April 18, 2012
You have-as a Soul--before taking embodiment on Earth--carefully designed your game plan for this time-space insert, you know as your current life.
Your game plan consists of all ‘unfinished business’—in other words, your unresolved issues, conflicts, unlearned lessons—including judgments that you’ve projected upon others-- and must now experience yourself-- etc.
You’ve come into this current event arena in order to confront and acquire mastery over certain weak areas in your character.
You've made the whole thing up but then have forgotten that you've done so!
Your problematic version of your life is only a fictitious story that you’ve told so many times to yourself and to others--that now you’ve totally bought into it!
There really are no problems—only false assumptions, projections and interpretations your false self has conjured up---and therefore there is nothing really there to solve or to “fix”!
Your ego mind convinces you otherwise—for it would have you maintain the illusion of separation-- thus giving misery a temporary form.
All pain and unhappiness—regardless of the form it seems to take—has but falsehood as the root cause.
Of course – since you’ve lost awareness of your true Divine Identity and nature-- you try to ignore, deny, fix, fight-- or escape from your problems!
Therefore instead of staying fully present, intentionally participating and totally occupying your life—you’re longing to be some place else, doing something else.
Many are the forms that avoidance will assume—like for example-- the longing to return 'Home,' to find your “ideal mate” or unite with your Twin Flame, to be aboard a space ship, to ascend, attain Spiritual liberation, and so forth.
Yet every one of these longings spring from the fundamental illusion that you are separate and apart from Wholeness, Holiness and Eternal Love.
The ego’s agenda is all about keeping you involved in seeking--and thus--never finding—in becoming-- and thus robbing you of truly BE-ing—NOW.
Those who are the most frustrated and are complaining the loudest, are also the most resistant to being here on Earth and participating in the very process they've set up for them selves in order to step free.
The 'way out' of here requires you to first fully BE HERE NOW.
You need to “possess the land of your inheritance” by fully entering into your life arena and dealing with what is before you to the very best of your ability.
Your higher Identity can only manifest when you are fully conscious and physically grounding your Spirituality.
You ground your Spirituality through acting in alignment with your higher Nature and Soul Purpose.
Your ego has the opposite agenda, for it wants to keep you unconscious, lost in mentalizing, fantasizing and resisting your life as it is.
That resistance is what is causing you to feel isolated, lonely and sidelined in the game of life.
Invariably, unwillingness to participate fully in your life also gives rise to other issues, like financial difficulties and problems with relationships in general.
When you don't 'show up' and occupy your life, it's like there is no one home and the lights are all off.
Then the other players won’t come knocking, because they can see that there is no one home to play with.
You are in a way spiritually dead or at least asleep until you've infused your physical body and mind with your Light, Consciousness and vitality!
In this seminar we examine some of the unconscious habits that block one from truly enjoying life and experiencing greater fulfillment.
There are some simple but major keys for those of you who are wondering why things are so difficult.
Here’s how you can break free and enjoy a more fulfilling life while playing the game –AND remembering it is only a game!
“Life is a game, play it, Life is a challenge, meet it, Life is a song, sing it, Life is a dream, realize it. Life is love, enjoy it!” Sai Baba
Excerpts from the April 18, 2012 web radio seminar:
with Cmdr. Lady Athena / Ashtar-Athena Sheran
Weds. 8: PM to 9: PM Pacific Daylight Time USA
I will never believe I could possibly desire for any of the events in my life to have gone the way they did. The fundamental flaw of the argument is that you assume all things go as planned. Like the Mirovingian you are saying all is casuality, and there is no choice. Like the freemasonic grand architect of the universe you are saying that choice is the problem in the matrix. I believe I came here with a plan, but to suggest it cannot be corrupted and things will always go smoothly is to deny the existence of evil. There are both fixed and mutable aspects. There is casualty in karma, and there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action. There is love and there is conflict. All good stories must contain these. All fear is simply the fear of losing in a conflict of some sort, I,E, fear of change, fear of loss, its not about the fear its about what might happen, that at times we don't even want to think about. If there is no conflict it is void and meaningless. Marine life would have never braved the world of the land. Love and fear is the lifeline from Donnie Darko, I believe in confronting my fears.
Beloved One!
How ONEderful to read your message, dearheart. I'd like to share a guided session that you might find useful. It holds some very interesting portals into the cosmic consciousness of each individual that they themselves can open. I was blessed to have it flow well...
I look forward to the opportunity to look into your eyes and bow.... namaste
Hi aquarian, thanks for the follow up reply.
Yes, that is the next step of awareness after what I mentioned, then the next and the next.
peace love light
Hi delilah, I comprehend what you are saying, though the inference was made by saying financial difficulties, as if individual human beings are to blame for that.
And my simple point is, individual humans are not responsible for imbalanced systems that create those conditions by design.
Again, this way of thinking reminds me of religions, when they call people sinners from birth and try to put guilt trips on everyone.
Let me try and put it simply, if your playing a game of monopoly, it is the design of the game itself, that causes many in the game to go bankrupt or have financial difficulties.
It really doesn't matter what the players in a game of monopoly do or do not do, one or more are going to go bankrupt no matter what.
I hope this makes more common sense to people, then again many don't seem to have much of that in this world.
peace love light
Monopoly, :)
At the end of the game there are no winners really, for the Money / winnings / all go back into the box.
No winners, No losers but really a learning experience to take with you into the next game...
Hi folks, Hi ben, thanks for sharing.
One problem with this article,"Invariably, unwillingness to participate fully in your life also gives rise to other issues, like financial difficulties and problems with relationships in general."
Is it possible the truth is more along the lines of, we have systems that are very imbalanced and thus, at any moment in history, many people may not have jobs, even if they wanted to be so called, "fully participating in life".
Hmm, i wonder.
peace love light and much discernment.
I think what she meant by not fully participating in your life is, not giving it 110%, and not being fully enguaged in all that you are capable of.
It is easy enough to keep blaiming some system "out of balance" and systems do need to be revamped there is no doubt about that, but people also need to take responsibility for their life and their actions, and make the best of what they have here and now, and not wait for some system collapse...
Change is going to come from within, not by waiting for something to happen to make everything right.
If we open ourselves to our highest destiny, the Universe does take care of us in amazing ways.
That's just my take on it....
As much as i like Lady Athena's messages i do not like her association and claims about Sai Baba ...that has put me right off ...the True Avatar of Kali Yuga is Guru Nanak as mentioned even in the vedas
We are all Guru's Krishna....