I'm pretty sure I might get some flack from this website, but I'm going to post this anyway - to put it simply, God is the Devil! Yep, I said it. And now to expand further on this to prove it. Here's a video that does that.
I'm pretty sure I might get some flack from this website, but I'm going to post this anyway - to put it simply, God is the Devil! Yep, I said it. And now to expand further on this to prove it. Here's a video that does that.
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My pleasure Frenzy44... things are getting hot on this planet with the US gt/Grey/Reptilian alliance... 1954 was the beginning of the end... God Bless Human-Beings and those sentient light-workers (aliens) who resist them by every means possible... :)
Yes, I see you have caught the fact of God being both good and evil aspects. What you didn't seem to understand is that both polarities are required for the manifestation of life! We simply wouldn't be here except for that fact!
It provides the school ground for our experiences and growth as Soul until we become what our creator needs us to be and understand. Without the dark, we couldn't see what light IS, even standing in the midst of it. We came here to get our spiritual education and training for the next step in our evolution.
The Soul playing as Satan is playing a part assigned to him/her until certain times and events are achieved. Then that being will go on with it's evolution. The people playing the roles of the evil Cabal are also playing their parts in this drama. We get beat up back and forth until we are stimulated to grow up into adult Souls.
We've been living in a time loop until 12-21-2012, when we moved back into the stream of things. It's very convoluted in design, and seems to take a long time to figure out! I'm just beginning to see and understand some of these things. I believe this is what our ascension is truly about...certain cycles reaching fruition and the opportunity for Soul to advance or not, depending upon it's understanding at that particular moment in time, to move up or not. I believe we were given a special extra opportunity to move up in this time frame.
Just keep trying to grow and learn as Soul, for that's what you truly are....a Soul who is running a body and mind. Many Blessings!
What about Dark Matter?
God literally means "to invoke." If you prayed to God without intention for a particular form of deity, any entity could answer your prayer.
The devil isn't a separate entity from us. It is the lower half of us, it is like our own self perpetuated arch-nemisis. It is the energy that prevents us from changing in "positive" light. An example of a devil in your reality could go something like this:
A guy has been wanting to quit eating meat, but he has a girlfriend that keeps cooking it at home once he arrives. This might not be intentionally spiteful, but it occurs. The devil in this situation is the girlfriend, she is stunting his efforts to stop eating meat.
But on the flip-side we all have the opportunity to rise and become "gods". We are given this right, but it doesn't mean we will reach it.
If you are talking good/evil energy, that just really isn't relevant beyond this density. Good and evil is whatever we say it is. Our culture doesn't equate to universal law. There are just always two sides to every coin it seems like.
But the devil and god just really aren't the same thing. They are two completely different concepts.
Most higher beings, not even to the potential of being the highest, are devil free. Why would the creator not be? It can be the instigator of the devil, but assuming how it is pure imagination...why wouldn't it be able to separate itself from that? In my eyes, the creator is anything and everything. So I guess you have a point with that, yet if you ran into the nicest person on the street...you wouldn't also call them a sadistic person even though they contain that attribute.
So I guess I would suggest that we are the devils, and we need to learn to cast it out of us like the Archangel Michael did. A lot of people go off of simply the biblical version, but it goes beyond that.
In occultism, the Archangel Michael was a disagreeable entity at first. I am pretty sure he was in the 6th density or a similar one. The story doesn't reflect kicking "Lucifer" (which is a completely different concept) out of heaven, it depicts Archangel Michael overcoming his lower side.
Like I said, scientifically there cannot be light without darkness. That's a fact. I'm not going to stress this any further.
WOW... the BIG clue SP gives us here is the same clue and answer he gives us with every post he puts up here B L A C K !!! Please SP, your racial bias has clouded your judgement... what's your obsession with black... black vikings you say, no such thing as aryans, whites are somehow fraudulent (the infruence your making right!)... and God is the Devil... what a load of sh*t... i'm sorry but you're crazy... I do wonder whether youre some stooge sitting in a booth working for some subversive secret service Obamalove agency or group trying to push the whole black power thing... dude you dont need to... we love black... spiritual people accept difference... but we wont accept historical lies or re-visionist deceptions... I'll tell you what the Devil is... a reptilian/Draconian Commander from the Orion system who tried to coup gainst the Galactic Council a long time ago and who lost and got his green tail turfed here to planet Terra (Earth)... unfortunately for all of us... suffering, lies, more suffering as he and his minions have taken control of our desperate planet... if you think the Devil is God then you must be a high order Freemason, a Satanist or a Lucifiric Initiate or some souless patsy being paid to infiltrate the pure of intention... either way I am not impressed... GOD is something else, just because you havnt "experienced" IT/HIM/HER as an energy frequency and a Creator of ALL worlds... doesnt mean you have the right to 'educate' us on what God or the Devil actually is... YOU ARE WRONG... God is NOT the Devil!!! :)
Nice rant.
You are welcome... I see you've changed your logo and name... Spiritual Catalyst... fellow Jew here... so, Im curious, what's the underlying agenda to your provocative posts? :) It's asked with sincerity and friendship, no hard feelings friend... I'm just wondering where your stuff is fired from... youve definately got a bee in your bonnet! haha :) PEACE :)
I have no agenda. All I am is sharing my views on life.