GLOBAL STRIKE! 2011  A way to take a stand against the Banking and corporate System!  Share this all over the world!!!!

Time: Friday, July 1 at 6:00am - July 8 at 11:00pm
Location: GLOBAL
 There IS a way we can collectively fight back against environmentally destructive multinational corporations. A coordinated global general strike and boycott, combined with personal preparedness, in sufficient numbers, can cause a great deal of economic disruption. The best tactic? Non-participation. A multi pronged strategy will be most effective:

...1. BOYCOTT: All corporate products, beginning with Coke, McDonalds, ADM, and Monsanto. Reduce to eliminate your consumption of gasoline. You can start this now. Lawsuits: The more of their resources are devoted to circular legal action, which is expensive, the more is taken out of their budget without producing anything. File lawsuits of every kind (class action, environmental damage, labor rights).

2. STRIKE: The first week of July 2011. Take your vacation time, sick leave, organize your union to strike at this time. Spend time with family at home! The main thing is: DON'T BUY ANYTHING FOR ONE WEEK. Continue as long as possible, buy the gasoline you will need for a week at least.

3. PREPARE: Learn what wild foods are available to you, identify them, and eat them. Start a garden, organize within your community to become as food self sufficient as possible. Store durable food a little at a time so you have a large supply by July. Plan many crops that will begin to bear by the first week of July.

A permanent boycott will cause price disruption and stock deflation. A coordinated strike will cause specific timed disruption of currency movement (ie it's not coming out of your pocket, and you are not causing any more to be moved or produced), and preparedness to become independent permanently from key industries (industrial agriculture).

The only way to level the playing field with 'the powers that be' is to take their money and make it valueless. Complete abundance causes a market economy to crash! When you have everything you need, what do you need money for? THEY HAVE AS MUCH POWER AS WE BELIEVE IN THEIR MONEY.

Together we can take one more step to bringing the machine to it's knees! Grow your own food! Stop giving them money!
Here is the link.

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  •'s now July 15 and this was supposed to be for first week inJuly, so guess it didn't work???!!?



    • It did have some effect, we just do not notice it because the Dark Cabal will tell us nothing!
    • We did need millions in each country to pull this off!  People are so drugged out on fluoride and other poisons, that they are not participating in these important events.  Will the human race ever WAKE UP!!!!??  :-(


      I hope that they do and very soon!  We must not give up!! Ishtar.



  • You are  right and  i am in  agreement 

    I do not  buy  many of those things  and i don't drive a car, I try to buy my food, bread,clothes & stuff from local family run small shops in our area.   I try to never buy from corporations , little  money i have goes to  small business.  i have started growing some food.   Our Teachers are striking here in England at the  moment, THEY are trying to change our pensions , taking more & more off the  lowest earners, like single mothers, students our elders etc:   (saying we are in this  together )

    how can THEY say that when THEY all have  millions in their  banks  .   

    So glad it's all gona fall down and  money  will be  shared  out more evenly. A time of prosperity is  coming.

    Live in Love x

    • Thank you Melissa!  That is the kind of spirit we need! People have to demand that all governments step down, we are able to rule ourselves from our own local communities!  We don't need government to function nor the international fraudsters known as bankers!   They have the blood of nations on their hands and it is time to take away their ability to create money from nothing!!


      Thank you Melissa for your lovely comment!  :-D 

      Love Light!



  • Hi folks, Hi charles, I have been on this to the degree I am able for sometime now. What should be understood is, we don't have to do anything except embody unconditional love to the highest degree possible in all situations and thoughts.

    Though when i say we don't have to do anything, that's because we've all been so conditioned since birth to do things in a counter productive way.

    For example, someone here said that a guy was growing his own veggies and selling them on the weekends or something to that effect, why. The reason he is selling those veggies is because he is conditioned to think that is the proper course of action. Is it?

    Or is it more productive to freely give away all his veggies and of course keep a little for his own needs.

    From my perspective, it is infinitely more valuable to freely share his veggies, not only does this awaken the higher consciousness in others, it also stops this conditioned idea of debt. You see, if we never share freely and always expect our sharing is returned equally, how does the world attain abundance in relation to basic needs. 

    What I'm getting at is, is very similar to the movie, 'pay it forward'. If instead of expecting an equal return, as if money could be considered that, lol, we instead give or share freely far more than we expect back, then this world would change overnight.

    The parasitic ink paper system, irregardless if it's backed by precious metals, would crumble very quickly if people adopted this consciousness.

    After all, when you think about it, I'm only offering an idea that has been used for some time now, only it has been used against the common people.

    Oh we have all been paying it forward for some time now, only we have been paying it forward to people and groups and institutions that have sought to expand our paying and keep it that way and at the same time suppress everything and anything which might alter the status quo.

    They are operating a house of cards, that only a light breath of fresh air will cleanse away.

    Also, let me state that resisting or fighting or protesting will never, ever in a million years bear any productive fruits. This can be directly applied to relationships and one will see how true this is.

    All that is needed, is to change the ways we have been conditioned to think, which have caused our actions and choices to not be in the interest of the good of one and all.

    May we have the wisdom to realize the path that is best for one and for all.

    peace love light

    • The Strike is to hold back on the system that seeks to destroy us.  We can still share things with people, just no money is exchanged.  I do believe in sharing all that we can with each other.  I am in agreement with you on all that you say Violet.  If we all did this, their house of cards would fall!  We have to change our conditioned thinking!


      Peace, Love, unity and Compassion!


  • Is anyone still in on this?

    I didn't forget!

    • Oh yes!  I am still on it Steve!  Sorry I have been snowed under with thousands of emails.  It has been a crazy couple of months!    Thanks for the reminder, I did remember, just helping as many people as I can.



      Many Blessings


  • Perfect don't fight or protest against THEM, just be able to grow your own and become more independent!

    Perfect, perfect, don't vote anymore, support eacht other agains stupid little laws that they come up with, don't exept it any more. Great idea, dont look TV anymore or at least as little as possible.

    Don't buy the newspapers they are mostly lies anyway. I am supporting you all the way!!!

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