Pre-Full Moon Edition


The Human Consciousness is designed to be the Highest Expression of Loveon this Planet, through Connecting to the Planet and Expressing Love.There ain't no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Pre-Full Moon Edition. We'll see what kind of tide We can get, or tidings.

The Atoms in this Living Universe, even the Ones you can't see, (isn'tthat most, if not all of them?) Anybody seen an Atom? Anybody felt anAtom? Getting back to Basics.

What is it, if you can't see it it doesn't exist? Well you can't see an Atom,but Something's Existing. Course, even if they could see an Atomwould they understand what it's saying to Them? HELLO!

The Atom's sitting there in it's Vibrational Frequency of Consciousnesswondering if anything other than itself exists. Then it realizes toitself, that if it exists... “Let's have a Party!”

The Angels are here to assist in escorting the ignorance away fromHumanity. If You're a Human, You're not really gonna go anywhere, butyour ignorance is toast. Can You hear Me Now? It'll be a little bitof an eye-opener for You, I'm sure.

It's kinda like there's no Being (Human Being at least) on this Planetthat can stop the Photons coming from the Sun to this Planet. Fancythat. It's bigger than what Humanity understands at this Moment, eventhough They're part of It.

The tea party needs to join the Coffee Party. Wake up and smell the Reality.

The tea party, what is that? That's what they have in Britain? In America Wehave a Coffee Party. And that's just the Beginning.

It's fascinating to Me that it appears the dinosaurs are running thePlanet, when the Planet is surrounded by Starships. I'm sure that'sgonna go over really really good... for Humanity. Laugh Out Loud. Butat least We know they are the last of the dinosaurs. And We know whothey are. They can't disguise themselves in Our Presence. We can seeright through them like an airport scanner.

Course it's not just Us that have that understanding. How many Gods are onthis Planet Now? 6.7 Billion+. They're Gods whether or not They knowThey're Gods, not My problem.

Light up the Skies!

Another Day In Paradise”

Out of All the Unconditional Love that Exists in All of the Everywhere,Planet Earth is immersed in It. That means Humanity is immerse in It,up to their Crown Chakra. Ready to come out of the rut? Hand Up!

See, the dinosaurs cannot stop what is going to occur, What Is Occurring. Thedinosaurs say to Humanity, “Hey guys, 2-dimensional thought! Whywould you want to leave this? Look at all the stuff we got! Don'tlook at what you've got, you ain't got nothing. We've got it all.”

Humanity will be in darkness until yesterday...

Welcome To Today Folks! Where's that switch? Turn that Light On. Don't befooled anymore by the darkness's illusionary existence.

Love is what Love is made of. Love is made of Everything. And I meaneverything no kidding. Yep.

Yeah, if Humanity were to start actually using Their Brains, instead of beingon robotic control, programmed... I Guarantee You, Humanity's got aHigher Thing going on, than that little bit of 2d programming they'vegot. There's a Being in there.

See, the Knights Templar have been playing. Along with Their playing, They'vealso been communicating with the Archangels and All the other BeingsWe All Are Together, Equally. Humanity, Star Nation. Little bit ofJoy in there, maybe... Let It Out.

See, We could just put all of This in the Grid. It would be There, and HumanConsciousness would pick It Up, but We like to share with Humanity soThey get an idea of what They're Seeing, or Feeling, or Experiencing,or All of the Above.

A dinosaur cannot comprehend Love, or Life. It comprehends nothingpretty good, I don't know what that is. Maybe nothing equal lack. Letgo of the lack and open your arms and then you've got Your BeingPresent. Hug Yourself, You've got your arms open don't You?

Interconnected, Now what does that actually mean? Atoms know, They're Interwoven.Does Humanity have that lesson yet? Obviously not, it's what they'regetting to.

Their Key to the Kingdom is just their Being Present. Difficult huh? ShouldWe make it simpler or more difficult? Simpler is best.

A Thousand Miles”

Throughout the many millenia that Humanity has been playing with the darkness orplaying in the darkness. Little of both. Course now if you're aChristian you've only lived one life... Right.. Course this Life isthat one life right? Why don't You get One?

I can feel that Full Moon. It's just saying, “Tickle, tickle, tickle.”

We know who the dinosaurs are and Now We are looking for the Human Beingsthat would like to step out of 2d thought... or go with thedinosaurs. See, the dinosaurs have created a planet for themselves,one which that they can go to Freely. A planet very rich in nothing,as in zero, their favorite number, and poor of Everything.

