If you find yourself continually tired, irritable, depressed or generally lethargic and restless, your diet could be the underlying reason. In today’s hectic lifestyle, most working individuals do not eat right or consume a balanced meal. Unhealthy snacking, junk food, excessive beverage intake and lack of exercise works terribly on the body and triggers depression, anger, frustration and various heart problems. One of the best ways to improve your health is to chalk out a good exercise regimen, ensure adequate water intake, have a balanced diet and consume detoxifying foods. A detox diet helps to increase energy levels, eliminates toxins from your body, strengthens your immune system, cleanses your skin and leaves you feeling healthier and energetic.Read Full Article With Photos@http://creativesolvibrations.com/go-vegan-14-essential-tips-help-journey/

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  • Do you have any watermellons?


  • Ive eaten every type of food

    ..The problem happens when you think you're superior  than another person based on your energy source choices

    I eat what I have to to live..

    Im on a special diet due to sickness.I need eggs as one source of my protein that i can digest

    milk isnt good for me

    in fact hardly anything i eat even though its organic and clean is that good for me cause im sick

    and when your sick any kind of food is poison...

  • Its a real thrill being Vegan

    try fruitatian


    plasma sunshine receptors.. you have to get your energy from somewhere else

    in a deep parallel way your are much like an ARCHON

    who derives their pleasure from taking life out of something else.


    • Why should one life be different than any other life


      We all derive our life from the energy of the sun which freely gives unlimited amounts.

      The trouble is messing with various grades of evolutinary beings for your your own needs.

      Thus the need to develop a light body wich is much more pure because it takes direcly from the source the sun and gives it right back.



  • I am nearly Vegan ...just the odd milk in tea and sometimes a chocolate ...i am slowly avoiding Milk Products
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