The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth.

Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology…great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.

Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin, age and purpose completely unknown.


Pyramid discovery challenges current archaelogical theory

A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.

The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they’re more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they’ll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light of the potential ramifications.

The pyramid could confirm some engineers’ contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist,
or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed the Bermuda Triangle.

First discovered in 1968

According to the history, the pyramid was accidentally discovered during 1968 by a doctor of naturopathy, Ray Brown of Mesa, Arizona.

Brown was in the Caribbean on vacation and making dives with friends in a region off the Bahamas known as “the Tongue of the Ocean.” The area acquired that name because a tongue-shaped portion of the seabed extends out from the island before sharply dropping off into much greater depths.

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When relating his discovery, the doctor explained he became separated from his diving friends underwater. While attempting to rejoin them he came upon a massive structure rising from the ocean floor: a black, hulking object silhouetted against the lighter sun-filtered water. The object was shaped like a pyramid.

Because he was low on air, he didn’t spend much time investigating the pyramid, but did find a strange crystal sphere.

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He brought it to the surface with him and later when the ancient crystal was studied researchers were astonished by its properties.

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Is the crystal pyramid causing the Triangle phenomena?

Some Triangle researchers have theorized for years that a strange energy source exists at the bottom of the sea within the region of the ocean affecting planes, ships, and boats.

A few investigators postulate that if the fabled Atlantis really did exist the remains of its mythical energy-vortex machine might still be intact at the bottom of the ocean. Such a machine, they claim, would likely be pyramidal-shaped and the original historical template that succeeding cultures around the globe copied much later.

Mysterious pyramids scattered across the world

Pyramid structures have been discovered across North, Central, and South America; Eastern Europe; the icy tundra of Siberia; Northern and Central China; and possibly Antarctica. The South Pole pyramid cannot be confirmed as it’s deep under more than a mile of ice and images of it are controversial.

Years ago, mysterious ruins—the vestiges of an unknown culture—were discovered on a small island called Malden in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The ruins were claimed to also have the remains of an ancient pyramid.

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Believers in the ancient land of Lemuria (also called Mu) proposed that the ruins might be all that were left of that ancient land, while others speculated it might have been an outpost colony of Atlantis.

An anthropologist from the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii explored the ruins back in 1924 and found no pyramid. What scientist Kenneth Emory did find, however, was evidence that a small Polynesian tribe once settled there briefly, perhaps no further back in time than the 16th Century.

Despite that finding, more revelations were to come from the tiny island during the ensuing years.

Researcher Mitch Williamson dug deeper into the mysteries.

Reporting on some of Williamson’s amazing findings, Rich Hoffman, explorer and investigator, writes: “There are 40 stone temples on Malden Island that are described as similar in design to the buildings of Nan Madol on Pohnpei, some 3,400 miles (5,475 km) away. In fact, there is a basalt road that runs along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean which connects these islands under hundreds of feet of water.

“This suggests a culture that is more than 50,000 years old and that this entire land mass was once above water supporting a civilization that had no trouble moving around tremendous stones to build very large, complicated societies which we know absolutely nothing about, other than the fact that someone built them and they are older than biblical history.

“Yet, nobody discusses them because they don’t fit into our understanding of the human race and their origins. Scientists have their diffusion theories of how migrants arrived in North America using the land bridge of the Bering Straight and they are sticking with it.”

The same can be said of the scattered ruins of the Caribbean that suggest a very large civilization extending from the coastal waters off the Florida Keys, toward the Bahamian waters, crossing near Bimini, and east into the Atlantic.

Cuba too has underwater ruins off its coast that may have been part of the same city-state complex.

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Hoffman also mentions, almost in passing, the incredible report of explorer Tony Benik who made the momentous discovery of yet another huge pyramid under 10,000 feet of water in the middle of the Atlantic.

The pyramid, Benik claims, is capped with a huge crystal.

And if that’s not enough, Hoffman shares the discovery of the Ari Marshall expedition in 1977. The team discovered a smaller pyramid off Cay Sal in the Bahamas. Marshall snapped underwater photos of the pyramid that’s submerged beneath 150 feet of water.

