Giving up :(


         I just can't understand other people anymore who just keeps on rejecting me and my assistance for them to be able to "awaken" to their own true self which is Love.I have been connected with Brothers and sisters of the Light/Star Family in facebook and i thought i was just the happiest person alive being able to be one of those in helping spread the Light.I was also connected with unawakened ones as well,family,relatives,friends,acquaintances,strangers.My posts and links and the way i interact with people there in my so Loving way just made some people shut me off their profile,others blocked me,some posted comments on their walls to ridicule me.I tried to accept everything as i can as learning processes and strength for Spirit.But maybe i did overwork too much and so now,i am already giving up on "unawakened" people..i just don't have the Strength anymore..i tried to work on myself by always staying positive and thru prayer and meditation.But,maybe i am just not what it takes to be working for the Light anymore.Too much Love really can "kill" and i have a weak heart ailment because of this.I just can't take it perseverance is going weak.I am an Empath and maybe too much emotions and negativity overwhelmed me.I maybe still need to work more on myself before facing the world again.It just is so hard to always stay grounded with them and go with the flow..i tried "being" my True self at the same time.And i guess it still isn't enough..i guess i am not just One of the lucky ones to be able to survive.I need enlightenment and healing..this "Mission" is just so hard and thorny here for me on planet Earth.Love,Peace and Light..Star heart is breaking so much for Mother Earth and the people who rejects our assistance.I wish you all success in your Loving Mission of Peace and Light.

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  • giving up? Well, check this :) :  :)
    • I you so much..very enlightening and strengthening,Seraph_Philip Light One..Love,Light and Peace ~ Namaste~
    • Thank you for this Seraph..i will..Love and Light ~ Namaste ~
  • Hey just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this. I actually feel better knowing that somebody is going though a similar situation as i am, so thank you for posting. I often send love or put spiritual things on my FB page for people and NO ONE replies, i get the impression they think i am going crazy, i am taking drugs or having a breakdown. However if i post the latest music video or some funny status everyone loves it!! They seem to thrive on negativity and petty talk. I have researched about ascension and how it affects relationships and people in your life. Sometimes we may feel isolated becuase we suddenly realize your once friends and family have alienated you. I have decided not to worry about this, it simply means we do not resonate on the same level anymore and i have hope that one day something will click for these people like it did for me. I often remind myself that i once carried their same mentality and feel fortunate to have awakend now. I limit the amount of things i put on FB now becuase sometimes i feel i am not spiritually strong enough to stand their impressions of me, but as i grow and learn from this i will soon understand not to feel guilty or stupid for putting it out there. Sending you lots of love and light with this message and hope you have a great day. xxxx Jas
    • Love,Light and Peace as  i am grateful,Light One..jambatrumpet..~ Namaste ~
    • It is such Loving relief to know that i am not alone with every heart breaking pain that i encounter through other's negativity and everything that surrounds me..all of the emotions and thoughts are so overwhelming..hearing even their thoughts and as they talk..esp pertaining me.The Loving and positive people are those who i just always am grateful for..even all our imperfections as we go through day by day helping each other out.Jas,thank you so much it is healing to know that i am accepted and loved here by you and all of Star family.I can breathe so much all my feelings here whenever  my heart chakra is aching and so heavy.Thank you for being my Light when mine seems to dim.Much Love,Light and Peace ~ Namaste ~
  • It makes me wonder what you were doing that people would block you on their profiles....

    Some people can't handle the full truth, you have to give it to them in small doses...  Take a step back and focus on healing yourself and being the person you want to be...

    Once you've "re-charged" ~ Your energy will effect people differently and you will see things from a fresh perspective!
    • Thank you so much for all your beautiful and healing Love and Light all  Angels and Light Ones..i know because wherever i go all the "Signs" keep on telling me never give up..keep on "being" Love,Light and Peace and every obstacle and pain i face are all strenghtening and learning experience for Spirit to grow. I am feeling all Healing energies on my Heart chakra already.Such a Beautiful Font,Delilah of flowing energies for me to refresh and renew my "Inner Being".I love you all.~Namaste~
    • Thank you so much,dear ones for your Heart healing and Soul loving Words of Wisdom.I feel so much better,healing and moving on for Spirit Growth.Including my Health,since i feel my Heart ailment is being affected with so much intensity of being attached with the emotions of all that is around me.Now,i am learning to take better care of myself and Soul.I won't give up on the Light.I am learning,understanding,feeling,thinking and respecting everything that makes "Sense".I will go on to Healing myself as well to get back to my old loving "Self"..and not anymore push and open all Truth to all around me.Let them learn for themselves if they are interested or not.It is their Soul choice.If others laugh or throw negativity at me then it is their problem with themselves that they have to work with and not me anymore.For now,my Dear Star Family..i would just like to breathe,experience,love,smile,laugh,pray,meditate,eat,nurture.....Mother Earth,the Animals,my kids,children,my husband,you my Fellow Lightworkers all that i should just be thankful for and say that this "Gift"..this "Awakening"..this Life and this Soul,the Light that we all share is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me NOW...:)And i will be contented,gratefully loving with what is.I Love you all,Star gave me such Strength,Healing and Inner Peace and i will focus more on the "Special things" that are inside of me and discover them.Much Love,Peace and Light,dear ones,Star Family.Thank you so much.~Cosmic bow~ Love,Positivity,Hope,Healing,Light,Inner Peace and strength..:)
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