's on youtube then after that take a good look at the Galactic Federation Logo. 

I mean if there is something in it would the Illuminati be so stupid to use their logo types in their other logo's trying to trick the light into falling into a trap or do they enjoy seeing people fall for it with something so obvious and get some very sick pleasure outta it?  

Would to love to hear other's points of view on this...? 

Lots of love and light x x x

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    • We are all Channellers Lewis, but we have limitations in life as well,. would you want someone channeling through that was in a real bad mood, while you were meeting a parent of someone you had just met? I'm just saying here.

      People have to learn to respect our lives in the 3D, and know that we have other things going on in this world, instead of just being able to channel.

      Bless the Nite,


    • true!

  • Sure thing Hannah, with all of the things you had said about people who deal with that kind of energy of practicing Satanism. There are good and bad in everything that comes with that sort of thing, and I'm open minded enough to know that, but know that there are some Pagans out there who deal with that sort of thing as well, who aren't so nice about other people either. 

    The thing is, we can say good and bad in everything that comes our way, but over all Hannah, I think it is the person and there intent on what they are doing with something like that

    However the scariest thing I had ever encountered on here was this, there was a member once in the chatroom, and I'm not going to name names, because that isn't important.

    This member in the chatroom though, had three or more people running through his energy system, meaning that they were channeling through his energy system. It was scary, because this poor member was young, in his middle twenties, and he was saying things that weren't making any sense at first.

    Then he had talked about things that he shouldn't of known about, and I knew right away what was going on. My senses were, that this member was an Empath, and he had three people running through his energy system, because he could channel there frequency. I don't call them entities either, because the people running through his energy system are a live yet, and members of this site as well

    I remember though that day, the member was so intent on channeling there energies through on Chat, he told me that they were his Soul Family and that he was going to allow them to channel through, because they loved him, and were apart of him. As soon as this member had told me that, I couldn't do anything more, because that wasn't for my highest good, be to involved in something like that

    This member though, had channeled there energies through perfectly well, and it was scary how accurate this member was, while channeling through in the chatroom like that.

    I would of called it a demonic possession, but being he had allowed them through like that, who knows.

    This is where Satanism can be dangerous at times, because Empaths are willing to believe that the Divine energy on here that is through channeled messages are positive, and the truth of things

    With what that kid though was going through, I would of said that was forced channeling through his energy system, but I don't know

    What would of been your response in something like that?

    Bless the Nite,


  • Does anybody on this site actually practice some kind of religious discipline or devotional prayers or yoga? 

    • My faith is based in a world that has to be "believed to be seen", where no one questions the prescence of Gods love, and embrace in the fact that life is a miracle, life is abundant, life is a series of challenges with many precious rewards.

      To act as if I am in that world already is the discipline I hold on to every day.

      I pray every night, I think it is important to acknowledge that there exists a powerfull energy around you that is willing to help you as long as you're willing to keep going.

      • Hey Pichu, The reason that people today question things like a God presences around them, is because sometimes as Humans we can allow something negative in our lives real fast, and before we know it, we are picking up something that isn't good for us.

        I think it is important to know what kind of Spirit Guides we have around us, so we can always check in them with with things, and or Guides even for that matter.

        People though are going to question, when something doesn't feel right to them, or doesn't feel good at all. It's the course of nature that does things like that, we all have the right to question when something doesn't feel right to us

        Life is a miracle at times, but Life is also hard as well, and we do have to live the life we have in the 3D world, and make changes for ourselves as well.

        My Faith is that we all learn from something, whether it is good or bad, and we can always thank the experiences that we have learned from, or look at what the experience had taught us

        I think that we can stay away from negative energy, and stay away from things that aren't good for us, but yes there will always be questions of God's energy from time to time, especially when we are feeling uh oh what is going on here with this or that or the other thing

        Questions like would God really do something like that or not, or is this another energy presences that we shouldn't have around us 

        Praying is good, as long as you are aware of what you are praying to, and make sure that this is something that is coming from you personally, and not the influences of what others think you should be praying to

        Bless the Nite,


        • I basically said what you said, but with different words.

          Bless you.

          • so true April but i also think alot of people who don't believe in god have seen what harm the church's have done and all the so call killing in the name of god which humans have took upon themselves to do over the years. even i have been there thinking about is god real but then again it has to be for us to be real... also that one question if they was a god why does he/she let all this suffering go on, and why me god etc.. without thinking well maybe there's some kind of lesson to be learnt here. 

            Again people have different understandings of the word God. its down to how you look at it but to understand it i think you have to try and look at all the points of view's which people hold. take a walk in their shoes. and maybe i am only making sense to myself here lol. I'm not good with words but i know what i am trying to say. lol 

  • I find this very interesting, you guys have a pic of this logo? I keep finding all sorts of logos in Google, I'd like to know the official one and where did it came from?

    • Are you on Facebook Pichu? type in the Galactic Federation of light and they and they logo will come up. i don't want to post it just in cause i don't have their permission xxx or maybe Google it. its looks like a Stargate from that program called Stargate then it has the power points, then in the middle of the a yellow pyramid and then in the middle of that a planet that resembles Saturn with the words the Galactic Federation of light under. let me know what you think x 

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