According to Marshall’s account the mystery pyramid glows. He also reported the water around the pyramid was luminescent and glistening white water flowed out of openings in the pyramid.

Despite the water at that depth being dark (not much light reaches that far down), the water surrounding the amazing pyramid was lit by the glow from the structure and appeared like a phosphoresent green color.

No follow-up exploration has ever been done of the find.

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Did Ice Age flood destroy Atlantis?

Did Atlantis really exist? Is Plato’s description the only history left of the—perhaps—mythical land?

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For an answer, Hoffman turns to the story of the amateur archaelogist who discovered the legendary city of Troy, Heinrich Schliemann: “The man who found and excavated the famous ruins of Troy (which historians thought was only a legend), reportedly left a written account of his discovery of a vase with a metal unknown to scientists who examined it, in the famous Priam Treasure. Inside it are glyphs in Phoenician stating that it was from King Chronos of Atlantis. Identical pottery was found in Tiajuanaco, Bolivia.”

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If Atlantis did exist, it probably existed during the end of the last Ice Age. The story of its sinking relates to the massive floods and rising ocean when the oversized Arctic icecap suddenly receded with catastrophic results for much of the Northern Hemisphere.

At the end of last Ice Age sea levels were nearly 400 feet lower than present day levels. Once the waters began to rise, they rose swiftly. Conceivably, no technology then, or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave.

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Properties of crystal pyramids

Some theories of Atlantis propose the island city’s power pyramids were made of crystal, or their tops were capped with a crystalline substance.

Could such a thing actually generate, store, and distribute energy on demand?


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Experimenters discovered decades ago that pyramids do tend to act in some ways like a natural electrical capacitor gathering and storing energy around them. The larger the pyramid, the greater the capacity of gathering and storing energy. A pyramid’s composition is important too. Having one made of crystal, or an apex made of crystal, could vastly increase its power.

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Crystal has long been known to have energy applications and exhibits natural piezoelectrical properties.

Early radio used germanium crystals to capture the radiowaves and convert them into electrical signals that could be processed and broadcast through headphones into soundwaves duplicating the human voice, music, and other sounds.

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Pyramid power, say investigators, is intrinsic to the pyramid shape. It’s an architecture that’s proven to function as an energy accumulator and amplifier of energetic force.

As if to prove the investigators’ assertions true, recently some of the worlds pyramids began discharging beams of raw energy into space. [See: World's Pyramids Beaming Energy]

The bottom line? Pyramids are intrinsically natural generators of power.

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Pyramids and the ‘Cavity Structural Effect’

Barry Carter calls attention to another property that pyramids exhibit called the “Cavity Structural Effect” (CSE) by its discoverer, Dr. Viktor S. Grebennikov. The scientist employed the CSE to construct a rudimentary anti-gravitic platform.

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Carter explains that “Grebennikov also claimed that he could feel energies emitting from the apex of a pyramid: ‘You will soon pick up an active zone, a “clot”, where the Egyptians had their tombs. Another active zone (a “flame”) above the top of the pyramid is also well-perceived by the indicator if you drag its end over the top. The “clot” and the “flame” are well-felt by the finger inserted into the pyramid, or your palm moved above it after some practice. The pyramid effect, which generated many scary and mysterious stories over the centuries, is one of the CSE manifestations.’”

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Another deadly phenomenon pyramids may create: an energy vortex

Besides the time and spatial anomalies reported in the Triangle, some survivors of terrifing incidents there have reported huge, swirling vortices suddenly appearing and disappearing .

Evidence exists that some missing ships may have gone missing because of this phenomenon.

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Observations of some of the submerged pyramids reveals they sporadically generate intense vortices in the ocean water flowing around them. Those vortices may be caused by a discharge of internal energy.

If those submerged pyramids also discharge massive enegy through their apexes, that could account for the formation of deadly vortices on the surface of the sea that swallows up whole ships along with their doomed crews.

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Future expeditions to these mysterious pyramids may finally uncover the truth and reveal amazing ancient technology.

Unfortunately, deep sea archaeology is very expensive and not well-funded. Most dives are to ancient wrecks that promise riches to risk-taking treasure hunters.

