I am posting this for the many skeptics and doubters who have been contacting me lately telling me that Q is fake...and there will be no RV...and Trump will be arrested and Pelosi & Hillary will take his place...oh and lets not forget the Armageddon crap. Just really crazy off the wall stuff. So I reminded them that the galactics upstairs are behind all this and none of that stuff will occur. It is just the deep state left cabal telling more lies in hope they can avoid arrest and death for treason.
So here is what they have to say about it. Mr.Ed :)

Galactic Message - Agenda to End the Deep State Cabal


The Cabal Will No Longer Be Tolerated. Victory To The Light Is Inevitable

January 18, 2019 by Edward Morgan

By Archeia Faith,

“This is Ashtar Sheran and this message is an update on the war against the darkside on your planet Shan the light forces have your earth surrounded. Many see our ships, we are overtaking dark bases to liberate hostages there and to claim these bases as future spaceports for the light full-disclosure will unveil them to you. The Fiat monetary system is all but bust, the Cabal are being arrested there are many indictments and preparations are being made at Guantanamo Bay to house them until galactic trial. All of the cabal’s leaders are being arrested, the Clintons, the Bush’s, the Obama’s, and more will soon stand trial for high treason and for many more crimes, not the least of which are human trafficking, narcotics rings, murder the list goes on and on.

These criminals have had their day, we watch as they sweat attempting to murder more of the prosecution’s witnesses, these people are in our care now no more “suiciding,” will be tolerated. This is crunch time as you call it, this is the epicenter of the battle right now in this moment you are living it. We need you to stay strong the dark knows it’s time is up and is fighting to win back its control over your planet. You did expect that, didn’t you? You did expect that they would use the last of their power to create new campaigns to put you back under the ether? If you didn’t then you don’t understand the importance of their control over YOU. How pivotal those on Earth are to their entire regime, the lies the disinformation the false accusations against the light specifically.

They fear us, the Delta forces have come to your planet and are working in the background to help liberate YOU. Any messages of them disrupting your cities are UNTRUE. Their lies there are rumors circulating that there will be no RV that is nonsense the RV has already begun the decline of the American dollar is part of that. We have a sting operation going to ferret out the last of the Cabal members who think to thwart a new quantum financial system that is why the date is being reset over and over and over again. Each time we capture more of these criminals, why do you think there are so many indictments with more increasing as time progresses?

We are bringing down their control system right in front of the eyes of the aware, but behind the backs of the unaware it is a delicate operation. Become aware, understand and do not panic when you see videos posts blogs articles saying the entire operation has been shelved. Do not listen, do not give these liars your energy, do not worry. When you doubt and begin to worry YOU FEED THE DARK. Do not give them your energy. Enough information has been published to explain the process, we are adhering to this process anyone who says that anything has changed at all is lying. It is disinformation. These dark workers are working overtime to sway your thinking, do not let them, the plan is in place it has been for many of your years. It is a plan that works, it will not fail and we will not fail you, but you must believe in a faith.

Know also that the dark is attempting to reach you through your own MINDS, Sharon has had many reports of dark attempts to separate light workers from each other, be it in creating doubt in their loyalty to Sharon leaving her group or attempting to create quarreling between them. You must know that Sharon works directly under me she is loyal to the light and has the liberation of humanity on earth in her heart, she is unwavering in her commitment to see this through we ask no less of you. Know that doubt is your enemy, the enemy the dark tries to create within you. That doubt is its voice, all is well. The world will go through growing pains as you change but that is to be expected, you will be weaned off your dependency on money via the new quantum financial system.

The plan is to give all on earth enough money to be financially independent, there will be no more suffering and this will allow you to outgrow your need of it. It may seem ironic to you that giving you more will, we knew of your dependency however we know that your lack of money keeps you dependent upon it and in your nefarious financial system, lack creates more lack, greed and suffering. This will end for you and soon, this is the Divine Plan. You are part of the Divine Plan, do not give yourselves over to the dark any longer, the dark is dying, it has lost any last-ditch efforts to keep the illusion alive. Do not support them with your energy, understand that they were attempting to trick you before but the closer we move to final victory, the worse their trickery will become for you. We apologize but it is simply a question of not listening to it stay in your light.

Love Adonai. A star you.”


The Cabal Will No Longer Be Tolerated. Victory To The Light Is Inevitable - Prepare For Change


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  • I for one, have never lost faith in what you are doing for us all.  Thank you Ashtar & Sharon.

  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Phase" -- February 17, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    The next phase of the transition has begun.

    Massive incriminating data dumps are expected to be released this year.

    Remaining Cabalist world leaders are all set to be removed from their positions via indictment or resignation.

    Zimbabwe is now expected to issue a reinstatement of currency instead of a demonetization.

    Banking sources have reported to be ready for the RV to begin.

    All they need is the Earth Alliance's go-ahead.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Scrambling" -- February 16, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Sanctions were imposed on Zimbabwe by the EU and U.S. in 2001 and 2002 (before and after 9/11).

    These sanctions restrained Zimbabwe from accessing its vast amounts of valuable natural resources which otherwise would've benefited the world.

    The EU's sanctions on Zimbabwe is due to expire this month on the 19th.

    The U.S. already proposed to amend ZIDERA (sanctions on Zimbabwe) and is awaiting official signing by POTUS.

    Once Zimbabwe is freed from the shackles of Western sanctions, the country will be allowed to benefit from their vast amounts of natural resources.

