The average American in 1930 worked for 57 seconds a day for the feds-now it's 99 days a year!!!
Dear American Taxpayer,
Are you tired of handing over your hard-earned money to Uncle Sam only to have it wasted on . . .
Federal employees flying first class instead of coach = $146 million annually
Enhancing the Kennedy family legacy = $126 million
Training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job = $2.6 million
If so, pay attention — you are about to be handed the keys to a blueprint designed to keep every cent you deserve . . .
Because it's mishandled appropriations like these that have led this great country down the path to an appalling annual budget of $3,834,000,000,000.
That's a staggering $29,401 per household.
To put this in perspective, the average American has to work from January 1 until April 9 WITHOUT PAY to foot their share of the federal, state, and local taxes. That's more time employed for Uncle Sam than time spent working to provide food and shelter . . . combined!
Compare this to 1930, when the average person worked 57 seconds to pay their federal dues.
But shockingly, unbeknownst to the masses, the wealthiest Americans often don't pay a dime in taxes . . . and it's all legal.
the problem with Uraguay is all of the guys I use in my business come to the US to wrk-they all say the corruption is rampant everywhere even to get utilities installed or fixed-pay offs-income taxes are too high, corporate taxes are too high, capital investment is low-the only saving grace is there is less than three million people in the entire country-the guys I know buy small homes ther real cheap and rent or let family live in them and when they retire they can collect US social Security and live well-everything except gasoline is cheaper-they all say what is happening to the US now they went through in the late 70's and 80's
I trully hope americans wake up and go on country~wide strike to bring down this corruption................
I haven't given Uncle Sam a penny in 20 yrs now. Screw this big scam......................
Being unemployed doesn't count. ;)
I pay or risk an audit