For all those activists who have been investigating and reporting on clandestine government operations around the world to manipulate our weather patterns, this news from Germany is groundbreaking.The TV news report states that “the military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is what the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed…“We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals.”Full Article >>>

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  • GREAT post Thomas, thanks for this. Chemtrails have always been a fascination of mine, wondering why it is being done and by whom for what dire purpose. I think it is quite clear they exist. I just arrived back in Florida to live and was staying at a campground for a month that was near an airport. Daily I sat out in my reclining beach chair watching the skys and relaxing and I watched the regular vapor clouds left by the scheduled planes coming and going on their routes daily and also watched each day as other planes zigzagged back and forth crossing their paths sychonously in giant X patterns in the sky. By noon the sky looked like a giant tic tac toe effect and the sky would get all hazy and practically muffle the sunshine....hmmmmm, methinks something is up with that........I am a through and through believer in the reality of chemtrails, even though my neighsayer friends think I am a loon about it.......THE truth will come out and I will be vindicated, lol.....Not sure if it is to hide the presence of Niburu or to just using chemicals to make us all mindless pacifist drones to be easier to be controled, or to kill us slowly and incidiously, Any way I look at it, it can't be good. But I do not worry, Worry is not a vibration level I want to be in. Gave up paranoia and worry awhile ago now I follow the power of positive attraction and my life has been blessed.

    Love and peace to all
    • I have seen the sky look like that in Germany too, giant Xs all over the sky, usually on
      sunny summer days, just like you said, about noon time it starts and then by later afternoon
      the sky was hazy and the sun only came through a little bit.
  • I now know what is the real -secret-, is called the law of attraction.
    Space travel works with it and humans can use it too. Where you put
    your attention to (frequency, consciousness), is the place you go to.
    Spacecraft usually adapt their frequency to the signature of the place or
    -dimension- where they want to travel to, then the craft automatically
    vanishes from that one dimension into the other.

    As to the chemtrails, the way the cabal think, I bet it has at LEAST a double effect.
    One effect probably to hide the existance of Nibiru, because Nibiru will cause their -power-
    to end, as the cosmic Annunaki are now working together with the Galactic Federation.
    The other effect, as the cabal have a treaty to make us extinct, chemtrails are for them
    the best way to do that, although their plans have clearly been spoiled, isnt gonna happen
    the way they planned it, because they are too dumb,
    • I just wonder what will happen when the citizens start to speak out against the military..

      Military.. #^@*..

      our law of attraction is fear. we build the military to protect us.

      only, now that it is there, and we are outside of it, we are potentially the threat?

      and this is not some valliant effort to bring us all into the next vibration.. elitists are selfish.

      If ascention happens as a result of our collective cultural evolution, then all the garbage in the world is a synchronous part of universal, progressive knowledge.
      • No need to worry about the Military, as the cabal also view the Military and
        the Police as their slaves, just like they view us, the cabal have already lost the game:)

        And FEAR >> False Evidence Appearing Real >> is just the cabals vibrational state >>
        -law of attraction- but not ours :)
  • If this is true, than holy shit..
  • Wow, that's great news. Thanks Thomas
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