    Zimbabwe is already preparing to announce a new currency (which may seem to be fiat but is actually gold/asset-backed and linked to the QFS).

    Zimbabwe's announcement of their new currency signifies their compliance with GESARA.

    Zimbabwe is a sleeping giant about to awaken and release its full potential.

    Meanwhile, Trump's declaration of a national emergency was announced which now makes the US compliant with GESARA.

    The UK is next on the list.

    If Brexit is not agreed upon soon, then expect martial law to be declared in the UK.

    Similar to the US, the declaration of martial law in the UK will signify the country's GESARA compliance.

    The Cabal is now scrambling to stop the transition.

    However, resistance is futile.

    Sources believe now more than ever that the RV could begin at any moment.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Afraid" -- February 15, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    It's official, Mitch O'Connell announced that Trump will sign the bill but also declare a national emergency.

    It is as expected that the Deep State would not back down (fully build the wall).

    The Deep State will now face total annihilation once Trump declares a national emergency.

    Deep State = Cabal in the US.

    Meanwhile, the UK may be facing martial law after Brexit was once again down voted by their government.

    The Cabal are afraid of Brexit as it will cause a cascade of events for the UK once passed.

    Northern Ireland will be forced to leave the UK and unify with the rest of the Ireland.

    Scotland will vote to leave the UK and join the EU as a sovereign nation.

    These events are all under GESARA compliant terms given to the UK via Brexit.

    Reminder: GESARA is not a law, it is a complex secretive treaty (or even agenda) that is being enforced upon all nations by BRICS (whom are working with the Earth Alliance).

    There will be no GESARA announcement, but rather nations will have to reform and create GESARA compliant laws.

    The declaration of a national emergency in the US and martial law in the UK might both occur simultaneously.

    This would wipe out the Cabal/Deep State's Military Industrial Complex and their financial capital (City of London).

    This would cause the rest of their global structure to completely collapse.

    Any other Cabal remnants that refuse to surrender will be tracked down and apprehended.

    The Earth Alliance is willing to do whatever it takes to begin the transition with or without the Cabal's surrender.

    The RV can be expected to begin at any moment as it will kick start the transition.



    • bill also includes expanding 'catch and release' allowing un documented illegals to roam around the interior! This is all insane and the cabal puppets need to be arrested now!

      • 8116248861?profile=original

      • Trump declares national emergency to unlock border wall funds

  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Approaching" -- February 13, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    The meaningful vote for Brexit begins tomorrow.

    The deadline for the Cabal to surrender is quickly approaching.

    February 15th is the deadline for all nations to comply with GESARA and vow to implement future GESARA compliant laws.

    February 15th is also the same day the meaningful vote for Brexit concludes.

    Brexit is the UK's compliance with GESARA.

    Sources are expecting the RV to occur on a Tuesday which is the start of the international banking week.

    Tuesday is also the day 9/11 occurred which was the Cabal's Pearl Harbor that ignited War World 3.

    Except this war was fought in the shadows.

    If the Cabal does not surrender soon (border wall funding and Brexit passing) then the Earth Alliance will initiate the global take down of the Cabal.

    The global take down will occur in public view and the world will fall into a state of emergency.

    It will be shock and awe for the public.

    Either way, the Cabal are finished.

    The start of the RV will mark the end of this shadow war against the Cabal.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Emergency" -- February 12, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Rumors suggest the military exercise in L.A. last week was an actual operation to bust a biochemical false flag attack.

    Special Forces were seen carrying two objects out from the building and into the MH-60 Black Hawk.

    Recorded footage shows decontamination protocols being performed on one of the MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters.

    However, other reports claim the operation was related to human trafficking.

    The declaration of a national emergency in the US and martial law in the UK will trigger the rest of the world to fall into a state of an emergency.

    Expect Trump to declare a national emergency after the US government is shutdown once again.

    Also, expect the UK to declare martial law if another no-vote occurs on Brexit.

    The public will be shocked from the massive data dumps and arrests.

    The new quantum financial system will be announced almost immediately to calm the public.

    Zimbabwe is expected to introduce a new gold-backed currency in advance of the QFS announcement.

    The RV remains expectant at anytime between now and the predicted events above.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Deadline" -- February 11, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    According to sources, the Earth Alliance have decided to initiate the transition by force.

    If true, the transition may take up to 2 weeks to complete.

    The transition will likely be triggered by Trump declaring a national emergency and/or the UK declaring martial law.

    Securing the border wall is the final GESARA compliance term for the US.

    The US will become GESARA compliant whether by deal (Cabal's surrender) or by force (national emergency).

    Same goes for the UK with Brexit.

    Mass indictments and arrests are to occur from incriminating evidence gathered over the years.

    There will be military in the streets as seen in L.A. last week.

    These events will cause the stock market to plummet which will finally pull the plug on the old and dying fiat financial system.

    Once the dust settles, China will publicly announce the new quantum financial system.

    The announcement of the new quantum financial system (QFS) will reset the value of all currencies based on assets/gold.

    Rumors claim a new gold-standard African currency will be introduced at the African Union summit to couple with their new continental passport.

    The Cabal are broke, and checkmated both militarily and politically.

    The 15th is said to be the deadline for the Cabal to surrender.

    The private currency redemption event (RV) may begin at anytime as all transactions will be processed through the QFS.



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