
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 5 Etznab, 11 Ceh, 8 Manik


    Dratzo! We return! The time is near for the distribution of your prosperity funds. The Ascended Masters have promised that the fund transfers from their secret world trust are ready to begin. These transfers were to begin only when the necessary security was in place. The dark cabals have had stop orders in effect on these transfers for the past two decades. Originally, the cabalists intended to usurp the funds once their New World Order governments and accompanying martial law edicts were fully in place. As you can see, this has not taken place. Nevertheless, the Ascended Masters wanted to make sure that friendlier governments were either in power or else ready to be put into power before the actual releasing of the funds began.


    This requisite is now happening, and so the transfers of this money are about to happen. The movement of this money is a signal to the various secret sacred societies that the moment has arrived to begin the removal of several dark-oriented regimes. This will begin with extensive arrests of top government officials within these regimes. The first item on the agenda for these new governments is the confirmation of the full legitimacy of the many international court orders and arrest warrants against the former leaders of so many major governments across the planet. What is taking place is the breaking-up of the false legitimacy of Lex Romana. The Church used this batch of documents after the fall of Rome in the 5th Century AD to legitimize its power in the largely lawless world that was Western Europe.


 This legal tradition continued into modern times and remains the basis for establishing the legitimacy of the modern nation state. This tradition was embraced by the dark and used to validate its actions since the earliest days of the Holy Roman Empire. This power will be rendered null and void by the institution of your new caretaker governments and a new era in governance will then be in effect. This new governance signals the start of the last phase of your journey back to full consciousness and your reunion with your spiritual and space families. Our task is to monitor your world and support the various activities leading to your new reality. We have watched how determined your Ascended Masters are to complete those procedures necessary for the release of your prosperity funds. Your many groups dedicated to returning the Light to your world are working diligently to ensure that the dark's minions are properly arrested and their de facto governments put out of business. Much progress is being made. The dark ones are truly grasping the fact that their present dilemma cannot simply be swept under the proverbial rug, and it is the imminence of their demise that gladdens our hearts! Since the late 1940s we have worked for disclosure.


All the major governments of your world basically ignored our existence while courting the former members of the dark Anchara Alliance. Now this alliance with the dark is at an end, and it is time for first contact with the Light and the announcements that go with it. The secret sacred societies are putting the finishing touches on the many official announcements that will kick off the new governance. These public statements will explain to you why it was necessary to install new governments and will tell you about the program that each one is to follow. The dark cabal and its minions are arguing about how to wriggle out of the great downfall that is ready to hit them, and as they squabble, their obedient government factions continue to put out the usual lies about the financial crisis, claiming that some sort of 'recovery' is underway. As you know, nothing is further from the truth, and an overwhelming ocean of bad debt is ready to swallow them up! In its desperate hunt for funds, the cabal has threatened many governments but has found that these shakedowns failed to produce the monies needed to turn their self-imposed financial collapse around. It is time to put these profligates under arrest and stop the suffering that each of you has experienced in the last half-decade!


   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come, bringing some wonderful news! Over the past few weeks, we have been preparing to transfer vast sums of money into the trusts that we set up worldwide to distribute the prosperity funds to you. Our associates have been very successful in securing the safety of these accounts and getting to the point of ousting the many major governments. This past week we completed the lists and procedures for putting these new governments in power. We needed, first of all, to obtain the final, legally binding agreements from the dark's old financial system which makes it possible to arrest and prosecute the multitude of government and banking officials. Our associates are now establishing the preliminary dates for these prosecutions. Also, a firm timetable exists for the official transfers of government, and we are pledged to the subsequent announcements that will present us to you. As your Ascended Masters we need to introduce ourselves to you and give you a full explanation of what Heaven expects of all of us. This vast shift in your reality is above all a shift in consciousness. This means that your spiritual responsibilities will greatly increase, and you need a formal list of what these responsibilities are and how, together, we are to fulfill them. Your journey to full consciousness requires a deep commitment to your inner self and to this transforming reality. Our task is to discuss this with you, with all due solemnity and grace, as Heaven's divine plan needs all of us to dedicate our sacred honor to redressing the grievances long suffered by Mother Earth. As her invited guests, we are to express with our deeds the great Love we have for her, and indeed for all life that exists in this most beautiful realm. The prosperity you are about to receive is designed to progress you beyond the beliefs you hold about scarcity and limitation, imposed on you by your parents, friends, and society.


Abundance is your natural state of being; scarcity and limitation are simply artificially imposed on you. One of the issues to be integrated on the way to becoming an Ascended Master is the knowledge of the absolute abundance of nature and the universe. This is what you are about to be immersed in once more. Manifesting your full potential means that there are no inherent limitations placed on you, and you begin to experience your natural compact with the Creator. Your mission is to spread your Love, good grace, and Light to all Beings who live in physicality; and fear, in this context, is regarded as the falsity it truly is. The rest of your life is now to gloriously begin! Today, we carried on with our discussion of what is happening around you. A great shift in consciousness is rapidly changing your reality more each day. Most of it remains subtle, but you are ready to receive amazing news which will drastically change your world for the better. Be ready, and prepared to enjoy these events as they unfold before you!

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



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** Biz Being (사업 있고)................
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