And, of course, the world’s universities are not especially eager to explore the idea that very ancient ruins containing high technology may exist that challenges virtually all of the foundations of their pet theories.

Source: pakalertpress

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  • Alaje talks about Crystal Pyramids around Bermuda Triangle too :) I love Alaje :)
    06.00min :)
    Oh, and thank you Jason for posting this :) Love

  • i thought that this would peak alot of peoples intrests but i got not much reveiwers.

  • after much information i have read over the years,written directive writings,filtered thru mountains of main stream information on the net,read so many comments of impending disclosure,and after reading this excellent post on pyramids,and crystals in the bemurda triangle,and listening from within of myself,i have finally come to the conclusion that the end of the mayan calendar date is a massive surge of energy upon Mother Earth in conjuction with the crystal activated grids will shift Mother Earths vibrations and frequencies into a new dimensional of light.8108980895?profile=original

    • beloved pyramid and crystals of atlantis.... under an ocean bed.... and they dont want the people to know....

      things go missing in that area as under the ocean bed its a portal....

      what stories this earth could tell us, if we stop to listen ... <3

  • Celestial White Beings: Crystals of Atlantis
    Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 09-07-12
    We, are the Celestial White Beings, we are beings of pure white light and consciousness that exist from the ninth dimension right through to the twelve dimension. We exist as a soul group on the inner planes in the multi-universal and cosmic levels of the Creator's universe. It is our purpose to be at one with all the Creator manifests as. Our energy vibration and intentions assisted and supported the original manifestation of the Earth and its purpose; we are here to support humanity and souls on the Earth as well as the souls on the inner planes. We hold tremendous love for you and have collected much wisdom as we exist through and observe the many different shifts of the Earth and the Creator's universe. We, the Celestial White Beings are drawing close to you at this moment to share our support and our unconditional love. 
    So many wonderful and miraculous things are occurring on the Earth now, most shifts and manifestations are occurring on an energetic level and so you may not be completely aware of the situations that are taking place. Of course you do not have to be aware of all shifts that occur on the Earth and the inner planes. It is most appropriate that you are aware of the shifts occurring within you. If you take a moment to acknowledge all the alterations and shifts that you personally have experienced within your being and reality, magnifying this a hundred times you will come close to understanding the energy alterations that are occurring on the Earth and for Mother Earth. It is impossible for you to be aware of all the energetic shifts stirring on the Earth, so your guides alert you to those of most importance. We wish to alert you to energies which are rising and you may wish to connect with at this time to further your understanding of yourself and the Earth. 
    We wish to make you aware that during the time of Atlantis many large and powerful crystals where placed into the Earth, not only into the land of Atlantis but also into other areas of the Earth. These were known as the Atlantean Knowledge Crystals. The Atlanteans themselves anchored these twelve crystals from the inner planes transforming them into semi physical large crystals holding tremendously high energy vibrations. These crystals were large boulder like crystals that could only be moved with the power of the mind. Each crystal had its own unique colour and sacred geometry shape. We, the Celestial White Beings assisted in the manifestation and anchoring of these twelve crystals of light. We, and the Atlanteans who anchored the crystals, understood that the crystals would have meaning and purpose in future civilisations becoming of great significance when a larger number of the Creator's souls inhabited the Earth. 
    A crystal was planted into the south and the north of Atlantis.  At this time the Atlanteans were thriving well but many among the civilisation could see negative times drawing close. They planted these twelve crystals in a bid to dissolve the chaos that they felt was looming. The crystal anchored in the south of Atlantis was of a masculine vibration while the crystal in the north of Atlantis held a feminine vibration. The Atlanteans believed that by anchoring a pure crystal consciousness of masculine and feminine energy that it would manifest greater peace while inspiring a greater unity of the masculine and feminine energy within their civilisation and within their beings. The crystals were seen as twin crystals, meaning that the masculine and feminine crystal needed the existence of each other to cause balance. This was the same for the other ten crystals that were anchored all around the world. TheAtlanteans sometimes placed both crystals in the same country or they linked countries and land together by placing the masculine crystal in one and the feminine crystal in another. They assessed the land, its history and future to discover where it was appropriate to anchor the semi physical crystals. Other sets of crystals were anchored into the United States of America and into Egypt. A feminine crystal was anchored into the United Kingdom while the masculine anchored into Ireland. The last four crystals were anchored into separate areas of the Earth to bring forth greater peace. 
