Fellow ACC members, brothers and sisters of the Golden Age,
this weekend turned GNARLY ugly sad car wreck feelings
my wife finally broke down and told me that all the OFF THE WALL stuff I am into...
books on Arcturians, Syrians, Pleiadians and Jesus,
Archangel Michael, cosmic Websites with Angels, scattered addresses on my desk, one of which is Bill Brockbader's Jail address so I can write to him, video tapes on Alex Jones
scandalous reports,
and my constant leaking from my mind,
dribbling statements about how the IRS is going to be gone soon or that the Federal Reserve is going down, vanishing along with humanity's need for money.
oh oh oh,and
and the out of your fucking mind statements about Bush and Blair tried for being War Criminals and going to jail soon...the seminars I sign up for that are SPIRITUAL Woo woo...she thinks David Wilcock looks like a hero..she calls a lunatic...
.So I have been HEART/slammed like a force against a steel wall,
the force of an enraged VENUS, a terrified female/wife/mother/mate.
She says our 12 year old daughter is also scared and they are both watching me get farther and farther away from them, a vast divide opening wider and wider...
HER SUFFERING, FEAR, ATTACHMENT, CONFUSION AND BEING MOSTLY LOST in a sea of worry of LACK, that if she loses her husband, the bread winner, she loses her security. Her love for me suddenly sits second fiddle to her overwhelming state of terror, as she watches me change before her.
How many others are going through the same sudden family meltdown?
I was told by my spiritual mentor from Santa Fe. not to count on anything like an EVENT to suddenly happen that would likely let her finally see that I am telling the truth,
no, I was told, EVERYTHING IS AS IT SHOULD BE...... that who am I to Question GOD and his timing?
Does GOD wear a wristwatch? This is GOD"S BUSINESS, not mine, so focus on my own light.
She also said for me to take a FAST from the internet,
and devote myself entirely to the spirit of my 12 yr old daughter, who is torn and confused and also terrified, not so much of what I am alluding to in the skies above us,
but terrified of a break up of her parents.
I am advised to write on paper, letters to the souls of my two girls, and explain what I am becoming,
and how they will soon find peace and bounty, etc etc...whatever I want to say..
....then I am to ask Jesus to take the messages to their souls when I burn the paper I write the letters on..
burn them,and know that their suffering souls at least got the message I wanted to tell them.
I am advised to DISENTANGLE MYSELF from the Dark, to pay attention only to the light,
and to shine as bright as I can,
and not to become distracted...either by the internet or the suffering of the soul of my wife,
for I am not to water her garden, but to stay on my side of the garden fence.
Tend your own garden, as each soul tends to their side of the road and theirs only.
Her soul never gave me permission to try and change her, or awaken her.
But in my egoistic, paternal and loving manner, I want her suffering to end NOW,( I also do not want to move out of my home!)
so I pray for an EVENT NOW, please GOD...if she changes Grrrrrrreat! If she looks up and sees a light display of 100 flying saucers over Manhattan, and says...those silly weather balloons again...then I know its time to split.
Dear GOD, I can feel the pressure building up, its causing the water to vibrate around me as
I tred water in this churning Matrix and getting all GNARLY. Its like a the biggest BOMB ever is just about to blow now, like any day, any hour, any minute. Take a deep breathe I know..
Hi Brother,
I really feel for you and your family! I can absolutely relate! It's impossible to shake off the need, the desire to out the truths that your path is dictating and the 'world mind' cannot relate ..our loved ones within too. I would suggest that you put evrything aside temporarily as your quest dictates, let go, release and be with those who love and need you. huh, easy for me to say in retrospect but I could not do it either. The pull, the journey does occupy and consume's our reason for living and for being but it can and does frighten those who are not ready for such things. I had my family move 3000 miles to be with Star Commanders because it was a critical part of my destiny when they appeared. .... There was no other choice. But Commanders and Light workers have to do and become what they are...and the sacrifices are difficult, no doubt about it. Remember you are a Light Warrior and you also have special love within that first must wash over you and 'kindly' have a talk with your wife from your heart. We, at some point don't feel the need to 'prove' to others in our lives what we are about. It can be very lonely from time to time. But it is the ego that wants to prove your right... Instead of asking others..."Don't they know who and what I am?" Say to yourself from a quiet space within "Don't I know?" and let the peace and acceptance wash over you. And be in that Peace for your family.
Good Luck to you!
My love and Light compassionately,
Cmdr. Uria
Hi Custos
So sorry to hear about your divorce and the hurt that comes with that, but I just wanted to say...since I first posted this post, months ago, I have been very careful to keep my own council, stay as quiet as possible and always pray for awakening to come to my wife as I know it soon will.
My home life is now easy going, even though she still sees me with books about Arcturians, or iPad apps on UFO sightings,,she just makes a snide comment and the moment passes. No more painful dramas...I have learned a big lesson in keeping things to myself, which is a lonely method of living, but I KNOW deep inside my being, that soon all will be revealed and I will be there to help comfort my family with the shock they will experience.
Had a spiritual journey a month ago, dad kept repeating your leaving us and im so far from them, they just probly want to stay in the 3rd dimension, verge of getting kicked out cause of being spiritual. really sucks, hope all is well.
Genetix420, you can't choose for others...Don't worry and give them your Love and your Light, that will help much more, when the moment arrives each one will go our way, and maybe you'll be surprised...
A dig kiss from the Heart to you, and keep still and centered in your own path, dear one.
Thank you Miriam for the love i hope you are doing well and have noticed more change all is good here thanks much love.
I have often thought that the time could come in the Western world when we are put in the nuthouse for believing in God.
Ha, Ha, you're right!!! You've made laugh StarFlower but you're right. Thank God we have sense of humour to go on...
Many kisses forn a real believer, sister
Hey, it was Source who gave me a warped sense of humour and reality, and I must honor Source by using it.
It's always been my favourite also, Love you very much.