Greeting's To All,
Here's this week Galactic Federation Of Light channeling of The Pleiadian High Council. Let me know of what you guys think. Namaste!
This blog is aimed at those familiar with Uranian Astrology. Note that certain weapons platform guns (i.e. particle beam accelerators) can cause earthquakes if such are fired at and hit critical areas of certain…
Okay, so basically I can Take Control of this entire ride and set up the future to be pretty much any way I want it to be. Because I would choose to Take Control of my reality to such a powerful degree that I would overrule basically everyone else on the planet put together.
So then its up to what thoughts a 9D creator (myself) can offer up...
i understand the part that i create my future, but how can we overrule others?
Hey guys, to address your questions; I think what the Pleiadians mean, is if enough of the faithful collective believers start focusing & aligning their energies with that of naysayers, than the dense energies of fear & doubtfulness, can indeed help in negating the momentum for manifestation of desired event. In other words, when large numbers of the collective lightworker community start displaying signs of doubtfulness themselves, from their original acceptance of the belief, as a result of the opposite contradictory groups- who themselves still follow the same old energy patterns, then manifestation of that event/outcome can indeed be greately hindered.
hmm... so be able to make things happen, we need most of the population to believe? so we can create another reality to allow it to happen?! or just simply believe what ever you want to believe, and each individuals will end up going where ever they believe?! i am confused~