    The Atlanteans of appropriate skill took time to ensure that all the crystals were embedded into the Earth; this caused a drastic increase in the Earth's vibration. The Atlanteans chose to programme the semi physical crystals with the purpose of collecting wisdom and knowledge from future civilisations and also so that they may filter their own understandings as a foundation into each of the twelve crystals. In truth those high vibrational minds of some of the Atlaneans understood that Atlantis was slowly falling from its high vibration into chaos, they also understood that they would be given a chance to return to the Earth in other lifetimes to complete their purpose of existence on Atlantis. They prepared the crystals to offer them support and stability for their current existence and future lifetimes. They also placed the crystals as energetic central points, due to many people on Atlantis foreseeing a move of the people from Atlantis to other areas of the Earth. The crystals were placed akin to magnetic points that they would be able to focus upon and travel to with tremendous ease through dimensions of light, if it was necessary. 
    Unfortunately, during the fall of Atlantis many of the six twin crystals where damaged energetically or were moved from their alignment, some were cast from the solid structure of the Earth into the sea, in some cases even into another area of the Earth. It was the two semi physical crystals that were anchored into Atlantis that suffered the most damage and were filled with negative magic and energy. The twelve crystals only continue to pulsate at a very slow vibration and light, they shifted from semi physical to completely physical crystals embedded within the Earth where they lay almost dormant. The crystals achieved their purpose of allowing many Atlanteans to move from Atlantis to other areas of the Earth but the Atlanteans were unable to save the crystals after this use. 
    Due to the transition of the crystals into physical form many Atlanteans when returning to the Earth in different lifetimes forgot their Atlantean lifetimes and wisdom, even the existence of the twelve Atlantean crystals, which if they had remained in place would have allowed them to access their wisdom on returning to the Earth. 
    It is important to remember that the divine will of the Creator influences all things and the growth that has occurred on the Earth and within souls without the strong presence of these crystals was more beneficial. 
    As the vibration of the Earth has continued to rise at a steady and constant pace many light beings on the inner planes have been working to cleanse, heal and restore the crystals to their original existence and positions. The purpose of our communication with you today is to make you aware that the Atlantean crystals are rising, this means that their energy vibration is increasing and the crystals are moving from physical to semi physical once more, which is where they hold their greater power. You may begin to notice that wisdom from your Atlantean lifetimes may evolve and integrate into your understanding more fully. Memories may seep into your mind, abilities, skills and healing techniques from your Atlantean lifetime. This is appropriate timing as the purpose of this period on the Earth is to collect your wisdom from the past and the future, uniting your energies with all that is the Creator. Atlantis had a very powerful impact on the realities that unfolded after the fall of Atlantis and even today many are overcoming challenges in their current reality which stem from their time in Atlantis. 
    Our purpose of making you aware of the twelve Atlantean crystals and their constant increase in energy vibration back to their original manifestation was for a number of reason. Firstly, we wish for you to send your love and blessings to the crystals to assist in their vibrational increase as well as ensuring their protection and security. Secondly, we wish to make you aware that you will have a shift in the perspective of your mind as new wisdom held within the crystals will flow into the consciousness of many on the Earth as a wave of awakening to greater enlightenment. We are extremely delighted to be able to share this wisdom as it is such a magnificent achievement. Many people have spoken in the past about the rise of Atlantis, this doesn't necessary mean that the land will rise but the crystals and the wisdom of Atlantis will flow into the minds and hearts of humanity, therefore indicating the rise of Atlantis as more people understand the truth of that time
    Please send your love, healing and protection to the crystals; in return you may feel a connection with one of the crystals being restored which will allow for you to accept the wisdom held within the crystal. 
    We, the Celestial White Beings are always here to be of service.
    In celestial light,
    The Celestial White Beings


    May you walk in the love and light always,


    Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies. *  

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