Humanity inherits Planet Earth. That's the given. That comes from way backRight Now.

See, in comparison to Humanity on this Planet, there's only a handful ofdinosaurs. They're the ones that are most ignorant, thinking they'rethe most brilliant while becoming extinct.

Love doesn't rule. Love Governs. That's Equal Rights for All, Everywhere.Atoms say, “We'll have some of That.”

Planet says, “I got It.”

It's the end of the tunnel for darkness. There's no Light there, it's just aSPLAT! That tickles doesn't it?

Love doth decree it, so Love can be it. Course it's not the word for it,but it's a reference point to something with Is in it. It Is.

See, whether or not Humanity knows it, They are on a Living Planet, richin Divine Presence and Divine Activity. Feel That and don't forget toBreathe.

You're Beautiful”

See, the Crystal Children take Everything that's in the Grid and they amplifyit exponentially. It's kinda like Fibonacci looking at Me and saying,“If You put those Crystals together, They're gonna Vibrate likeWOW.”

Yeah Fibby that's the idea.”

What is it, the story of passover? They would kill the lamb and rub thelamb's blood above their door so the spirit of death would pass overthem and get someone else. Get those kids over there. I guess theSpirit of the Divine will just pass over their houses and get theother kids. I'm sure they'll like that.

The Brilliant Crystals are intermixed with the jewish nation. They onlysee one race, Human, They don't care about any stupid religion. Whatis it, the Children lead them? Oh boy. Some of them they grab by thenose and pull along.

Course, at this Moment I'm sitting Here and My Brain is just having chemicalreactions and My mouth is moving. Words are coming out, Love'sPouring Through.

It started back in Egypt, (actually it started way before that, butthat's a reference point to Now) the leaders were supposed to be god,god's representative on the Planet. God does not need arepresentative on the Planet, God already has representatives, Wecall Them Humans.

But the pharaohs became the deities they claimed to be. And nobody elsebetter challenge them on that unless they've got a big army. So inthat way, the annunaki separated themselves from the Civilization,from the People. The People weren't separate from Themselves, Theywere still People. Kinda like Children being told, “The darknessreally represents the Light. Don't Look.”

There's this one brilliant book, it's called Initiation, which kind of talkedabout Our experience of Egypt and how We saw it. Of course, this isbefore the annunaki got there and said, “We really don't see Them,we're gonna do it like Them, but different.”

So the annunaki chose the path of 2dimensional thought. Tough Luck, Charlie.

Course, We have always been on this Planet, from the very conception ofHumanity. That's way back, bet you most of Them don't even know whentheir Soul entered the body, or that they've got a Pineal Gland.Significant reference point There.

In the Kingdom of Heaven, in Creation, there is absolutely no status quo.There ain't no past. Bring it to Me if You've got one. I wanna see itRight Now.

Mike so finely tunes the Grid, it's hard to decide how truly Big that GridIs. It's inclusive in Everywhere, as Now.

I was gonna tell that story about the pigeons and the atheist. See, theatheist lived close to a church and that was fine, except on Sundaymorning when they rang that bell. He wondered why would anybody wantto go there. That bell is so intrusive. He had his favorite thing,where he'd go out Sunday morning to his patio and see all the pigeonsthere. And he'd throw stuff out to feed them. Then one very coldDecember Sunday, he looked out and saw all the pigeons in the cold.The pigeons were his favorite friends, and he was sure they also knewGod didn't exist anywhere at all. He had great compassion for thepigeons and he wondered how he could get them in the house. If hejust went out there they'd all fly away, so he thought, if I were apigeon, I could go out there and lead them all inside. AT that momentthe church bell went DING. Don't you just Love Synchronocities? Theatheist had a HOLY ****! And he didn't know what to believe in, buthe liked the Bell.

For Eternities I have been talking to Creation, sharing the visions ofBrilliance. And for Eternities Creation has been very very patientwith Me. Creation likes the stories.

Mike says, “I'm putting them in the Grid as fast as I can!”

The Angel at the back of the line says, “Boy, I wish this line wouldmove along. I've got someplace to Be.” [In Reference to the Memos]

Braincells say, “WHEEE!!” Unified Field of Consciousness is ignited. WantSome? It'll Fill You Full.

End Transmission



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