
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
12 Chiccan, 18 Ceh, 8 Manik

      Dratzo! We return! Progress continues to be made by our Earth allies and especially by Earth's many secret sacred societies. Many nations in Europe, and many others that are sympathetic to the cause of the new economic system now stand in defiance of the status quo. Meanwhile, a group of unprincipled speculators and their energy-corporation co-conspirators continue to put pressure on global oil prices. To counter this massive chicanery, those who are ready to overthrow the major dark regimes are busy approving the use of various devices that can quickly take your planet off dependence on crude oil and petroleum. This is one of many projects that will refocus the basic direction of your global societies. A new financial system accompanied by new governance will free you from the daily burdens of artificially created scarcity. It is time to begin a new epoch based on true sovereignty and a natural global abundance founded on zero-point and solar energies. There is also the matter of your duties to Mother Earth to attend to. Your precious planet needs to be resuscitated and supported by all of you.

These various activities are part of the plan to remove the dark from power and to permit us to carry out our first contact mission with you. We dearly wish to complete this mission at the right divine time. Before we can arrive, all of you need to become aware of the foul nature of your current reality and why it desperately needs a complete and thorough makeover! The good news is, the dark cabal is on its last legs and its members deeply fear what is to happen to them. We observe how those working in the Light have been courageously moving a much-needed new economic system into place. The abundance that is to flow from this system is only the start of a huge agenda of change. The first of the coming changes can be thought of as a fun run-up to first contact when you will experience the magnificence of Heaven and a return to your spiritual roots. As we have often told you, our part is to mentor you back into your natural state of full consciousness, at which point you will become our associates in unfolding the divine plan throughout physicality.

These changes are to convert the very nature of your reality into something quite different. It is rare for Heaven to condone such an immense alteration in such a short space of time. Normally, this amount of change is made over centuries, not in a span of less than a decade. This sanction is by way of being a divine compensation because the dark cabal openly defied the sacred decrees governing the makeover of this reality. The cabal took upon itself the astonishing hubris of attempting to evict the forces of Heaven from one of Her especially administered physical realities. Such defiance is of course ridiculous! The Galactic Federation of Light is here as one of the physical components of Heaven to carry out the divine agenda in physicality, and it is thus that your freedom is ensured. Also dedicated to the Light are various on-planet resources which have joined together to direct a Heaven-sponsored removal of the cabal and its arrogant adherents. This strategy is in its final phases and the cabal's power is ebbing fast.

As the dark cabalists prepare to step down, we closely monitor those who are poised to succeed them. It is vital that the designated caretaker governments set up a form of representative governance that supports your present and future development. The prosperity programs and the many beneficent projects that these interim regimes will instigate need to be in synch with one another. Further, these regimes require new rules which enable each of you to be a participant in government, as these will be the first, primitive steps toward your galactic society. This brief period will be an interregnum between your present governmental morass and your return to full consciousness. Nevertheless, its activities will need to anticipate the vast transformations that lie ahead, and must represent more than just a return to the eloquent goals of your forefathers. It is a time to acknowledge who you are becoming and the grand responsibilities that you are to undertake which will forge a marvelous future for all of surface humanity!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this glorious day to welcome each of you into the new realm of full consciousness which is being materialized as we speak. Below you lie the sacred lands of Inner Earth, where each city of the Agarthans is doing its part to assist us in morphing the remaining darkness that riddles your surface societies. We are in fact moving our associates into position to successfully complete the final moves that will sweep away the detritus made by millennia of dark misrule. Your freedom comes with certain responsibilities to Mother Earth and to the magically complex and diverse life chain so badly disturbed and laid waste to by the dark. We are at the time specified by Heaven to appear before you and explain the many aspects of sacred wisdom that we have acquired over the millennia, as this knowledge can help you understand more precisely what Gaia expects of you.

You are entering a brief period in your history that is to expand your consciousness as well as your overall awareness of the nature and function of your reality. This will act as a wakeup call to your innate wisdom, which has lain dormant within you from the suppression of nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This state was imposed on you with certain severe restrictions mandated by Heaven, and at first these standards were only trifled with by the dark. Then, during the past eight millennia the Anunnaki and their appointed minions ran roughshod over these various rules. It is these violations that have led to the special dispensations which resulted first in our presence (the Ascended Masters) and then in the first-contact mission of the Galactic Federation. Using Agartha as our appointed refuge on Earth, we journeyed out each day to guide and prepare you for the Great Shift in consciousness.

The divine grace and mercy of Heaven have brought us all to the prophesied point where we return to who we truly are. Our task at that point becomes increasingly one of guiding you to your full potential within your life contact. We have taken on with joy what is next in line for us all and for this marvelous living entity upon whom we dwell. Our Agarthan family is very ready to celebrate their reunion with Earth's surface humanity, and thereafter, our activities will expand to include all the water worlds that make up this solar system. This newly formed star-nation has a series of special tasks to help the galaxy return to the Light and join a multitude of nearby galaxies to spread the Light throughout this sector of physicality. An exquisite future is forming, which we will all partake of in joy and in harmony with all of Creation.

Today, we continued our message about what is happening on your world. A new sense of selfhood is spreading rapidly within humanity. With the assistance of many from Heaven and from the Galactic Federation, you are readying yourselves for the consciousness shift decreed by Heaven and by AEON.
Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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